MAC Baking Beauties Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
Ever had glitter in your eyes? And boy, these PAIN pots are glitter city.
Say it ain't so Mac-Guy. I had my eye on at least two of them.


Well-known member
If you like glitter, you'll be fine. :)
I pulled out my Dangerous Cuvee and Let's Skate tonight to try them with some Pressed Pigments. PPs are certainly more sparkly than the paint pots, which are more shiny metallic. The glitter in the PPs catches the light much more, but is smaller sized, while the glitter in Dangerous Cuvee is bigger but not as twinkling. Let's Skate has less glitter than either the PPs or Dangerous Cuvee and is more of a frosted look.

No idea if the formulas will be the same as the previous releases, but we've had so many nifty sparkly formulas, these paint pots aren't more crazy than other things we've seen since, especially the PPs and the Electric Cool shadows.


Well-known member
Went to Pinkberry to get a salted caramel frozen yogurt. The jonesing came from after going over this collection to reconsider my list.


Well-known member
My prelim wish list. Sheesh this list is crazy too! :thud: Lipstick 15.00 US/18.00 CAD: Lavender Whip - Light cool lavender (Cremesheen) X2 Devil's Food - Glossy deep plum (Frost) (maybe) Mineralize Tinted Lip Balm 19.50 US/22.50 CAD: Sweet Tooth - Creamy lilac Glace' - Creamy pale baby blue Pro Longwear Pain Pot 18.50 US/22.00 CAD: Fancy Frosting - Frosted white Mooncake - Warm beige Pearlmatte Face Powder 29.00 US/34.00 CAD:In For A Treat - Champagne base with matte coral flowers and mint leaves Pink Buttercream - Light silvery pink base with dark pink flowers and periwinkle leaves Nail Lacquer 16.00 US/18/00 CAD: Pistachio Creme - Light teal mint (Cream) (BIG maybe)


Well-known member
April is going to be deadly!

Lipstick 15.00 US/18.00 CAD
Rasberry Swirl - Light white blue pink (Cremesheen)
Pure Decoration - Light white peach (Cremesheen)

^ really curious about those, the shade description reminds me of Lime Crime lipstick.

Pro Longwear Paint Pot 18.50 US/22.00 CAD
Fancy Frosting - Frosted white
Mooncake - Warm beige

Is there a size difference I'm wonder by the name.

Pearlmatte Face Powder 29.00 US/34.00 CAD
In For A Treat - Champagne base with matte coral flowers and mint leaves
Pink Buttercream - Light silvery pink base with dark pink flowers and periwinkle leaves

^ sounds like the MAC in Lillyland collection ones they put out. I'm intrigued!


Well-known member
My preliminary list from this one:

Lipstick 15.00 US/18.00 CAD
Lavender Whip - Light cool lavender (Cremesheen)

Pro Longwear Pain Pot 18.50 US/22.00 CAD
Fancy Frosting - Frosted white
Mooncake - Warm beige
Eclair - Light chocolate with gold pearlized pigments

Pearlmatte Face Powder 29.00 US/34.00 CAD
In For A Treat - Champagne base with matte coral flowers and mint leaves
Pink Buttercream - Light silvery pink base with dark pink flowers and periwinkle leaves

Nail Lacquer 16.00 US/18/00 CAD
Pistachio Creme - Light teal mint (Cream)

The nail polish is a HUGE maybe but I have a feeling I will be tempted. I love mint so so much!! I may get Rasberry Swirl and/or Pure Decoration if they are not what I think they are going to be. I'm almost totally sacrificing Archie (I may still get 1-2 items depending on swatches) in favor of this and the extra dimension collection (I want almost everything from that one). SO glad these color stories came out before I went crazy on Archie just cuz the packaging is cute



Well-known member
Ok, my preliminary list for this one:


Lavender Whip YES!
Rasberry Swirl Maaaaaaybe, probably not though
Pure Decoration Maaaaaaybe, probably not though
Devil's Food probably not, but who knows...

Paint Pots:
Eclair probably YES!
Fancy Frosting Maybe
Mooncake Maybe
Dangerous Cuvee Maybe

In For A Treat probably YES!
Pink Buttercream maybe

And yes, I have a sweet tooth, or two, or three....


Well-known member
This collection names are making me want dessert quite badly.
I always want dessert, so the discussion about this collection doesn't help! I was talking about wanting dessert so much this afternoon that DH went out in the frigid weather just to pick up a box of sprinkle-covered pop'ems for me.

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
Mixed with lotion for a body sheen.
thaaaanx!!! **taking notes**

yea this collection is definitely for PALE folks cuz i'd look a plum dmn FOOL i.e. edward scissorhands paintin my face wit dis shyt lavendar whip gonna be anything like or close to the new nicki minaj coming out? i definitely dnt need any dupes or BU's of lavendar...a light one at that


Well-known member
Holy moly!


Just gimme the whole thing!

Eclair, Blue Velvet, Pistachio Creme (kimibos!!!)... I want so much, everything sounds gorgeous.
I'm gonna love this collection. I *might* skip Archie's completely now for this, let's see...
That's awesome!!

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