I want all of the eyeshadows too. I was going to pass up the grey one (is it Apres Ski??) but the more I look at pictures, the more I like it. Hopefully it's in quad form as it'll save me a bit of money
Originally Posted by Moxy Me too, I'd love it to be a quad! I want all 4 colours anyway, so quad would be awesome plus quad is a bit cheaper than buying 4 e/s i think?
Do we know full colour story yet? Some people said there might be a MSF included - i don't really care, not into MSFs and don't own any
Yes yes pleeeeeease more details!! What does the fifth eye shadow look like? Is it white? White would seem to fit in the colour story with other eyeshadows.
Aww I was hoping for a quad to save a bit of money but that's okay I'll just depot and make my own with 4 out of the 5 shadows. Hopefully I won't want all of them though! I'm excited about the liner as well, hoping it wears nicely. =)