Thank you.
It seems like such a difficult thing when a grandparent passes. You have your own relationship with them to grieve, and then parents tend to lean on their children in that time. My mom lost her dad two months ago and now my dad lost his dad. It's difficult to watch your parents hurt like that. You are such an amazing daughter to help with travel and expenses.

I wish my mom would lean on me. But she isn't.
She feels guilty because if she could walk she would have been there the second they called.
My dad works out of town, he has to be home to get her out of bed.
I am very sorry for your parents and you aswell.
Quote: Originally Posted by
That's the saddest and sweetest thing I've ever read. I'm totally bawling right now.
My dad's dad was unconscious for the longest time after suffering multiple heart attacks and strokes (he was 91 i think???). When they thought that it was about that time, we all drove down to Florida to see him before he passed. For all that time he held on, and ended up passing the night we got down there, just hours after my dad was able to see him and tell him he could go.
I don't because i don't have 99% alcohol, only 70%. When it broke, it broke in layers, like if you were leveling a cake. Does that make sense? The top half layer just fell right off!