MAC Boxes?


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i did keep them for the first few months (i started buying mac stuff not too long ago. Balloonacy collection to be exact), and recently just threw most of them all out. they were just sitting around collecting dust and taking up space.


Well-known member
i kept all of mine flattened out in a shoebox. i would put my empties back in them to keep them organised.

then i got sick of being told "you can't use the boxes for back to mac" every time, and having to explain that i have the containers in the boxes. so i took a deep breath and threw out ALL of my boxes, except for the special packaging LE ones (Barbie and Lure).

it was strangely liberating but kind of sad at the same time.


Well-known member
I used to keep them, until I realized I had no use for them, and they were just taking up space. I tried keeping stuff in them for awhile, but I found I never used them...defeating the whole purpose of buying them. I did keep the Barbie sleeves that can over the beauty powders and my Real Doll lipstick because I thought it was too cute. =]


Well-known member
I keep them, i don't know why but i just do. I especially keep special edition boxes, like Barbie, McQueen, Zandra, Holiday packaginig etc...


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I have a shit ton of them and don't want them. I am saving them in case anyone ever wants them on here.


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I always keep my boxes & my sister made fun of me for the longest time. I just have huge boxes of boxes under my table haha. Finally I hung them up ... we took red posterboard (my room is red black & white) and did one w/ fluidline boxes, one w/ lipstick boxes, etc and hung them over my make up area. I was worried about having what is really just trash on my walls, but it looks hella cute


There's a link to my collection album on myspace. I was gonna posta pic on here but photobucket isn't working


Well-known member
i chucked all of my mac boxes out yesterday :-( my bf made me! i kept the boxes hidden at the bottom of my wardrobe in a big mac bag lol. i dont even like chucking away my mac bags!


Well-known member
Rofl I do this too ..I even moved overseas from Louisiana to Italy with my boxes haha .... and im so glad I saved them because it helped in packing and securing my makeup for the 15 hour palne ride with luggage handles and all ..thankfully everything made it through three airplane changes and made it to italy without breakage or getting lost with my bags ..which was my biggest fear ..between my husband and i we had 6 suitcases 2 carryons and our dog in her dog carrier ..we looked ridiclous running around the airports and security checkpoint ..and my makeup bag totally stuck out too hehe was hot pink and huge and had a big handle with care sticker on it lols.


Well-known member
when I first got into mac I dropped juxt e/s and it flew open and shattered. since then I keep everything in the boxes. I don't know what my reasoning is really, now I have a traincase, that was when I had a tiny makeup bag and 6 e/s, habit I guess!


Originally Posted by joytheobscure
Well, I tend to "get rid of the evidence" so it will just incorporate itself into my mac collection. To keep peace in my family :)

i used to do that when I was with my boyfriend. 'No honey, I've had that for aaaaaages, really!'

At first I kept things, I think I was thinking I'd sell piugment samples and it'd help people see I was selling genuine stuff on ebay. But then I had a big clean up and threw it all out.


Well-known member
I save them in case anyone ever wants them. But its gotten weird. As soon as I get something new, the box goes into a MAC bag under my dresser.

Theres no excuse for it anymore


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Though I don't get any credit for B2M, I like to think that they recycle the boxes as well, so I put my melted pots back in their boxes and carry them back.


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i usually only keep the ones that look neat, so i've got barbie, couture, stylistics, and fafi right now. i also have the boxes for most of my mineralize eyeshadows, cause i'm nervous about how fragile they can be.


Well-known member
I keep *everything* in their box... even my foundations that i use everyday.. i also thought that was only me too! hehe.
But they look so neat, and stacked and pretty


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