MAC and parents??


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Originally Posted by YSLaddict4
Truly, Tish, could you think about what I feel? In your 1st post, you said that you weren't trying to be mean but sometimes it comes across a little harsh. I'm trying to defend myself but it is hard when comments are flying everywhere!!! I realize that you are an adult and money is hard work and diligence that I don't yet realize. But, the thing is that I don't buy anything else! Really truly!!!
If it's not ok for a child, a girl, to ask her parents for something once a month, just ASK, then I don't know what's wrong with this world!

My comments are truly not meant to be personal or harsh...However they are blunt. I try not to sugar coat things unnecessarily it does not help your situation at the end of the day. I agree you have EVERY right to ask your parents for things..however the flip side is they have EVERY right to say no to buying things they don't feel necessary when it is related to them spending their money. I promise you I love MAC but If I had to wait to get things then I would wait...and that seems like what you need to do practice patience. You will be able to work and earn your own money soon and buy the things you want.
Figure out with people...maybe they want some of your books, old clothes etc... for their MAC....If I wanted it bad enough oh I would figure it out. Your parents just bought you Hello Kitty BP...well that tells me there that they can't be too against your MAC because that was not the cheapest item in the HK collection that they bought you.
I just don't get how complaining about it changes your parents way of thinking. We are all dealt the parents we are dealt and some are far more strict...But the thing about it is ...we all get to grow up and one day make our own choices and decisions. So your day is just may not be now. It just sounds like you feel like it is almost Child Abuse because your parents don't buy you MAC just because you want it.

I am sure you will figure out a solution if you want it that bad....Most kids do...Good Luck

I must say...My 7 y/o has bugged me for two days about pulling his tooth..I kept saying Christian it is not loose enough yet...he kept saying Mommy I want it out...I said not yet just 5 mins ago....Ok just 1 min ago...he walked up here with it in his hand...and said Mommy...I decided it needed to come out so I pulled it myself...
...My point...If you want it bad enough figure out a solution.


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I guess since the election is over, we're down to arguing whether parents owe teenagers mid to high end cosmetics.



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To the should check out NYX shadows. They are much less expensive than MAC and some are near the same quality. Of course there's a couple duds, but there are several dupes for MAC shades. I use their Black e/s in place of Carbon now b/c its the same quality and cheaper. I have a really large MAC collection and I still buy NYX when I see something I like. Check out the thread in the drugstore section of the Cosmetic Discussion forum.


Thanks everyone for the sincere comments. I know that my parents have every right to stop me from buying MAC. That's why I really appreciate it when I can get it. I do like NYX!!! The quality is good but it doesn't irritate my skin. I like the jumbo crayons.
My parents are not mean and I am definitely NOT complaining. I love them very much but sometimes it is very hard to ask them for MAC because I feel that they always say yes but then I regret asking them because it's so expensive! So half the time I don't buy stuff even though they would. Also, I love books more than the normal person. But, I don't need to buy them! My library has a great deal of books that I can borrow for free!

So, thanks everyone for the great comments. I'm sorry if I offended anyone of you guys. I really am but I don't mean any harm. So keep the options rolling!!


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When I was teenager I used drugstore makeup,started buying MAC later on after I got a job.I never asked my parents to buy me any expensive makeup,because I would have gotten laughed right in my face.


Well-known member
Hey there. I'm 20... so I just recently stopped being a teen. I'm now in college. When I was in highschool I wanted my parents to buy me expensive things as well. Honestly though, I don't know of 1 girl in my highschool who wore anything other than drugstore makeup. I didn't start buying MAC until just last year and it was with MY money, not my parents. If you aren't even old enough to get a job, you probably aren't old enough for all of that makeup. You just need to be patient and be thankful for what you do have. Your parents do a lot for you. They put a roof over your head. They put clothes on your back. They feed you. MAC and makeup in general is not a necessity. It's a luxury. When you're old enough to get a job, get one. Then you can spend your money however you wish. Be thankful for what your parents give you- it could be a lot worse. You're complaing that your parents won't buy you makeup. Think about the kids complaining that their parents won't buy them food. Just be patient and keep in mind that someday you will be able to buy all the makeup you want. You said you're an A student so keep it up and you'll land with a rewarding career as well. Until you are old enough to get a job, there are other ways to earn cash. Try babysitting. Garage sales. Etc. That's what I did.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dolcekatiana
Hey there. I'm 20... so I just recently stopped being a teen. I'm now in college. When I was in highschool I wanted my parents to buy me expensive things as well. Honestly though, I don't know of 1 girl in my highschool who wore anything other than drugstore makeup. I didn't start buying MAC until just last year and it was with MY money, not my parents. If you aren't even old enough to get a job, you probably aren't old enough for all of that makeup. You just need to be patient and be thankful for what you do have. Your parents do a lot for you. They put a roof over your head. They put clothes on your back. They feed you. MAC and makeup in general is not a necessity. It's a luxury. When you're old enough to get a job, get one. Then you can spend your money however you wish. Be thankful for what your parents give you- it could be a lot worse. You're complaing that your parents won't buy you makeup. Think about the kids complaining that their parents won't buy them food. Just be patient and keep in mind that someday you will be able to buy all the makeup you want. You said you're an A student so keep it up and you'll land with a rewarding career as well. Until you are old enough to get a job, there are other ways to earn cash. Try babysitting. Garage sales. Etc. That's what I did.

