MAC and Iris Aphel Discussion


Well-known member
I got my Pink Pigeon, and on me, it really is pretty close to Quick Sizzle. PP is brighter, and QS has a bit more blue in it I think, but I love them both. I honestly love Quick Sizzle more though.

Here's a picture of both on my hand (NW15). Quick Sizzle is on the top and Pink Pigeon is on the bottom.

They look really close! Agree, Pink Pigeon looks brighter.
Quick Sizzle is my favorite l/s right now! I just love it. It's PERFECT


New member
That tweet makes me scared: I don't want the campaign to be off the shelf already! I need me some scarlet ibis :( its too soon for it to be gone! Demand is still high! Lol


Well-known member
I am so sad! I ordered Scarlet Ibis during the 2 hour restock, and I received my order today and they sent me Pink Pigeon!! It even says Scarlet Ibis on the receipt and shipping notices. I emailed CS but I doubt there is anything they will be able to do for me. This was probably my last chance at Scarlet Ibis :(

Maybe you can swap it for someone for a Scarlet Ibis?


Well-known member
I am so sad! I ordered Scarlet Ibis during the 2 hour restock, and I received my order today and they sent me Pink Pigeon!! It even says Scarlet Ibis on the receipt and shipping notices. I emailed CS but I doubt there is anything they will be able to do for me. This was probably my last chance at Scarlet Ibis :(
Aww. That sucks:(
But you got Pink Pigeon instead, I would LOVE to get Pink Pigeon ><"
If you're going to sell it to someone, please do let me know^^


Well-known member
That is honestly the most adorable thing! Is it weird that I feel a "grandaughter-esque" pride for this sweet woman!? She must be tickled Pink (Pigeon lol) at how well this collection did! (Sorry... I couldn't resist the pun!)

Iris Apfel with her collection!/MACcosmetics/status/168018094923583489/photo/1

princess sarah

Well-known member
I agree with your description which is why I ended up dropping QS off my list after grabbing 2 pink pigeons
Now that I've seen Quick Sizzle, seriously, if you have Candy Yum Yum, you really don't need Pink Pigeon too, if you're getting Quick Sizzle. If you don't have Candy Yum Yum, Quick Sizzle is still very close to PP and what I'd call more wearable and sophisticated while still being totally bright and loud too. Especially if you were going to use a lip pencil underneath, there would be not much difference.

Pink Pigeon I'd say is only something to go insane over and do reckless things like buy off of ebay if you don't have CYY and want the absolutely loudest, most obnoxious hot pink you can find. If you have a darker skin tone, Quick Sizzle will actually look brighter and better than PP, too - which is more blue based and with more white undertones, so there's that too.

Check out my further comments in S3/C3 thread if you want more.


Well-known member
It's not weird, she is an amazing woman! I love that this collection did so well and i really hope mac will do more of these collections. Maybe Iris Apfel 2.0?


Well-known member
IDK how I feel about Iris as a person anymore...

im not sure if shes saying that all women over size 10 is fat, ugly, and sloppy or that the ones she seen do not know how to dress


Well-known member
IDK how I feel about Iris as a person anymore...

im not sure if shes saying that all women over size 10 is fat, ugly, and sloppy or that the ones she seen do not know how to dress

I don't think she was trying to be mean to people that are fat. I do recognize what she says a bit, because sometimes people do wear clothes that don't fit their shape. When i see that i also think please wear something that suites you better. I hope this doesn't come off mean, because i really do not think people over size 10 are ugly. I also have seen size 10 people that look amazing, because they wear clothes that suite them.


Well-known member
I don't think she was trying to be mean to people that are fat. I do recognize what she says a bit, because sometimes people do wear clothes that don't fit their shape. When i see that i also think please wear something that suites you better. I hope this doesn't come off mean, because i really do not think people over size 10 are ugly. I also have seen size 10 people that look amazing, because they wear clothes that suite them.
Yea i was thinking maybe she meant they didnt know how to dress for their size but i think the way she said it could def be misleading and very rude? i was scratching my head for a second. i didnt understand how fat and ugly went together lol. I disagree with Iris Apfel about the stretch jeans though. Bigger sizes look good in stretch jeans because it hugs their body better.


Well-known member
Yea i was thinking maybe she meant they didnt know how to dress for their size but i think the way she said it could def be misleading and very rude? i was scratching my head for a second. i didnt understand how fat and ugly went together lol. I disagree with Iris Apfel about the stretch jeans though. Bigger sizes look good in stretch jeans because it hugs their body better.

It indeed could be misleading and rude, but looking at her she probably didn't meant to be rude. Of course if she says something doesn't look good that doesn't mean that that is true. Everybody has their own opinion and i'm happy for that, because otherwise the world would be very boring.


