MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
It's impossible to keep up everything has to be decided quickly and there is always that "I hope I don't regret not getting such and such."it's enough to drive you crazy I can't believe makeup runs my life like this lol ..stores here are not very helpful but I might make a few calls and see if I can get some info because if I miss my mac email or text and miss the collection I will just die!! Don't want to go instore online is where I'm at.Mac will be responsible for my fading bank balance lol


Well-known member
I called my local MAC counter and they have put SS, FD, and SaS on hold for me... I knew I should have went after work. Now I'm home with the kids and I definitely don't feel like taking them out anymore! oh my goodness! amazing!!
adding SS now it's beautiful this is crazy I think I'm an aqua trip lol!!*cries..trouble problems*


Well-known member
I have about 20 pages to go before I'm caught up but I wanted to report on my trip to my local pro store since I'm finally at a computer again. They surprisingly had a lot in stock! All of the eyeshadows, Delphic, and Enchanted One were sold out. I was able to try on Pet me, Please and Siren Song but I don't think I did it right. SS looked weird on me... maybe my lips were too dry? I loved Pet me, Please with Dervish underneath! I topped it with a gloss but already forgot the name.

I also got Cosmo as my B2M sub for Mystical!

Crosswires, Mystical, Cosmo

AND! The highlight of my visit was getting color matched! Apparently I'm NC25! Who knew??


Well-known member
Thank you! Cant wait for you to love Siren Song as much as I do!
I Know I will. I just can't wait for it.


Well-known member
[@]dcarrington[/@]: As promised. SS on top, Naked Bud on the bottom. I'm NW50. First pic is with flash; second is without.


Well-known member
So after hearing from my uncle again, he told me they won't know know anything till tomorrow. So as a stress breaker I am heading to my counter...... Going to swatch and see if I need anything else!  If nothing catches my eye, I will be backing up SS!  I am literally in love with this lippie! 
I know what u need to make you feel better .... SOUP!!! Lmao!!

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