MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
Aargh! Now i'm "only" 700 messages behind. I give up. (throws hands up into the air, then catches them)

So i got to my local MAC this AM around 9:15. I was the first one there. Whew! But, what do i see? The Allluring Aquatic display is already out! And some of the slots are not filled? How can this be?

Another woman shows up around 9:30. She's on her cell. She walks to the door and peers in, then crankily asks when it opens. She's in front of the sign on the door that tells the hours. I say, "10 AM." She gets even crankier, "Why can't the open sooner?" Then she goes to sit in her car and wait. I'm still sitting out in the cold and i left my hot coffee in my car. What was i thinking?

A young woman shows up and sits not far from me on the bench, face down into her cell phone - i think she's Facebooking, but i'm not sure.

I recognize a MAC SA coming down the street. She recognizes me and says "Hi!"... then she tells me that the collection went on sale YESTERDAY!!!! Wednesday! Yesterday!?!?! I hope they aren't sold out of anything i want... Maybe that explains all the empty slots in the display... Why didn't know!?!?!? I make the face in the Edvard Munch painting, "The Scream". It's not much different from the face Macaulay Culkin made in "Home Alone". I feel a faint sense of panic. I have been Low Buying all year so far - skipping some collections, buying one or 2 things from others.

I get out my cell phone and check Alluring Aquatic stock at Nordstrom, Macy's, Bloomingdales, Nearly everything is sold out, even the nail polish i want!!!

Another young woman arrives to wait in the cloudy cold. Finally it's 10, the doors open, and i rush in waving my list. My intention is to have the SA pull the stuff, then i'll swatch and put a bunch of it back. The cranky woman who was on her cell comes in after everyone else. The young women are swatching. She's still on her cell, and she is even crankier. In a loud and crotchety voice she complains that she was there ahead of everyone but me (which is true) and she *demands* to be waited on. And she is still on her cell.

Meanwhile my SA is pulling my stuff and I am swatching lipsticks and lipglosses and AS ED bronzer. I make one change - i ask her to put Water Deities back and get me Seductive Sound instead. Otherwise, i don't ask her to put anything back, and i buy waaaaaaay too much beautiful stuff -- think i may even have gotten the last Aphrodite's Shell, which will work on my neutral toned skin. Except for one thing... they were OUT of Fathoms Deep ED e/s. Nooooo! Aargh!

But the SA is sweet and calls another MAC counter. They have Fathoms Deep, but they won't hold anything because it's a new collection. It's about a 30 minute drive there at best - and today is not the best. There's plenty of crazy traffic. I finally see the mall but i take the wrong exit, because i've never gone to that mall. I drive around looking for it, for what feels like a long time, through suburban style residential neighborhoods. Finally, i see some businesses and, in desperation, i enter a fast food drive-thru and ask the girl who takes orders how to get to the mall. I'm sure it isn't far away. She sounds a bit puzzled by my request, but she tells me. Meanwhile i have to wait for the guy in front of me in the giant pickup truck to get his order.

I finally get to the mall and find the Macy's. I park near a door. But there's a sign on the door saying for MAC Alluring Aquatic people should line up at another door far far away. I walk into that door anyway, through the men's wear dept., through most of the cosmetic department and finally see the MAC counter. They want to help me. They want me to buy more, more! All i want is Fathoms Deep and i get it. The traffic is still crazy in the other direction going back. Fathoms Deep is beautiful. Still I suspect it may not have been worth driving through crazy traffic for a total of about 70 miles.
best recap i've read, haha.. this part made me laugh out loud and my son came running to see what was so funny. i could totally envision that look of terror... i feel your pain. glad it all worked out in the end!!

Dolly Snow

I know what u need to make you feel better .... SOUP!!! Lmao!!
Girl you so cray lol


Well-known member
Hey everyone I have been a little under the weather. But trying to keep up with the posts. Lovely pics and i hope everyone is enjoying their spoils.


Well-known member
I went to Macy's earlier to swatch and see if I wanted any more from this collection...I was so close to buying SS! But my friend talked me out of it lol - I guess that it's a good thing since I know Osbourne is gonna be a lot of money for me. But I did swatch Enchanted One and omggg...I seriously cannot wait until it comes tomorrow! @Dolly Snow - you should definitely get it if you haven't already - I think you will love it


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Msgyal

Ok, well that settles it then! I'm going to MAC early in the morning.

I got my Enchanted One and from the swatches I have seen in this thread it is the exact same lipstick as Velvet Tedy. If I had of know that I would have picked different color because I don't even care to much for my Velvet Tedy lippie it just sits and collects dust. I put both lippies side by side and they look exactly the same. I'm not even gonna swatch Enchanted One because they're already swatches of the comparison of both and they're in my opinion the same dang lipstick renamed. URRRRRRR


Well-known member
Hey Ladies!

Got my goodies today - GOTS, Mystical, Fathom's Deep, Lorelei, Sea Worship, Silver Sun, and Clear Water!

Love them all! Mystical is stunning. I love it - the perfect combo of pink, red, and brown.

Wish I had bought Legendary Lure - going to try to get it tomorrow!

Hope you ladies had a great haul day!


Well-known member
Mandy looking gorgeous! Everything looks so fabulous on everyone! I love this collection. Only problem is I keep wanting more! Lol


Well-known member
I forgot to post my swatches!

Lorelei, AS, Delphic. SaS next to Delphic and SMHM below SaS

Legendary Lure below

I didn't even need to rub vigorously to get the bronzers and blushes to show up this way either.
Are you happy with SMHM?

Quote: Originally Posted by erine1881

I don't feel bad for her. She didn't do her homework, and now she's wasting a ton of product because of it. She's an idiot.
I blame you for me buying the new Too Faced melted lipsticks. Yup. It's your fault!
Which one's did you get. WIll you post swatches when you get them?

Dolly again I'm sending good vibes your way.

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