MAC and Iris Aphel Discussion


Well-known member
I feel the need to mention to anyone that wants to avoid the lipsticks because they are matte... THESE ARE THE CREAMIEST MATTE LIPSTICKS I'VE EVER COME ACROSS!! They don't go on like your traditional mattes. They go on the lip very smoothly without any tugging or pulling. I went back to PRO yesterday and ended up hauling 2 of the shadows. I'll get more lippies but when they are in store. I got Robin's Egg and Howzat. I know I said earlier that the tester swatched awful and that's why I skipped it. When I went back yesterday I found that it swatched much much better than it did initially. Temptalia also didn't have much to say about Howzat but to me it swatched wonderfully. Still on my to get list is the lipstick Party Parrot.


Well-known member
This is great to know Dilligaf!!! Matte lipsticks and I don't always seem to work out, but I keep on trying. I am excited about getting all four new lippies from this collection. One because I just love birds, two the bright colors are unique and eye catching and three I want Iris' collection to do wonderful. She seems like such a sweet & genuine person. I hope this does great for her.

I feel the need to mention to anyone that wants to avoid the lipsticks because they are matte... THESE ARE THE CREAMIEST MATTE LIPSTICKS I'VE EVER COME ACROSS!! They don't go on like your traditional mattes. They go on the lip very smoothly without any tugging or pulling. I went back to PRO yesterday and ended up hauling 2 of the shadows. I'll get more lippies but when they are in store. I got Robin's Egg and Howzat. I know I said earlier that the tester swatched awful and that's why I skipped it. When I went back yesterday I found that it swatched much much better than it did initially. Temptalia also didn't have much to say about Howzat but to me it swatched wonderfully. Still on my to get list is the lipstick Party Parrot.


Well-known member
There's not too much "oomph" in Flamingo. I have slightly more pigmented lips then T, and I'm close to her skintone at NC30/35. Flamingo wears very light on me. Leans pinky coral, but not an obvious coral. Has a sheer "glossy" feel. Have to do 2 layers to build up a noticible color. Next to all the vibrant colors in this collection, it definitely doesn't have that quality. But it is a nice wearable everyday shade. I don't see myself reaching for this as a "statement" color like the vibe of the others from this collection.

Fusion Pink wears bright pink-coral for me.
Hibiscus from Surf Baby wears coral on me but a little redder than pink. But still has a pinkish tone.
Maybe Ultra Darling Sheen Supreme. It's pink-coral on me. Still that glossy look, but definitely brighter and more noticible than Flamingo.

Hope that helps doll!

I am rethinking Flamingo. When I look at the swatches it seems so sheer (of course this could be due to the fact that the swatch photo shows it with the 3 mattes in the same collection). I want a pink-coral with a bit of oomph. Suggestions?


Well-known member
I feel the need to mention to anyone that wants to avoid the lipsticks because they are matte... THESE ARE THE CREAMIEST MATTE LIPSTICKS I'VE EVER COME ACROSS!! They don't go on like your traditional mattes. They go on the lip very smoothly without any tugging or pulling. I went back to PRO yesterday and ended up hauling 2 of the shadows. I'll get more lippies but when they are in store. I got Robin's Egg and Howzat. I know I said earlier that the tester swatched awful and that's why I skipped it. When I went back yesterday I found that it swatched much much better than it did initially. Temptalia also didn't have much to say about Howzat but to me it swatched wonderfully. Still on my to get list is the lipstick Party Parrot.

As I recall, Candy Yum-Yum is labelled "matte," but applies more like a Satin.
Is that what these are like?
I still maaaybe want only Party Parrot from this collection, and since Fusion Pink and Deliciously Forbidden have been added to the "Good-byes" area, I may go for one of them, and give the Iris Apfel lipsticks a miss, entirely, though I *do* want Embrace Me liner, and Howzat's not completely out of the question.


Active member
I am NW15 and I bought Flamingo, Party Parrot and Pink Pigeon! I tried them all on in my pro store and loved them so very much!


Well-known member
This picture is the reason I've been lemming Flamingo for the last few months. For those that have it, does it look like this when applied? (obviously depending on lip pigmentation to some degree). In the picture it was paired with Stripdown lip pencil



Well-known member
This picture is the reason I've been lemming Flamingo for the last few months. For those that have it, does it look like this when applied? (obviously depending on lip pigmentation to some degree). In the picture it was paired with Stripdown lip pencil

It does not only depend on lip pigmentation, but also on your complexion. An NC skin will reflect color and light differently than NW.


Well-known member
Thank you Mac Guy...I'm a medical esthetician, so I realize that. I was just trying to generalize

No worries. I think you can achieve this look by using only a thin layer of Flamingo. You might need to reapply it more often, but the new trends seem to feature very light lip applications (maybe with a touch of extra color in the center of the lips).


Well-known member
I feel the need to mention to anyone that wants to avoid the lipsticks because they are matte... THESE ARE THE CREAMIEST MATTE LIPSTICKS I'VE EVER COME ACROSS!! They don't go on like your traditional mattes. They go on the lip very smoothly without any tugging or pulling. I went back to PRO yesterday and ended up hauling 2 of the shadows. I'll get more lippies but when they are in store. I got Robin's Egg and Howzat. I know I said earlier that the tester swatched awful and that's why I skipped it. When I went back yesterday I found that it swatched much much better than it did initially. Temptalia also didn't have much to say about Howzat but to me it swatched wonderfully. Still on my to get list is the lipstick Party Parrot.

I wore Howzat today with no problems. I used the 226 to apply it.


Well-known member
Just got back from my trek to the pro store. I was not going get any products from this collection. I went to pro for Naturally, which I hauled. I also got almost all of the lipsticks from this collection. I skipped morange and bought the other 4. Actually I B2M the other 4.

OMFG these lipsticks are gorgeous. Most of them are bright, but they are a gorgeous bright. Not a tacky, obnoxious bright. Flamingo is the only "non bright" one. I swatched, fell in love and had to get all of them. I will need to tone them down a bit & maybe use elegant one's smoosh and dab method. I couldn't not get them.

The shadows were not great. I swatched them and was immediately turned off. Maybe the testers were not great? I highly recommend testing the es before you buy. I passed on all of the shadows.


Well-known member
My Howzat e/s in my Fafi Eyes 1 Quad swatches wonderfully! I do recommend getting that eyeshadow. After seeing swatches of all four lipsticks, I am now prepared to stalk MAC's website now until Monday or Tuesday to place my order.


Well-known member
Looks looks like its just Party Parrot for me. I like Flamingo but I have Ever Hip so I dont need it. Pink Pigeon is pretty but I'll just stick with my candy yum yum and plan on getting Show Orchid eventually. I'm thinking Scarlet Ibis too, but will prob just pass.

So between this and Naturally I'm only getting two things....wohhhhh lol But I'm getting a backup of Restrict so it will still be around 60$ still


Well-known member
Very much so. I missed out on a backup of Playtime and still kick myself in the butt as its my fav lippy. So ever since Ive backed up Gaga 1 lippy, hocus pocus, and going to bu Restrict. It's nice to know I can wear it often and still have another after its gone. Now I see why macguy does it a lot. If you know your gonna wear it a lot back that baby up!



Well-known member
i hope my box hurries up and arrives! i am looking forward to playing with my goodies so much :) it's been a while since i rocked super bright eyes because i've been using more neural shades because i've been in a rush doing my makeup.... but now i know robins egg is on it's way to me i shall be making the time to se this awesome shadow!!


Well-known member
Just want to clarify that this collection is ONLINE ONLY in the get your goodies while you can!
