MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
Call me paranoid and suspicious but no matter how much I am reassured that my items are supposedly safe I am still making sure. Once I was told a manager had put back my perfect swirls as it wasn't allowed. Another time I was told that executives were visiting etc etc. I would now rather have holds at both Macy's and Nordies then call to release one ( since I am not getting 3 of the same item anymore) but if I am really interested I don't leave anything to chance at all. I used to buy so much at all the counters that no one had any idea where my loyalty was, coughs, Nordies. Still love me some Macy's tho, lol
You know I'm coming with you on this release right? I need someone to hold me back lol


Well-known member
oh dear.. I have to agree with Audrey. Sorry, but I think many of our financial problems stem from a feeling of entitlement.. no, your parents do not have to pay anything off for you.

If you really want to study, you could pay it off yourself... the self respect of paying your own way has no boundaries. And, you will learn to live within your means and control your impulses .. not just save money. In all of life.

good luck,
Although I understand where you are coming from, I think its a little unfair to label me entitled. My family is Nigerian which means education is extremely important, my parents refuse to let me get a job whilst studying as they don't want anything to distract from my studies. I had a job working long hours at KFC whist in my gap year so I do know what hard work is, I was doing 12 hour shifts 6 days a week. I have no problem working to pay for my education myself, but its a gift my parents want to give me
I can understand where you parents are coming from. My daughter is in her second year and I just want her to concentrate on her studies. She does work during the summer, but not when school is in. I am happy to pay her student debt.


Well-known member
JChait, I was powerless and defeated last week during your extravagant haul but this time team low buy reigns supreme! Can't wait to hit Adventura Mall with you and a few more ladies for this release!


Well-known member
JChait, I was powerless and defeated last week during your extravagant haul but this time team low buy reigns supreme! Can't wait to hit Adventura Mall with you and a few more ladies for this release!
I cannot wait. Are we getting up early!?


Well-known member
The suspense is killing me, ugh
gahhh i teach and my semester should be over by then!!

i wish i could click the thumbs up multiple times on this post


Well-known member
I am very excited for this collection! I have been staying off here to try to save money but damn this collection to draw me back in!


Well-known member
I am soooo excited about this collection! The packaging is just sooo beautiful! I've missed out on pretty much every Mac summer collection but dont plan on it this year


Well-known member
I understand your concern and thank you for the advice, I could and probably should cut down on my to buy list. I suppose I'm not worried about the student loans as my parents are paying it off for me. However I do have to get better at saving money 
Lucky you! Student loan debt is not cute.


Well-known member

and whateverthehell is in it
I know you've posted this about a dozen times already, but I still giggle every single time you post it again. You're hyping it up so much that at this point I'm half expecting a gorgeous hunk of a man to come popping out of the compact when I open it to see what's inside!


Well-known member
I think it's nice that your parents are paying for it. These days, a college education is a necessity, and should be considered as part of raising a child. If you can't afford to pay for the education that they need to get a decent job, then don't have a child. That's just my opinion, of course. I did not have any help paying for college and may very well be paying off my loans until I die. I am not proud that I paid for it myself. I'd much rather have had some help! I was the youngest in my family AND the first one to get a college degree. I'm proud of myself for doing the work. It took me 12 years of going to school at night while I worked. I'm proud that I worked hard to get a degree. To each their own, though. It is important to be grateful for what your parents are doing, but only you know your situation. I'm sure that you were mostly joking about the money for this collection. I don't pretend to know how various cultures and parents think about the importance of education. I just know that I would have been so happy if my parents had even helped me pay for it. (Or for that matter, if they would have been proud or supportive, but that's a different topic.)
I agree with most of what you said. The only thing I don't agree with is that if parents can't afford to send their children to college they shouldn't have kids. Tuition is the only thing that goes up every year without fail. At that rate, there would be no babies!

Audrey C

Well-known member
I'm putting my kids through university; I'm glad to be able to do it since tuition has increased here at levels well exceeding inflation and a summer job will no longer come close to covering it. I will not, however, fund things like makeup (other than as birthday/Christmas type gifts). My husband and I made considerable sacrifices for many years to save enough for three first degrees. I gave up my own love of cosmetics for many years, for instance. I tell my kids that they're getting their inheritance early (when they actually need it) so that they can start their adult lives debt-free. It could just be a joking reference about using student loans and it being ok because parents are funding, but obviously a collection haul is not an educational expense and not something I would expect a parent to have in mind.


Well-known member
Goddess of the Sea l/s
Fathom's Deep EDES
Seduced at Sea EDB

Still reasonable I think. Even Though I'm looking at Soul Serenade.
I'm hoping the face component has Double Definition. I missed out on that one.
I'm completely ready to pass on Goddess of the Sea if its a luster. It would have to be one hell of a pigmented Luster to sway me.


Well-known member
I agree with most of what you said. The only thing I don't agree with is that if parents can't afford to send their children to college they shouldn't have kids. Tuition is the only thing that goes up every year without fail. At that rate, there would be no babies!
Well, my parents had me and couldn't afford to pay for my college. Thankfully, I qualified for financial aid and I also worked my butt of working a retail job plus keeping my grades up to be able to continue qualifying for financial aid. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't be where I am today. I am the first in my family to graduate college and get my teaching credential.

So know that your tax dollars do help those of us that really have goals in life and I really do appreciate that. I know there are many that cheat the system but there are also good people out there. :)

I'm a teacher now and intend to instill into my students that it doesn't matter where you come from, you too can be someone in life.

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