MAC All About Orange Collection (June 2013)


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Does anyone think the Rainy Season quad sounds like it might be similar to Masat al Lail from Art of the Eye? If so I can cut one of them (probably Masat) from my list.


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Now this sounds interesting. I'm really loving orange on my cheeks and corals/peaches on the lips and I'm also getting into orange for lips. It makes sense to me that they did a non orange quad. The collection is called All About Orange, so what I think is that they mean the focus is on the orange lips/cheeks. If you were to pair orange eyeshadows with it as well it might be too much and you don't have the focus on just the lips and/or cheeks anymore, but on your complete face if that makes sense. I like the idea of this quad and will most likely get it. I already have Immortal Flower and Flamigo +BU, so no need for those. I'll skip Neon Orange and if I decide later I'm comfortable enough I can always get it from pro. The other two blushes Royal Sunset and Honey Jasmine sound amazing! I was not that impressed by Razzledazzler from early swatches, but the other 4 lippies Sushi Kiss, Sweet & Sour, Tangerine Dream and Tarte & Trendy I have to check out! I hope this collection won't be another pro store exclusive here.


Well-known member
OMG FINALLY THE COLOR STORY :wave: May/June/July will be the death of me. I want all the lipsticks except Neon Orange and all the blushes except Immortal Flower!


Well-known member
I want all of the blushes!


Well-known member
i wonder if this flamingo is going to be more orange. i doubt they are going to make the same color as iris A. mac really sucks at repromotes. anyways im getting it.
my list is

Tarte & Trendy - Bright neutral orange cream (Lustre)
Flamingo - Light milky bright coral (Lustre)
Tangerine Dream -Warm orange cream (Lustre)

Powder Blush
Royal Sunset - Soft cool peach (Satin)
Honey Jasmine - Soft warm coral (Satin)

im actually very excited about the 2 blushes and lipsticks. i dont really understand why the quad is not orange?? the should have repromoted call me bubbles at least. its shame cremesheens dont last much on me. i like the texture alot.
Hope not! I don't want to buy a variation. Esp. of a lippie I'm not so crazy about in the first place.

But the quad?
Not buying 4 greys.


Well-known member
This one is really interesting! I may want two blushes if they are enough different from each other... and I have to see the lipsticks.. I love colors such as Flamingo so, we'll see!


Well-known member
I think I will finally take the plunge and get Neon Orange since I skipped SLN. I think I will like the NO finish more.

Does anyone else think the quad seems out of place in an orange collection? They missed the boat b/c there were so many possibilities for an outrageously gorgeous quad with corals, oranges and peaches. Oh well, I will make my own I guess. I get that the grey eye is to contrast with the bright lip, but an all orange or orange plus neutrals quad would have been so pretty.


Well-known member
I'm getting everything except: the grey quad (which would look good with orange I think, it would've been great with green), the nail polishes, and neon orange lipstick! Can't wait!!


Well-known member
The blushes sound gorgeous (have Immortal flower, luckily). I was hoping for shadows too, I guess I better order from Haley Williams.

Rising Sun is a beautiful gloss, I use it quite a bit. Totally forgot I have Flamingo -- too much make up.


Well-known member
I haven't checked, but I think the CSGs are permanent colors that launched last year. The collection that had Pure Zen in it. Can't recall the name. I'm still getting them because I never went back to get anything from that collection when I found out it everything was going to be permanent.
YES! You must celebrate and splurge. You're only 30 once. Unless you're like Mariah Carey and start celebrating the anniversary of your 30th birthday.
lmao, I'm going to splurge too, but I don't turn 30 till next yr and so nervous about it lol.


Well-known member

Flamingo - Light milky bright coral (Lustre)
Sushi Kiss - Mid-tone coral cream (Satin)
Sweet & Sour - Soft peach cream (Cremesheen)

Imperial Light - Frosted light peach

Honey Jasmine - Soft warm coral (Satin)
Immortal Flower - Bright peach (Satin


Well-known member
Okay I am going to be so broke.

My list:

Tarte & Trendy - Bright neutral orange cream (Lustre)
Flamingo - Light milky bright coral (Lustre)
Sushi Kiss - Mid-tone coral cream (Satin)
Sweet & Sour - Soft peach cream (Cremesheen)
Tangerine Dream -Warm orange cream (Lustre)
Razzlerdazzler - Light cream peach (Lustre)

Powder Blush
Royal Sunset - Soft cool peach (Satin)
Honey Jasmine - Soft warm coral (Satin)
Immortal Flower - Bright peach (Satin)

Rainy Season Eyeshadow 4x * maybe



Well-known member
what's a cool peach? do you guys know any examples of other products that would be called cool peach? i'm having a hard time picturing, since to me the two words are opposites!

i'm mostly thinking i'll get two blushes from this collection, but it'll depend how they compare to the previous peach blushes we've seen of late.


Well-known member
My preliminary list:

Tarte & Trendy
Neon Orange - Bright orange *This one could easily drop off my list, as the description makes me think I will love or loathe it
Sushi Kiss
Sweet & Sour - Soft peach cream
Tangerine Dream -Warm orange cream
Royal Sunset
Honey Jasmine

I don't like Creamsheen glass, and I am not too big a fan of MAC nail polishes either. If the colors turn out to be unique enough I might buy.


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All of the blushes sound amazing too. Definitely want Sweet & Sour and Sushi Kiss. I can't wait!


Well-known member
what's a cool peach? do you guys know any examples of other products that would be called cool peach? i'm having a hard time picturing, since to me the two words are opposites!

i'm mostly thinking i'll get two blushes from this collection, but it'll depend how they compare to the previous peach blushes we've seen of late.
i was also wondering the same thing. I notice that in the Mineralize Rich Lipstick line, Lady at Play is described as "mid-tonal cool tangerine" and people compare it to Ablaze just with a different finish.

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