MAC and parents??


Well-known member
Well on the upside if MAC is your drug then at least your not out doing drugs right? Since while skimming your post I noticed you said you were too young to get a job how about maybe offering your services to do girl's makeup for dances and whatnot. When I was in high school/middle school I was really good at hair and nails so come Prom time I made extra money doing hair and nails it was cheaper than going to a salon and I got some extra $$$


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Curly1908

I stopped replying to this thread quite awhile ago so please don't address me or my comments with your foolishness.

If you post absurd things people are absolutely entitled to comment and remark on your awkward leaps of logic.

You post it, you own it. You're more than welcome to avoid checking the thread and reading their responses if you like, but you don't have the right to turn around and demand that people don't acknowledge what you've posted if they don't agree with you.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
Did I say I put down my son?
He likes games, hell I like games, we spend several hundred dollars on most holidays providing new games/game systems/extras for the ones he already has for him
I am not telling my child his hobby is less than ours but dh works and we provide his hobby within reason, and it hinges on him doing his job which is getting an education, hell my dh doesn't get near as spoilt as the kids and it's his paycheck that makes it possible, lol
I also don't believe in telling yes to everything a child asks for any way
call me strange

The original post was "I have to have it", I'm sorry I tell my son all the time there is NOTHING he HAS to have but air, food, water and an education!
The crazy thing is my son has a savings account and saves and deposits money to it each month, it's matched by us and is in the thousands and he NEVER uses it for games or anything else, if it was that important I think he'd use some of his savings
but he likes having the money more than he does a game.

WTF Seriously. I can't believe I actually have to say it:

Did I say that you put your son down? NO! I'm talking about the OP and how HER parents put her down and say her joys don't matter.

I agree with kids earning things and not just being given whatever they ask for, but I'm also speaking from my younger self's POV: When I was too young to have a job [I got one when I was 17, because that's when my parents allowed it] I asked for something if I had my eye on it, and if they said "no", oh well. I was a good kid, I had good grades, so I knew I wouldn't be completely out of pocket for asking. That's all I'm saying on that end of it. I'm just telling her that it can't hurt to ask; and not for the whole damn store, just maybe a little something.

I really don't get where a young girl writing a little post to share about "I really love make up and I wish my parents would buy me some" turns into "Get a job you little spoiled brat. I wouldn't do it for my kids!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HustleRose
i had really awful skin when i was in high school and i know what it feels like to need foundation and/or concealer. unfortunately for me my mother did not think i should be wearing makeup because of two reasons- thought i was not old enough & thought it would make the acne worse. hence why i got a job so i could buy what i wanted. even so, i had to sneak the makeup on in the bathroom before school started and washed it over right after school ended.

but hey, we all have to make sacrifices for our makeup obsessions!

oh my, this brings back memories for me too! my mother thought the exact same things, and yes i ended up sneaking around wearing makeup (gasp!).


OMG Thank you M.A.C. head.!!!!!! You completely understand how I feel about this whole situation!! Somehow this thread turned into a big hate letter! I adored your last post!!!!
That comment sums up exactly what I feel!!!


Well-known member
a Hate letter??? Thats reaching wouldn't you say....Just because you have Champagne taste on a water budget??
It's not a hate latter it's simply saying that if you want the extravagant things in life that your parents don't feel for whatever reason they want to buy need to get busy and earn your own money to get it....I like the new Lexus LS460...but just because I am a good wife doesn't mean my husband has to break his back buying it for me...I settled for a least expensive car.

If you dont want honest opinions people STOP ASKING!!!

This is pure all about me in my opinion.


Well-known member
Oh shoot... now I'm scared... I was about to say if you wanna get expensive stuff and yr a teen, either negotiate an allowance or get a part time job doing something - tutoring etc... so you could support your habit, but based on Tish's last post... Nevermind...


Well-known member
^^^ That has been what we have been saying from post one!!! I agree!!!! But NOOOOO...Lets blame the endless money pit parents for not buying a teenager MAC...They don't have to understand a teenagers obsession with a Makeup Brand that she can't afford...Why should they


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
WTF Seriously. I can't believe I actually have to say it:

Did I say that you put your son down? NO! I'm talking about the OP and how HER parents put her down and say her joys don't matter.

I agree with kids earning things and not just being given whatever they ask for, but I'm also speaking from my younger self's POV: When I was too young to have a job [I got one when I was 17, because that's when my parents allowed it] I asked for something if I had my eye on it, and if they said "no", oh well. I was a good kid, I had good grades, so I knew I wouldn't be completely out of pocket for asking. That's all I'm saying on that end of it. I'm just telling her that it can't hurt to ask; and not for the whole damn store, just maybe a little something.

I really don't get where a young girl writing a little post to share about "I really love make up and I wish my parents would buy me some" turns into "Get a job you little spoiled brat. I wouldn't do it for my kids!"