Ahhh you are serioulsy a smart and responsible young lady!! I know your parents are truly proud of you


Well-known member
I understand your frustration for not being able to get what you want. I've been there, I'm there right now (and I have a job). But at the same time they are your parents. The only thing they are obligated to do for you is give you a place to sleep and food to eat. If they buy you clothes and books be grateful. Not all kids have parents that will do that for them. It's their money and you have absolutely no right in trying to tell them how to spend it. If you can't get a job then you will just have to wait until you can. Part of life is working for the things you want. I understand you may help around the house or get good grades but that does not make you entitled to an allowance or a say in what your parents buy you. I don't know how old you are or why you can't get a job but when you do you can spend your money however you want. Until then just be grateful for what you have. I'm sorry there is no way for you to get mac makeup without a job or spending your own money... if there was I'm sure we would all know about it.


Well-known member
Just to point out a simple fact - when someone says they aren't allowed to get a job, that doesn't mean they aren't old enough to get a job. There are PLENTY of us with parents that did not allow us to earn money when we were younger. For many of us, it's a cultural issue. For others, it's a control issue.


My parents won't let me get a job or make money. They prefer to let me ask them for things so they can moniter my spending.


Well-known member
Whoa, this thread went from advice on how to get MAC to a how to raise your child thread.
I'm not trying to start anything but didn't the OP already say that she can't get a job because her parents don't want her to get one?
I refuse to believe that most of the posters here who are parents don't provide their children anything besides food,clothes,and shelter.
Not with how most teenage girls act nowadays.
There's a difference between someone being spoiled and working hard in school and getting rewarded.
The OP was simply asking how she can convince her parents that MAC isn't a waste of money,she didn't ask for everyone to say that MAC is a luxury and that she doesn't deserve any.
I hope no one is offended I'm just stating what I'm interpreting from this thread.


Active member
Originally Posted by jaclynashley
Whoa, this thread went from advice on how to get MAC to a how to raise your child thread.
I'm not trying to start anything but didn't the OP already say that she can't get a job because her parents don't want her to get one?
I refuse to believe that most of the posters here who are parents don't provide their children anything besides food,clothes,and shelter.
Not with how most teenage girls act nowadays.
There's a difference between someone being spoiled and working hard in school and getting rewarded.
The OP was simply asking how she can convince her parents that MAC isn't a waste of money,she didn't ask for everyone to say that MAC is a luxury and that she doesn't deserve any.
I hope no one is offended I'm just stating what I'm interpreting from this thread.

I totally agree!


Well-known member
... ask them straight out, what can i do to get a little mac every now and then? like, maybe at the end of a great report card? Thats only 4 times a year, but still, better than nothing.
If not, ask if you can start to babysit on weekends. its not exactly a high paying job where youll be making all kinds of money, then blowing it. And it very well might not be regular work, so it should detract from you grades. It'll teach you responsibility about earning your own money and managing it.
I'd say try to convince them to let you do something like babysit every now and then. If not, well.... just save from bdays and such. Return cans! 5 cents a can adds up! Some parents just have a certain few of what a teen should have, and should not have, and sometimes you can't convince them otherwise.


Well-known member
i dont know how helpful this will be, but i'll give it a shot.

when my daughter starts asking for something new that she wants (any item, not just talking about makeup) i dont get it for her right away. the main reason for that is i've learned from past purchases that there is a difference in things she wants on a whim and things she truly does want and will appreciate when she gets them.

for instance, an electric guitar she received one christmas has been played about 3 times.

so i dont know if your parents think the same way, but i kind of have my own hearing filter where the first few requests are instantly forgotten. but if she continues to show a want for something, then it's really a really special gift when i finally do get it for her. and yes i consider her to be spoiled and i did the spoiling, and proud of it. she will be a diva heifer like her mommy


Well-known member
My parents were iffy about when I got my first "job" (I had done plenty of work before for our family restaurant and at my school cafeteria job that was just volunteer work for extra credit at first) which was at burger king. I had an accident and had to quit practically right after getting hired. They agreed that yeah it would of been nice if I had worked but that my education was important and that I should focus on that more.

