Mac Casting Call in 3 weeks!!


I am very much so a amateur, but was told it was normal/expected for me not to know everything. But by reading these threads, it seems i might not be up to par...any tips?? My audition is in 3 weeks here in Cleveland, Ohio. We'll see how well I'll do...


Well-known member
Just keep practicing on friends and family within the next three weeks. Practice is the only way to become a better makeup artist. I keep trying to improve all of the time. Keep reading the posts, especially in this category, they will fill you with info! Best of luck, let us all know how it goes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofierce514
I am very much so a amateur, but was told it was normal/expected for me not to know everything. But by reading these threads, it seems i might not be up to par...any tips?? My audition is in 3 weeks here in Cleveland, Ohio. We'll see how well I'll do...

Awesome! Listen, if you need a model I could sit for you. Pic of me is the avatar


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofierce514
...But by reading these threads, it seems i might not be up to par...

What are your particular concerns, hon? Or are you, just like I was, simply freaking in general!?

If you elaborate, we may be able to help.

Also, practice helps calm the nerves!


well i know my biggest flaw is probably the most important...eyes. liner, shadow - im terrible! its something i always wanted to aspire to do, be a makeup artist...and my friend pushed me into this, he also works for mac. im hesitant about going through with this, until i feel i am better prepared. i, myself am only really familiar with foundations, tinted moisturizers, bronzers, and clear mascara (all things i use on myself) but highlighting, contouring, lip, shadow, liner - meeting with a friend of a friend this weekend to go over all of this stuff, she works for one of clevelands best reknown spas as a makeup artist, we'll see how easily i pick those parts of makeup,...ugh i have a knot in my stomach just typing this out, lol.

my customer service is unparalled tho, lol, I've been working at H&M for a year and a half now, but i figured this would just build upon the creativity i possess and execute each day at work. got the clothes down, now all i need is the face, haha

btw i do have a model - not sure how i would transfer gwen stefani meets madonna on her tho - shes a brunette with a long face and slender facial features. we practice on friday, meeting with the makeup artist sunday, ill update on both as it happens!!

America's Next Jay Manuel (hopefully)


Well-known member
Jay Manuel blows on his brushes....DON'T DO THAT!


And to be honest with you, at a lot of locations, you don't even have to know how to do makeup to get hired for MAC anymore...I know too many people who had not done makeup on another person-ever & got hired permanent cause they knew the right people.

But thank you for trying to learn! Practice & using your friends who don know what they're doing will definitely help.


hahaha ok got that, it seems unsanitary to do that to someone.

well i have a few contacts, 2 friends that work for mac, a flair for couture fashion, and a genuine smile. Let's hope my friends are in cahoots with the right people. But hey if not, there's always the next often are these casting calls? if i do fail, id just be first in line for the next one, and with a definitive knowledge of what to expect second time around. I'm motivated but hesitant. I guess I want to go in their and wow them with my techniques, not just my interview. 17 days to learn, do, and review my strengths and weaknesses. *quiver*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofierce514
I'm motivated but hesitant. I guess I want to go in their and wow them with my techniques, not just my interview. 17 days to learn, do, and review my strengths and weaknesses. *quiver*

I know how it feels to be totally freaking out! I have my interveiw on Tuesday...and I'm going nuts. I know that I'm doubting myself, and I think thats a little normal, but at the same time I know that I need to just go for it, do everything to my best ability. I've been practicing like mad on myself and plan to go crazy on my best friend this weekend so that I feel uber comforatable working on someone else.

Goodluck! Work hard, you sound reallllly motivated, and that will definatly get you a long way!


i know right!! i feel like i am a 9 year old girl playing with mommy's makeup when i apply on someone else. bwahaha

well good luck on your interview, fill me in on how it goes!!

p.s. i was interested in buying a mac brush set, cant find em online or instores...would it be bad if i roll up in the interview with the sephora prestige brush set instead? I want it really bad!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofierce514
I am very much so a amateur, but was told it was normal/expected for me not to know everything. But by reading these threads, it seems i might not be up to par...any tips?? My audition is in 3 weeks here in Cleveland, Ohio. We'll see how well I'll do...

Welcome and best of luck to you...and I have to say you are quite the cutie!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofierce514
well i know my biggest flaw is probably the most important...eyes. liner, shadow - im terrible! its something i always wanted to aspire to do, be a makeup artist...and my friend pushed me into this, he also works for mac. im hesitant about going through with this, until i feel i am better prepared. i, myself am only really familiar with foundations, tinted moisturizers, bronzers, and clear mascara (all things i use on myself) but highlighting, contouring, lip, shadow, liner - meeting with a friend of a friend this weekend to go over all of this stuff, she works for one of clevelands best reknown spas as a makeup artist, we'll see how easily i pick those parts of makeup,...ugh i have a knot in my stomach just typing this out, lol.

my customer service is unparalled tho, lol, I've been working at H&M for a year and a half now, but i figured this would just build upon the creativity i possess and execute each day at work. got the clothes down, now all i need is the face, haha

btw i do have a model - not sure how i would transfer gwen stefani meets madonna on her tho - shes a brunette with a long face and slender facial features. we practice on friday, meeting with the makeup artist sunday, ill update on both as it happens!!

