MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
A haul doesn't have to be big to be good.   You got some good stuff, I hope you enjoy it. On a side note, can we talk about youtubers who say "I didn't get much" and then show nearly every product in a collection?  lol 
:) thanks ladies! I'm really excited for my new goodies. I can't wait to play with them tonight when I go out :party: I'm running around with no makeup on. Am I the only one who hates having to do their makeup twice? Lol
Wearing all of my new goodies! Seduced at sea and refined golden on cheeks and Lorelei as a cheekbone highlight! (Obssesed with this as a highlight, thanks Karen :heart: ) and a light wash of siren song! Love everything so far :)
In different lighting to show how pretty Lorelei is as a highlight!
Gorgeous! That does make such a pretty highlight!
I really love goddess of the sea. Sorry for indoor lighting as it is overcast here again but you can see the color pretty good. Great pigmentation and the color is a pretty balanced purple without too much red. This is what I wanted boyfriend stealer to look like. I may try layering them.
:agree: I wish boyfriend stealer looked like that as well. gOTS is very pretty on you!
Mac heroin LL with PMP on top. Love love love


Well-known member
Today i was only, what, about 500 posts behind, 16 pages to read - but i just caught up (and since i've been writing this 14 new posts have come in). Whew! I hope Dolly's grandma and BrknFlwr's mother get better. And for everyone who's having a bad day or two - Siren Soup!

I'm wearing some of my AA goodies today. Siren Song on the lips - i would suggest not putting it on too thickly - i think it's meant to be subtle, that way it's still sheer and not too frosty, but still highlights the lips. I prefer Tropical Mist, but SS is definitely a really great nude - it accents your own natural color - and i'm glad i got it.

I've got Aphrodite's Shell on my cheeks as a blush. I'm not really a bronzer wearer, and I wasn't sure it would work on me, i was concerned it would be too yellow or orange. I tested it in-store and on me it had a relatively neutral look and just deepens my natural skin tone.

On my eyes, Lorelei on the inner part of my lids, Silver Sun on the outer side, Fathoms Deep in the crease, and closest to my tear duct a tiny touch of Champagne Truffle from the Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette. I used the 233 Split Fibre Eye Brush from this collection and really liked it - it's fairly small, not too soft and not too stiff, which gives me a lot of control. I even used FD as a liner on my eyes.

Dolly Snow

thanks dolly I got some items from this collection but my list was long I didn't get half of what was on my list but I'm okay about that happy with what I got now time for kelly lipsticks yay
At least you got something from this collection so thats good. It's vetter to be happy with what you got, glad you are babe. Yes yes moving on to kellys lippies lol so am I!


Well-known member
I'm sitting here staring at my lovelies and I'm debating whether to throw away the boxes or not. I feel like when I keep the boxes, I'm hoarding lol. Mom looks at me and is like "You're worried about hoarding a lipstick box when you have a huge container of lipsticks already???" LOL! needless to say, I'm keeping the packaging. For the lipstick at least, maybe not for the liner.
I keep all my special packaging. I keep skin care and foundation packaging for the ingredients. I hauled Sea Worship and I love it. I'll be wearing it with 2 of my NARS eye paints. Greenish golds are going to be my eye look this summer. The shadow is all I ended up with. I'm waiting on the Osbournes for Bijou.


Well-known member
I'm sitting here staring at my lovelies and I'm debating whether to throw away the boxes or not. I feel like when I keep the boxes, I'm hoarding lol. Mom looks at me and is like "You're worried about hoarding a lipstick box when you have a huge container of lipsticks already???" LOL! needless to say, I'm keeping the packaging. For the lipstick at least, maybe not for the liner.
I keep all my special packaging. Unless I have backups of the item, then it makes me feel ok about tossing the extra boxes out. :lol:


Well-known member
Wow! Everyone is looking amazing in their AA goodies. When was the last time we had a thread that's over 600 pages? Can't recall. Don't know if I shud be amused or annoyed. SA still don't know the names of the items or the collection the items are in. If I had a dollar for everytime I am asked , "Is it a eyeshadow or a lipstick?". Ugh. End of rant.
I experienced that when I went to my counter for Fantasy of Flowers. I was surprised that they didn't know what I was talking about when asked for a certain product. They had to ask me what it was.
I just got Enchanted One, tried it on and its my perfect nude lipstick. I have found it!! Now I have to get a BU of it, oh boy!
Well I just received my Mystical, PMP and GotS lippies. The only one I will be keeping is PMP. I will get the clear water l/g to go with it and it will also work a lippie for combos. Siren Song is on its way and I already know I'm keeping that. The only lippie left after that is EO. So far I am underwhelmed with Mystical and GotS because they look sooooo much like other lippies I have in my stash. Nothing to go crazy for....well except for the packaging. I'm passing them along to my niece. She'll go crazy for the packaging and enjoy them. Wouldn't it be cool if MAC gave customers the option of putting someone's favorite lippie or other beauty product in  a L/E packaging of their choice? This option could be open just for a limited time.  Eh. Wishful thinking.
That would be amazing!!


Well-known member
Yeah...I'm totally on the fence with PMP. It doesn't look good on me on its own, but I still need to play around with it using some lip liners. Mystical isn't my favorite either from the collection. I like's pretty, but I have lots of lipsticks similar. I'm gonna wear the damn thing, but it's not a WOW color to me.

SS & EO are my absolute faves from this collection. SS wins though!
Today i filled my lips with In Synch lip pencil and a little Whirl and put PMP on top and my lips looked sooo lush:)


Well-known member
She is gorgeous!  She has such a pretty glow to her skin, so I'm sure she is on point when it comes to using those products on WOC.
Shes always an awesome reviewer! Just beautiful how it gives a natural glow!
I agree ladies!
She definitely gets it, a shame she doesn't post here anymore.
Watching this video, I was thinking "she sounds like she comes to Specktra for info." Because she said something like she had a list long before the collection launched. Sounds familiar. :lol:


Well-known member
I dunno about you guys, but I don't always buy bronzers to contour my face. I usually buy bronzers to WARM UP my face, to give my skin a glow, and some life.

If I want to contour, I use my Kevin Aucoin Sculpting Powder or my Chanel Notorious, or some other very matte/grey-ish bronzer. I think way too many people expect ALL bronzers to be good contouring products, but that is not the sole purpose. If you are fair skinned, I'm sure these bronzers in this collection can work as your contour product, but I didn't buy them to do that..I wanted the GLOW.

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
sirens song with Clearwater and aphrodites shell mixed with Delphic to bronze Still can't decide if I need a blush or the eyeshadows : /
You are gorgeous! SS is perfect on you!:eyelove:
you ladies are so sweet! seriously though if anyone skipped ss don't be scared or put off by it it's very sheer!
I so agree with you! It's a great color.
Thank you Dolly!
You just sold me on it!! Thanks Love :eyelove:
Good 4 you! It's awesome!
You look stunning and have beautiful skin.
she's so beautiful!

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