[COLOR=FF0099]:O :O :O :O[/COLOR]
[COLOR=FF0099] Did they really restocked Cany Yum Yum??[/COLOR]
[COLOR=FF0099]I spotted it when it reached online, but I am not american & I use international credit card, then it was sold out[/COLOR]
[COLOR=FF0099]I talked to MAC on Live chat asking if it will be available in Nordstrom or MAC UK so I can order because they accept international credit cards[/COLOR]
[COLOR=FF0099]she surprised me when she said the US site now accepts online payments throught paypal with US shipping address (I have that one) but also she said Candy Yum Yum wont be restocked
[COLOR=FF0099]I was also told that By Request wont be available Online in Nordstrom or MAC UK! but only in MAC France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands (where I can't order because I don't understand the language & I don't have shipping addresses in those countries)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=FF0099]I Want that Candy Yum Yum
& Maybe Moxie too :"( :"([/COLOR]