MAC Baking Beauties Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
You can imagine my delight when my two loves combined for this collection! These were the two cakes I made for our morning meeting, I embellished a bit with the flowers on the mint colored cake because I live in Hawaii and thought a little nod to the hibiscus flower would be fun :) 
You are truly talented! Wow!


Well-known member
Swatched Raspberry Swirl at the store today - left to right is Pink Nouveau, RS, and St. Germain. Top is Up the Amp and I forgot the bottom one. I'm NW20 - hope this is helpful to someone!

LC Balthazar

Well-known member
You can imagine my delight when my two loves combined for this collection! These were the two cakes I made for our morning meeting, I embellished a bit with the flowers on the mint colored cake because I live in Hawaii and thought a little nod to the hibiscus flower would be fun :) 
Wow, that's beautiful! I'd love to learn to work with fondant one day.


Well-known member
You can imagine my delight when my two loves combined for this collection! These were the two cakes I made for our morning meeting, I embellished a bit with the flowers on the mint colored cake because I live in Hawaii and thought a little nod to the hibiscus flower would be fun :) 
Your cakes are incredible! I wish I had 1/10 of your talent!!


Well-known member
I'm freaking out.

The sweet MUA at MAC who talked me into a "makeover" said she'd save the seven products on my list for me. So i didn't stalk and didn't rush down to my local MAC before they opened today.

I just called to confirm (my appt. is tomorrow AM). She's out sick and no one could find my bag of stuff. And of course Lavender Whip is sold out and it was Number#1 on my list. I hope she stashed it somewhere or i'm going to cry
So sorry, lilinah. That's not fair at all.

Hope your sweet MUA hid your bag somewhere. Hope you'll get Lavender Whip.
I will keep an eye out for you.


Well-known member
Wow! Pretty and talented. Those cakes are really awesome!!!
You can imagine my delight when my two loves combined for this collection! These were the two cakes I made for our morning meeting, I embellished a bit with the flowers on the mint colored cake because I live in Hawaii and thought a little nod to the hibiscus flower would be fun :)



Well-known member
Wow Prettypackages. I had no idea all of that was going on. Were you able to get what you wanted?

Originally Posted by Prettypackages

I missed out on calling my stores too b/c of the rain here in Chgo. I was stuck on my train for two hours, turned around, came home and my basement is flooded.

I am... but there are some areas still badly flooded. They got the cars out of that sink hole. In most places the water is beginning to recede.


Well-known member
Medgal07 [URL=" said:

Wow Prettypackages. I had no idea all of that was going on. Were you able to get what you wanted?

Originally Posted by Prettypackages;2028584"] I missed out on calling my stores too b/c of the rain here in Chgo. I was stuck on my train for two hours, turned around, came home and my basement is flooded.
I think so.


Well-known member
Wore lavender whip today and I'm in love! This is the most wearable lavender color that I've encountered (VG Nicki 2 , I'm talking to you). I had it on by itself , paired it with mall madness, and then paired it with richly revered , it looked great all ways! I'm in love with the possibilities of this lipstick :)


Well-known member
STUNNING, Sushi-Flower

You can imagine my delight when my two loves combined for this collection! These were the two cakes I made for our morning meeting, I embellished a bit with the flowers on the mint colored cake because I live in Hawaii and thought a little nod to the hibiscus flower would be fun :)


KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
What is everyones opinions on the paint pots???
i like the pp's becuz its like a one n done look for me when im in a rush n make a good primer for me. i used to use UD pp til i started collection pp's.

ok i went to pick up my order LW is gooorgeous n definitely lavender on me. its not pink like temptalia's swatch. Eclair i had to grab it. soooo tell me how the hell i ended up with RS and transparent teal glitters


Well-known member
I was glad I ran down to Nordstroms today because they only had 3 RSs left. They had told me they could hold it for an hour. I never had Snob but I feel this must be pretty. I also swatches one of the pms with the brush that comes in the collection. I really felt it was was flimsy. Glad I ordered both pms because the texture reminds me of veronicas blush. On the way out the door I swatched the new edes. I liked them but I have recently discovered I am allergic to carmine. How do I get ingredient lists? Email customer service?


Well-known member
Well I missed the first launch and every other launch, but thankfully my always run- to -when -I- miss- things- person YAZMIN of course had LW for me...I don't think I could brag enough how many times she's came through for me!! Love ya Yazmin ur the best! SAME HERE!!!! LOL Love ya Yazmin!
Back at'cha!


Well-known member
Thanks. David Yurman --double X diamond-------never take it off.
LOL I wanted to say David Yurman but I wasn't too sure if it was. I read before that Charriol and David Yurman were suing each other over design infringement. Makes sense they really do look alot similar.


Well-known member
Lavender Whip.

That is all.

Oh wait...That is not all. Those cakes look awesome in this thread, Miss Sushi~Flower!

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