Disconnect from your teen POV.
She did ask they told her no **sometimes** she came here and announced "I have to have it" then she stated she has a pretty good starter kit shopped from the CCO
I only have some eyeshadows, eyeliner, blush, lipglosses, and some mascara

Obviously her parents can't be that bad, they may not be allowing full price purchases but she can still go to the CCO, she'd just prefer her parents to by MAC instead of clothing Quote:
The problem is that they would rather use the $14 for a MAC e/s to buy me clothes or a book


If her parents when out and bought her everything, they'd be a thread on the spolit brat that her parents buy the whole line for and ppl would be all silly parents, now we have parents actually working with the child within reason, and they are awful

Originally Posted by YSLaddict4
OMG Thank you M.A.C. head.!!!!!! You completely understand how I feel about this whole situation!! Somehow this thread turned into a big hate letter! I adored your last post!!!!
That comment sums up exactly what I feel!!!

Oh please
hate letter? get a grip
You can't work so you are what? 14-15? you are lucky you can even wear makeup!

down with mean husbands that won't buy us the cars we want


I respect your opinion honestly Tish. I know that you have posted a lot of comments on this thread. I realize that you are a highly regarded figure in this forum. However, I don't know if you realize that I said about 3 times that there is no possible way for me to get a job! My parents just let me do chores and are willing to buy me some things like clothes or makeup as long as I maintain my 4.0 GPA and help out around the house.

I envy those who are lucky enough to have HUGE hauls and collections but that's it. I ENVY them. I don't compare my collection to theirs because I realize that I am just a teen. I shouldn't have that big of a collection or I'd honestly call myself a spoiled brat. My "hauls" would consist of maybe 1 eyeshadow from the CCO!!!!!! I feel extremely blessed just to get that!!! My original question was about how to approch my parents about getting a little more while eliminating money from my clothing/books fund! I realize I can't get it all so I would prefer the eyeshadow only instead of the books and clothes!!!!!

So, if you think that I could possibly be spoiled when I've thoroughly explained myself to this thread of my situation and thoughts, I don't think that any contribution can possibly be made from your unwillingness to listen to MY opinion. Just because I'm younger and less experienced than you doesn't give you the right to express that you think I'm spoiled if you didn't take the time to properly read my edits or question.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YSLaddict4
I respect your opinion honestly Tish. I know that you have posted a lot of comments on this thread. I realize that you are a highly regarded figure in this forum. However, I don't know if you realize that I said about 3 times that there is no possible way for me to get a job! My parents just let me do chores and are willing to buy me some things like clothes or makeup as long as I maintain my 4.0 GPA and help out around the house.

I envy those who are lucky enough to have HUGE hauls and collections but that's it. I ENVY them. I don't compare my collection to theirs because I realize that I am just a teen. I shouldn't have that big of a collection or I'd honestly call myself a spoiled brat. My "hauls" would consist of maybe 1 eyeshadow from the CCO!!!!!! I feel extremely blessed just to get that!!! My original question was about how to approch my parents about getting a little more while eliminating money from my clothing/books fund! I realize I can't get it all so I would prefer the eyeshadow only instead of the books and clothes!!!!!

So, if you think that I could possibly be spoiled when I've thoroughly explained myself to this thread of my situation and thoughts, I don't think that any contribution can possibly be made from your unwillingness to listen to MY opinion. Just because I'm younger and less experienced than you doesn't give you the right to express that you think I'm spoiled if you didn't take the time to properly read my edits or question.

I will admit I have not read through this entire thread...But the majority of it yes...And I get that you can't get a job...I get all that...however what I donlt get is why you feel your parents have to buy you the things you feel you WANT versus the things that they feel you NEED. That is what I don't get.
Second comment...I have every right to comment on any thread that is posted...I do not have to agree ...nor do you have to agree with my comments...If you donlt want opinions then don't ask for them.

And you shouldn't be envious of anyones collections on here, I agree...because the greater percent of people on here have worked and bought their own items...when they didn't have money they didn't get it. When they were your age ...they got what they could and that was that. Belly aching about how your parents don't see things like buying a teenager MAC cosmetics as important as books and clothing...well
I can't imagine...what on earth kind of parents are those! The NERVE!

And as far as the CCO...75% percent of my collection has come from there or sells from the Clearance bins...and I am using my own money! So buying from there is not like you are getting it from the neighborhood garage sale. As a mater of fact they are $10 there and that is still not cheap for a shadow for a kid in school.

Again...I said in this post you are thinking ALL about you...and I stand by that....because you obviously are not respecting your parents right to make choices on how they want to spend their OWN earned money.