America's Next Jay Manuel (hopefully)

I am not really familiar with what happens during a casting call, but remember, sometimes less is don't really need to contour...just basic makeup will do. Highlighting is easy...just remember that highlighter goes on the high planes of the face (cheekbones, hairline, middle of nose and tip of chin). Always start off with a little product,then add more if you need it. It's easier to add something than to have to wipe it off.

As far as the eyes go, stick with a neutral look (a lid color, light crease and brow highlight. Pick colors are that close to each other (Cork, Shroom and Brule are good) and practice with an eyeliner pencil (don't worry about liquid liners and such). Mascara is easier to apply if you bend the disposable wand at an angle (where the brush ends).

Above all, just be your fabulous self and knock 'em dead!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katura
I know how it feels to be totally freaking out! I have my interveiw on Tuesday...and I'm going nuts. I know that I'm doubting myself, and I think thats a little normal, but at the same time I know that I need to just go for it, do everything to my best ability. I've been practicing like mad on myself and plan to go crazy on my best friend this weekend so that I feel uber comforatable working on someone else.

Goodluck! Work hard, you sound reallllly motivated, and that will definatly get you a long way!

Best of luck to you, girl!! Let us know how it goes!


Well-known member
Don't worry too much about it just do the best you can. I didn't get the job on my first interview but I learned A LOT of what my mistakes were and was able to concentrate on fixing those mistakes. That's the good thing about the demo interview because the managers will really give you a blow by blow of what they think. Even when I was trying out for my perm. position at my new counter my manager gave me some tips that I really paid attention to and WOW major difference.

You can apply as many times as you're willing to and honestly you can only get better with practice. Make-up art is a hands on kind of thing so just do it as much as possible.


wow thanks everyone!! i love this site!! i am practicing tomorrow (after my eyebrows get waxed of course lol) i let u know what happens with my model, i may take a pic too and post!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofierce514
p.s. i was interested in buying a mac brush set, cant find em online or instores...would it be bad if i roll up in the interview with the sephora prestige brush set instead? I want it really bad!!

They probably won't like seeing your Sephora brushes.

Are you looking for full sized brushes or a holiday set? MAC doesn't really make sets other than that. You can put together a set of your own, but won't get any sort of discount. Check ebay or the sales section on here.

Unless they told you to bring your own, they will probably provide you with some sort of brush set.


unfortunately i was told to bring my own set - bummer, thanks for the direction tho on where to find some - ill try looking around.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
MAC doesn't really make sets other than that. You can put together a set of your own, but won't get any sort of discount. Check ebay or the sales section on here.

Be incredibly careful buying M·A·C brushes on eBay. Even sellers with 100% feedback are selling counterfeit brushes. I'd suggest avoiding eBay completely for brushes unless you are already extremely familiar with M·A·C brushes and can spot the fakes. I would imagine that at the moment most M·A·C brushes being sold on eBay are fakes from China.

You can always check on the Counterfeit MAC forum before bidding.

Good luck with the practice!


Well-known member
Don't worry! It looks like you know your weaknesses and willing to work on them - and that's always a great start! You definitely have time to practice on somebody else. Think about how many makeovers of your friends will make you more comfortable with the idea of doing MU on somebody else and commit this number and DO IT within the next 2 weeks. The other great thing to do (and I think that's what you're already doing anyways) is to get a MU lesson from one of the freelancers in your town - just for the basic stuff. It really helps to see the tecniques of other people and try them out later to see if they work for you.

Customer service is definitely a huge one! So during your demo pretend that you're giving a lesson to your model and explain everything! This site is SOOOO helpful! I learned so much here before my demo. (I'm still waiting for the answer
Re: brushes. YOu've mentioned that you have a couple of friends who work for MAC - ask if they'll lend you some of their brushes just for 1 day? IT is really pricy to buy a set. If you do decide to buy a set, you really need about 5-6 brushes for a demo. Foundation, concealer, angled, base e/s, blending, & 187 (will work for powders, blush, highlighting)

And mostly important - beleive in yourself! Go in there like you are already a MAC artist! The job is yours and you just have to take it! It sounds lame - but make a sign saying "I'm a MAC artist!" and hang it somewhere in the house - this way you'll get comfortable with this thought and will actually manifest it in your attitude! Let us know how your practicing is going and when exactly is your demo, so we can send you positive thoughts!

Good luck!


practice has been ok - i was supposed to get together today with a mac artsit but she never called me today so i could give her directions to my house, she actually just started at my work at H&M with me (fate maybe? lol) oh well, hopefully we can work something out for next week again....

i've actually been practicing on my boyfriend, (haha) and ive been trying to play with light, sheer colors, lavender, violet, plum, with a almost invisible white that has a bit of glisten to just doesnt seem to work right tho. im also having diffculty with an eye liner color choice for that. any ideas on what kinda colors i can maybe buy as far as shadows and liners that compliment eachother? his lid has a crease in it which i think is making these sheer/glistening colors not work right - it is accentuating the lines in his eyes.

any tips on application of eye makeup is appreciated also!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
Jay Manuel blows on his brushes....DON'T DO THAT!

Hilarious!! I went to high school with Jay. We had a bunch of classes together. He loved photography class.