MAC Boxes?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by slvrlips
OMG!! I thought I was the only one who kept the boxes
what a relief it is to know that i'm not alone (LOL)
I still have my very first mac product box eventhough
I b2m'ed the lipstick
Crazy right?

me too lol


Well-known member
i used to keep the boxes...but then my stuff got too i threw away all the boxes.

The only items in boxes now are the items which i bought from barbie. Am not throwing away the barbie boxes because there's the logo there


Well-known member
Almost everything I own is kept in their boxes, so yes. It's easier to make them stack or stand that way.


Originally Posted by joytheobscure
Well, I tend to "get rid of the evidence" so it will just incorporate itself into my mac collection. To keep peace in my family :)

LOL! I do the exact same thing. If there's no box, I can always tell hubby I've had that particular shadow/blush/lippie etc forever!


Well-known member
you know, i've never had a mac box. but, i think i'd just toss it anyways.
i always buy from here or other people.


Active member
Originally Posted by melliquor
I keep all of my new stuff in boxes and then when I use it once, I throw away the boxes.

I do the same. I think it's nice to look at new products in their boxes but once I start using them then the boxes just get in the way.


Well-known member
I keep my boxes for a weeks/months just in case I want to return something and also to relish the purchase, and then I finally toss them.


Well-known member
meee tooo! i'm glad i'm not the only one! i just like to keep things looking new and pretty!

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