But I hope I don't offend anyone by saying this but when parents DON'T allow there kids to get jobs it's just ridiculous. Getting a job is a great way to learn responsibility that comes with growing up and eventually being an adult. You also learn about the value of money and that when they grow up they'll have to WORK for their money so they can eat, have shelter, clothes on their back and whatever things they want to have. It's an enriching experience IMO.

As long as grades are still good and expectations in school (reasonable ones, I've met some crazy strict parents) having a job poses no problems. Hours will be limited too (the limit is stated on work permits that most places need for students still in high school 17 and under, at least that's how it is here) anyways if parents are worried kids wont' have time to study or do hw.

Eventually we all have to work and bust our asses to get money, why not get a head start so your kids will be better prepared when that time truly comes??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX

But I hope I don't offend anyone by saying this but when parents DON'T allow there kids to get jobs it's just ridiculous. Getting a job is a great way to learn responsibility that comes with growing up and eventually being an adult. You also learn about the value of money and that when they grow up they'll have to WORK for their money so they can eat, have shelter, clothes on their back and whatever things they want to have. It's an enriching experience IMO.

As long as grades are still good and expectations in school (reasonable ones, I've met some crazy strict parents) having a job poses no problems. Hours will be limited too (the limit is stated on work permits that most places need for students still in high school 17 and under, at least that's how it is here) anyways if parents are worried kids wont' have time to study or do hw.

Eventually we all have to work and bust our asses to get money, why not get a head start so your kids will be better prepared when that time truly comes??

For me my son's job is school and his chores, he has lessons, after school activities and hobbies, these things help round him out as a person and student, he has excellent money skills and he's 12, because we taught him them.
As you said we all have to work and bust our asses, as a mother I choose to supply my child's needs, and some wants and give him options for his other wants to allow him to enjoy his childhood while gradually shouldering responsibility as he ages.
I'm not one for the hypocrisy of shortening childhood yet bitching that kids act too grown.

As for the OP, she's contradicted her parents spending in this thread several times

I'm still a teen so I can't get money to buy MAC. Therefore, I have to ask my parents to buy me MAC. However, they think that it's a waste of money!

My parents just let me do chores and are willing to buy me some things like clothes or makeup as long as I maintain my 4.0 GPA and help out around the house.

My parents are not mean and I am definitely NOT complaining. I love them very much but sometimes it is very hard to ask them for MAC because I feel that they always say yes but then I regret asking them because it's so expensive! So half the time I don't buy stuff even though they would.

So excuse me if I'm confused as I bow out this thread, as I see it for these post her parents have provided ways for her to "work" for makeup, while they may view it as a waste, (as many in this world do blue e/s is blue e/s a palette of blues is a crazy idea to many), they according to her are frequently saying yes so much so she feels guilty, so why am I supposed to be throwing out ideas to this young lady on how to get them to buy more if she's bitching about the prices and saying they would buy but she doesn't ask??



Well-known member
I worked hard in school & still do, I used to baby sit my little sister since I was like 12. My mom used to clean offices at night and I remember I used to have to go with her to help. Even at that my reward was the basics, food, clothing, shelter. I guess to me this was normal, I never really thought I should get something else? I was the first one to graduate hs and go to college and while all my friends got cars, I got a dinner at home. Point is, I never really got luxury items so I started working when I was 15 to get other things I wanted, such as my then sneaker addiction. I am not complaining about how my parents raised me, I am actually happy, because it's made me the go getter that I am. My little sister is 13, and they are different with her. She's the baby and she is extremly bright. She gets rewarded with small shopping sprees every once in a while. I've passed on my sneaker addiction to her so for xmas/birthday everyone noes to get her clothes or kicks. She looks up to me so when dazzleglass came out she saved up $18 and got herself her first mac lipgloss, I was so, it was so adorable. Everyonce in a while she throws in a lipgloss at CVS and my mom gets it for her, but she doesn't even dare to ask for mac cause she knows my mom will be like, you bugging lol. Bottom line, if you can't get a job and you want more mac, then just be patient, be thankful for what you can get now.


Active member
Ah, someone in the same boat as me. My dad could care less about my make up "addiction", but my mom is always saying "YOU HAVE ENOUGH ALREADY!". However she started changing her mind after seeing what I can do with this make up (on me, and on her!). Still, I have to beg and plea and get good grades and do loads of chores in order to purchase something.

Lately I've been saving Christmas and Birthday and Chinese New Year (woot!) money to buy make up, and I think if you do that, they can respect you for it. When I found out the HK collection was coming out, I saved my money since November! My mom went with me to the PRO store, and was astounded to discover I had actually saved that much money just for make up. Not only did it show to her I was responsible enough to have a "goal", but how passionate I was about it. She totally changed her mind about me being an impulse buyer, and now realized I shop everything carefully.

So good luck, and I wish you well in your make up endeavors.