If you don't like opinions again....Don't Ask....the majority of people on this thread are grown ups or have if you want teenage type responses...those are the type forums you should ask the question on. And personally I doubt that anyone respects my post...they just respect that I have a right to an opinion just like the next member


Well-known member
And I do not recall mentioning the word SPOILED in my post...But hey now that it's on the table....Serve it up!


Well-known member
LMAO @ all the bulldozing going on.
YSL try setting up some way of getting an allowance, incentives for good grades or work, and keep the big purchases for occasions (christmas, birthday etc). My guess is your mom wouldn't choose to buy you MAC even if it were a big occasion so just go walk through those drugstore aisles, until you can save/come up with your own cash, they make you more appreciative of the "name brands" e.g Wet & Wild Sunkissed is a fantastic bronzer - my top 5, as cheap as it is. then there's the $5 mascaras etc


Well, I do understand your point of view Tish. I realize that books and clothes are more important. However, I can easily borrow books from the library and I already have enough clothes! I don't need them. I don't need makeup either but I'd like it better. I don't DEMAND makeup. I ask for it maybe once a month! For ONE item!!!
For example, the only thing i bought from MAC in the last month and 4 weeks was the HK beauty powder in Tahitian Sand.

I realize that you are entitled to your opinion and I truly respect it. I read your comments meticulously. I swear, I do!!!!

However, I can comment and express unjustice politely. The key, that works for me, is to not be personal. I don't comment that you did anything wrong because you didn't! Freedom of speech is an awesome thing and I would never attempt to strip anyone of that privilage. I just comment back about what your opinion of my situation is. I'm not stating it's wrong! Your opinion is equal to mine and I want everyone to realize that.

Truly, Tish, could you think about what I feel? In your 1st post, you said that you weren't trying to be mean but sometimes it comes across a little harsh. I'm trying to defend myself but it is hard when comments are flying everywhere!!! I realize that you are an adult and money is hard work and diligence that I don't yet realize. But, the thing is that I don't buy anything else! Really truly!!!
If it's not ok for a child, a girl, to ask her parents for something once a month, just ASK, then I don't know what's wrong with this world!


I tried a LOT of drugstore makeup!! I spent more on drugstore lines than MAC! LOL but they all ended up breaking me out on my otherwise clear skin!!
I have really sensitive skin so I don't wear foundation anymore. The drugstore eyeshadows, liners,and blushes really irritate my skin.
I wear drugstore lipgloss though!!! My fave is loreal jelly balm and sally hansesn lip laquer!!
What's your fave?


Well-known member
is it possible for u to sell off some unwanted items like books or clothes in exchange for make up if your parents don't give u allowance???


Well-known member
I think what everyone is trying to say is that its ok to ask your parents to buy you MAC. But we cant advise you how to do so. But if you feel you must buy MAC then maybe you should get a job that way everybody wins. I dont think anybody is saying you are a spoilt brat but what we are trying to say is that its a bit unreasonable to sacrifice books for example for makeup because books would help you graduate from school and get a good job so that you can afford more MAC. Most if the women that do huge hauls can do so because they have jobs or parents that can afford to buy them MAC.
But i think as a teenager your priorities should be on school and make up should be the least of your worries


Active member
I've been reading this thread for a bit, and while I'm sure I'll get flamed out of the sky for saying this, I'm in a similar situation to you.

Firstly, you said you don't get an allowance- since you are apparently a good student and a good kid then do you think you can negotiate for that? If your parents give you incidental money for when you go out with friends, then you may need to agree that you will no longer recieve that if you get a weekly allowance (which i think is a good trade off). This will mean you can save for things/hauls, but also means you have to be aware of everywhere your money goes (which is also a good thing).

Second, could you negotiate for a flat clothing/makeup allowance every year/6 months? Then it becomes up to YOU what you spend your money on, which means you can buy MAC, but also means that if you spend all of your money on MAC then you may have to go without clothes, even clothes you need. A good, realistic budget, with time-based allocations (say, you can only spend a third of the budget each third of the time period), means you can keep clothes on your back while still buying the occasional eyeshadow. I'd do the numbers in terms of how much clothing you buy on average before you suggest this to your parents- not only so that you don't get a too small budget, but also to show that you're serious about taking control of your finances.

Thirdly (and now I'm getting preachy), don't rank makeup above books. Really, books rawk, and a well cultivated mind is worth far more than any makeup.

If you take the approach that you want to be responsible for your own finances then I think its more likely to work (hell, $5/week is a new eyeshadow every 3 weeks), but that means that you really have to take care of them- you have to be aware of where money goes and what you can and cannot afford. In the end, thats a good lesson to learn. I'm not guaranteeing that this is an approach thats going to work with your parents, but if it does then everyone benefits- your parents don't spend any more money than they do currently, you get makeup and learn the ability to budget.


Well-known member
As u mentioned your grades were good, why not consider giving tuition to students whose grades are not so good to earn some extra income?

It's helping yourself and others at the same time