Well-known member
I read your link and the only thing that comes to my mind is this...
It seems the author of that particular article is keen on pulling "questionable" quotes and then commenting on them. I am very leery and skeptical of ANY quote thrown at me that's taken out of context We don't know if this was said in an interview where perhaps they were discussing choosing the right fit for your body type or just talking about how people in general don't take the care in their dress the way they used to, etc. Her next comment could have very well been one against things really skinny women wear that she finds unappealling... we have no idea since we are only allowed to read a portion of a whole. This author does the same thing with the next MAC collaborator, Dame Edna. We don't know the tone that was used, it could have been said as a joke... The point is we just aren't given all the information. If someone wants to present an opinion, that is perfectly fine. But if it is going to be done in a way to make me pass a judgement, then provide me with the whole interview or article, not just the part you found to be upsetting. Doing so is an abuse of power. Journalistic integrity is just as important.

Thanks for sharing this article. It's good to have different perspectives and learn that not everything should be taken for face value. A valuable lesson indeed.

IDK how I feel about Iris as a person anymore...

im not sure if shes saying that all women over size 10 is fat, ugly, and sloppy or that the ones she seen do not know how to dress


Well-known member
Someone else brought this up in the WOC thread. My thing is the woman is 90 yrs old, do you know how many fashion trends and disasters she has seen in her days?! I'm sure when she was in her 20's and 30's they wouldn't dream of walking around with coochie cutters, tight jeans that don't fit everyone, boobs hanging all out lol. But we do now like it's no big deal. Her opinions are just that, no one has to take it as the gospel. I don't think her tone was to be rude or insensitive, older people can just be crass without even knowing it.


Well-known member
Seriously. The tone of that article makes it swam like the blogger is just looking for things to take poorly so she can prove how awful MAC and who they associate with is.


Well-known member
I agree completely! She has seen A LOT... in fashion and in the world in general. Most older people I know don't feel the need to candy coat their comments. They are disheartened by the way things have changed and make no bones about expressing it. You have to take what she says with an element of humor.
And I also have to repeat the fact that we aren't seeing the whole interview/article that the quote was pulled from either...

Someone else brought this up in the WOC thread. My thing is the woman is 90 yrs old, do you know how many fashion trends and disasters she has seen in her days?! I'm sure when she was in her 20's and 30's they wouldn't dream of walking around with coochie cutters, tight jeans that don't fit everyone, boobs hanging all out lol. But we do now like it's no big deal. Her opinions are just that, no one has to take it as the gospel. I don't think her tone was to be rude or insensitive, older people can just be crass without even knowing it.


Well-known member
Mac Cosmetics Online seriously has the BEST customer service ever. I posted the other day about how I received Pink Pigeon instead of Scarlet Ibis, and I emailed them yesterday and have already received a personalized response. GET THIS, they are sending me my Scarlet Ibis (via 2 day air) no charge, AND letting me keep Pink Pigeon!! (Since they are sending me Scarlet Ibis, I am wondering if they have more at the warehouse, calling for another IA restock???)

I also didnt receive my stickers in my shop cook order that was way over 75$, and I really didnt care that much, but did a live chat and asked about it, and they are sending me stickers in the mail!

Seriously, Mac is now tied with or better than Nordstrom when it comes to customer service.


Well-known member
Someone else brought this up in the WOC thread. My thing is the woman is 90 yrs old, do you know how many fashion trends and disasters she has seen in her days?! I'm sure when she was in her 20's and 30's they wouldn't dream of walking around with coochie cutters, tight jeans that don't fit everyone, boobs hanging all out lol. But we do now like it's no big deal. Her opinions are just that, no one has to take it as the gospel. I don't think her tone was to be rude or insensitive, older people can just be crass without even knowing it.

I must say Richelle it's been a minute since I heard someone say 'coochie cutters'.


Well-known member
Mac Cosmetics Online seriously has the BEST customer service ever. I posted the other day about how I received Pink Pigeon instead of Scarlet Ibis, and I emailed them yesterday and have already received a personalized response. GET THIS, they are sending me my Scarlet Ibis (via 2 day air) no charge, AND letting me keep Pink Pigeon!! (Since they are sending me Scarlet Ibis, I am wondering if they have more at the warehouse, calling for another IA restock???)

I also didnt receive my stickers in my shop cook order that was way over 75$, and I really didnt care that much, but did a live chat and asked about it, and they are sending me stickers in the mail!

Seriously, Mac is now tied with or better than Nordstrom when it comes to customer service.
That is GREAT! Glad the situation worked out to be a positive for you. And I hope you like your Scarlet Ibis.