MAC All About Orange Collection (June 2013)


Well-known member
Don't google Razzlerdazzler. Just. Don't.


Well-known member I completely forgot that Razzledazzler was repromoted in last year's Fashion Sets.

honey on boost

Well-known member
I love the color story. I already have flamingo, razzledazzler and immortal so it won't be too big of a haul. And lmao @ googling razzledazzler. I just had to see what it was. I showed it to the fiancé and he said "that's hot" lmao


Well-known member
The first picture that pops up under Razzledazzler images is SCARY!      :shock:
lmao oh my god, I'm having such a slow day! I totally misread the posts . I saw "don't get" razzler dazzler instead of "don't google", that's why I asked why... lol but now I know what you guys are talking about. Thanks for the heads up :)


Well-known member
o__o omg, of course i was tempted to google razzledazzler. why why why why WHY lol next time i see a warning like this i'll know it's for real.


Well-known member
razzle dazzler.
I always put "MAC" in front of the name of the product when I google it.
thanks for the laugh though. lol


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
I remember being interested in Razzledazzler when it was released with Fashion Sets, but we got different colours over here, so I didn't have a chance to buy it. I'm not sure if I will this time, simply because of all the other new stuff that's coming out. I'll have to see swatches of the other lippies in this collection, I want to keep this haul as small as possible.

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