MAC and Iris Aphel Discussion


Well-known member
Just want to clarify that this collection is ONLINE ONLY in the get your goodies while you can!

yeah i only just found out it's online only! made me happy i ordered my stuff right away because i think certain things are going fast!


Well-known member
Is RE the only shadow you picked up from this collex? What lippies did you haul?
PS Don't forget about my RE Tutorial! heehee wink

i hope my box hurries up and arrives! i am looking forward to playing with my goodies so much :) it's been a while since i rocked super bright eyes because i've been using more neural shades because i've been in a rush doing my makeup.... but now i know robins egg is on it's way to me i shall be making the time to se this awesome shadow!!


Well-known member
I am really considering getting 2 Flamingo. Which is crazy because I don't know how it will look on me but I would hate if I really loved it and didn't back it up. Thanks MAC for making me paranoid.


Well-known member
Looks looks like its just Party Parrot for me. I like Flamingo but I have Ever Hip so I dont need it. Pink Pigeon is pretty but I'll just stick with my candy yum yum and plan on getting Show Orchid eventually. I'm thinking Scarlet Ibis too, but will prob just pass.

So between this and Naturally I'm only getting two things....wohhhhh lol But I'm getting a backup of Restrict so it will still be around 60$ still

I feel same way although I have no idea how I will react when I see them in person.
I love bright lips.

Any suggestions if I should get Fusion Pink or Party Parrot.? TIA!


Well-known member
I wonder how much Pink Pigeon looks like Anime or Pretty Boy OCC lip tars as I own both. Not that it would stop me from buying but I'm wondering.


Well-known member
I feel same way although I have no idea how I will react when I see them in person.
I love bright lips.

Any suggestions if I should get Fusion Pink or Party Parrot.? TIA!
I would get Party Parrot because FP is pro and IMO PP is much nicer!


Well-known member
Whooooooa...I just put Pink Pigeon and Show Orchid together in Christine's swatch gallery, and they're reeeeeeally close. Show Orchid's just a shade or two darker. I was already contemplating whether not to get Pink Pigeon since I already have CYY, so I'm gonna drop it. More cash saved!


Well-known member

LOL at first I thought ok this is a bit of a dramatic statement but then I really thought about it, it is definitely accurate!


Well-known member
I was just playing with Temptalia's swatch gallery too and it looks like Flamingo and Cut a Caper from Tartan Tale aren't too far off each other either. Cute A Caper is slightly more peach.

I have trouble working Cut A Caper (I have it) so I think I'll pass on Flamingo.


Well-known member
I guess this will actually show up tomorrow like someone said CS relayed to them.
Hopefully sooner than later. I guess I better go play with my stash and decide what I'm actually going to buy. I kinda want to go nuts, but at the same time, I think I need to stop buying things just b/c I can. I already did damage at the CCO Saturday.


Well-known member
Everyone keeps raving about how these don't apply as mattes but do they stay as long and have that true matte finish? I personally love how Lady Danger and Ruby Woo look and stay on so long. I am not a fan of how they apply though but will work with them since I love the colors, staying power, and finish.

I got Taupe and it applies more like a Satin but it doesn't have that true matte look and feel to it.

I really want to get all 3 but am not sure if I'll have time to go try them in store. Can anyone comment please?



Specktra Bestie
Fusion Pink or Party Parrot? I can't decide!

Well, I haven't seen Party Parrot in person and I don't want to sell it short, but Fusion Pink is an amazing colour. It's an amplified creme, so it packs a real punch and it has this really eye-catching sheen to it. I would say that it depends on which finish you prefer.