HoneyMilk, CartoonChic, Singer82, Audrey C. & to all the others who were asking about me (I'm drawing a blank on the names, please excuse me. I'm on a lot of meds, in a lot of pain, nauseous from a damn popsicle & extremely exhausted.) Thank you all for sending me well wishes & thinking of me. It is greatly appreciated and it made my day. I miss chatting with you all, hearing what new goodies you've gotten into & seeing what new people have to offer. I've been stalking MAC's site for weeks, thinking BR might release early. I did a lot of searching for pictures of Moxie and CYY against different skin tones, because I've never seen them IRL. I'm wanting more shocking, bold colors (that are not red!). I really broke out of my shell with the pink/purple lippie from EL's fall line. Now that I'm going to have
major medical bills to pay, I won't be buying much MU. BUT I was so ready for BR. I wanted all 3 LSs & instead I was climbing the walls in my ER bed, waiting for a bed on a floor. It has been a very shocking, emotional, horrendous time & MAC can't restock their lippies? I want to cry over that too. Luckily, my sis found out that I had been admitted, so she got me Rocker, but didn't realize I wanted the other 2. I thought she got me Moxie but my BIL ordered it & he didn't get that one for some reason or another... So, here I am day # 9 of my hospital admission. I did not think that I would still be in here almost a week and a half! I'm so mad, angry, confused and sad, sad, sad. I've been illl for quite a while, but NOT like this. I had a couple of years of suffering similar to what I'm going through right now, but it was almost 10 years ago & it was so tramautizing I had to bury the majority of bad things I experienced on a daily basis to come out okay, a fighter! I just want to leave, go home, rest with my furbabies & hubharoo, but they haven't even mentioned the word discharge!!! AHH. Hope all is great with everyone else & got want they wanted from BR.
[IFingers crossed for a restock...Moxie & CYY!!! I'll do anything for these 2, please hear me MU G-dess!!!][/I] Take care. Oh no...here comes nurse