MAC All About Orange Collection (June 2013)


Well-known member
They all look fabulous on u soooooo pretty and your hair looks so cute in a bun I love buns

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
I got my All About Orange stuff yesterday! My favorites hands down are Tart & Trendy and Tangerine Dream. I don't need lip pencils with them. They seem to brighten up my face. I'm thinking it's because my complexion is more yellow toned. I'm glad I bought BUs. Flamingo is only "nice" on me. I don't need a liner with it, but it doesn't do anything special for my lips. It's just nice. I'm disappointed! I bought a BU, but I don't need it. It will be going in my sale. I love the color of Sushi Kiss. I do need a lip pencil to blend it better with my skin tone, but I don't mind because I really like the color. I played with various pencils, but I like using a brown pencil close to my skin tone best. For me that's MAC Cork/NYX Toast. I'm undecided about keeping my BU for it. I'm leaning towards keeping it because I love the color. But I'm not sure how often I will wear it since it's on the lighter side of my lipstick spectrum. I tend to wear bold colors more often. Sweet & Sour maybe returned. It's Ashcake Ashly. I can make it work with a liner, but I don't think I want to put forth the effort. I think I may also feel the same way about Raspberry Swirl and Pure Decoration. I'm learning that I don't think I want to bother with milky colors. EDIT: Oops! I forgot about the quad. I didn't even open it yet. I'll probably do a look with it when I do open it.
I used BBQ with SK. I agree with the brown family liner and I didn't need much either. TD is so pretty and TNT is awesome. Happy your loving them :)


Well-known member
LOOOVE the new blushes and Tart & Trendy!!! This collection is :cloud9:  !
I agree my fav lipstick color is oranges peach colors so I knew this collection was going to be Hott for me I was going to limit myself to just 3 but I ordered all lipsticks but neon orange.and I'm thinking I want royal sunset blush o the power of mac lol


I picked up sushi kiss from hold today. I'm so glad I put it on hold because all of the other lipsticks were already sold out. They also had lightscapade msf. What is the deal with that msf though? Is it permanent or not? I get different answers everywhere I go.


Well-known member
Honey jasmine on cheeks Tart and trendy on lips Some contour highlighting in accentuate. Some nude on board bronzer No mascara or eyeshadow...
This picture has seriously made me consider running to mac tomorrow morning and picking up tart and trendy, this pic is gorge!!! Xxx


Well-known member
Yesterday I was able to get a Flamingo back up and finally get Honey Jasmine. While I was making my purchases I decided to take a chance and try on Tart & Trendy, my goodness I'm glad I did. I just had to buy Tart & Trendy, its one of my favorites from this collection and I recommend those who are on the fence about it to go in store and try it.

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