MAC By Request discussion


Well-known member
It's on the Australian website :) Free shipping code: byrequest I cant wait to get Moth brown and jete :)


Well-known member
You all are lucky you were able to get the entire collection in one swoop. Here we had to stalk for a week.

I'd swap a Marilyn lipstick for a CYY if anyone is interested.


Well-known member
Moxie is already sold out in Germany, but maybe you can ask one of the UK girls? I don't know if it's already out in the Netherlands. Yesterday someone from CS supposedly told someone from another forum that we won't get the e/s. I've the feeling that we've to take that with a grain of salt since CS never has a clue, but Naynadine and I are desperately looking for a Mothbrown for each of us, so if anybody is willing to sell their BUs please contact us!


Well-known member
That's insane. I don't know what's more insane - the ridiculous low stock in Italy or Germany which maybe doesn't get the e/s at all!


Well-known member
Does anyone know when these are being released on the UK site, is it the 4th or the 8th?

My sister is buying me Rocker, Candy Yum Yum and Moxie as part as one of my xmas presents from her, so I'm thinking of buying the same three myself so I have backups :D


Well-known member
I was told by MAC MUA in the live chat it's gonna be on the 4th, But that was around 2 weeks ago, maybe they changed the date!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Someone else was told that we are NOT getting the eyeshadows in Germany. I am so bummed, after all the voting and waiting and stalking the site for days now. All I wanted was Moth Brown. This is ridiculous.
My Marilyn order might get cancelled too. I shop online all the time, from the US, UK, Asia, but the german MAC site is the worst website to buy from ever.


Well-known member
No sign of By Request yet on the Belgian MAC site, i really wonder when (or if, lol ..) we're gonna get it

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