MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
Thank you! I will be away from Monday until Sunday. I will miss you all!

Have a wonderful vacation hun! Will miss you too!

Originally Posted by Susanne
Yay! Jeanette's smileys are working again!

Smooth Merge =

Yes they are working again.

*must ignore the Smooth Merge raves*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by only1angel
I LOVED all the blushes. Yes, when swatched they seem super glittery, but for some reason they don't show up like that on your cheeks. I gues it depends on what kind of a brush you are using.

Which brush are you using for your MB? Thanks for writing your review twice


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NeonKitty
I've dropped an MSf twice and an MES a couple of times, and holy shizz they didn't break. I think I have horseshoes up my azz, because I would cry if they broke.

I have carried around a MSF in my handbag a couple of times when going out or travelling interstate, but I always took precautions like packing tissues/cotton wool inside the lid of the MSF so that it was well cushioned against knocks. I havent had any breakages yet, but I have always tried to be careful...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rocking chick
I still want Crazy Haute,Miss Marble, Improvise and a backup of Eclectic Edge! Urgh....

Originally Posted by Susanne
The lipglasses are awesome
I still want Funky Fusion...

I found the glosses to be much better than anticipated and I'm definitely going back for Crazy Haute, or Elclectic Edge? Dunno yet!

But seriously, for those that are just new to MAC, these glosses are great, and they're pretty to look at in the tube!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rocking chick
These marbled lipglass are really the best from this collection!

True! Such a great surprise! You can't compare them at all to the Tricolour glasses that came out with Sugar Sweet.


Well-known member
oh no you starting to have doubts about buyin Smooth Merge
now while its a really pretty color im just not sure that im going to actually use it. i already have petticoat and i BARELY use it as it is!!!! to me they are really close in color, same rosy undertone but petticoat is more of a metallic-y finish ans smooth merge has more of a silver-y finish??? sighs what ta do what ta do? I think i might return to today an either pickk up another 226 or checkout Hand Finish blush, this is if its not to close to lookin like Moon River on me
AHHHHHHHHHHHH somebody help me!


Well-known member
I went to the bay yesterday and picked up triple fusion they had refinded still so I picked that up to and with the beauty discount at the bay I used my $10 off for the month of July so I feel a little less guilty.


Well-known member
Aren't the Beauty VIP coupons great? I have two books so I got $20 off my CC purchase (it's $10 for every 50).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by allThingsGirl
so did you get it tish?

No I did was tough to pass because I think I NEED every brush...I just for once didn't get this one...I would rather have another 165 and I see they are popping up at the CCO's now...I like all the brushes I have and they work well so there was no need...I did NEED another 226 which I did get


Well-known member
After my 4 products, I am not really excited about anything else from this collection. I have gathered all my make-up together and it turns out my blushes/high-lighting products totally exceed the number of my anything else like my eye-shadows. No more blushes or high-lighting products for me.


Well-known member co-workers/friends/husband threw me a surprise b-day party last night, and I am one lucky girl! My co-workers gave me $150 mac gift card and my hubby gave me $100 for MAC, and $200 to Nordies! My head is spinning thinking of all the possibilities!
So I am really glad I didn't buy out the entire collection before my birthday! I knew something good would come out of it

Still, I don't want to spend a lot more on this collection, I think I will only get a couple more things: Colour Crafted l/s, Cheeky Bronze and possibly a MB. I am going to skip the 131 because it doesn't sound like a total must-have, especially if Tish skipped it


Well-known member
how did you guys get the bay's vip coupon book? here they tell me i needed to be at their gala event a few months ago....I could sure use these!! LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
Still, I don't want to spend a lot more on this collection, I think I will only get a couple more things: Colour Crafted l/s, Cheeky Bronze and possibly a MB. I am going to skip the 131 because it doesn't sound like a total must-have, especially if Tish skipped it

Don't even try it girl....Go test it out for may find it is a MUST have for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamQueen21
I just got back from the mall!! All I have to say about this collection is that IT'S FREAKING GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally saw them in person and I swatched Funky Fusion, Nice Mix Up, Cheeky Bronze MSF and all of the MB!!! All of the MB are so pretty!!! I didn't get any of them since I had little money so I B2M'd for Eclectic Edge!!!! It's so pretty and it's my first purple lipglass! Since I saw the collection in person, I'm going to make a purchase online when I get paid.

You can B2M for those lipglass even if they are pricier!?!?!?!?!?

That would be awesome... and could justify a small trip to MAC Pro...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
how did you guys get the bay's vip coupon book? here they tell me i needed to be at their gala event a few months ago....I could sure use these!! LOL

I was not at an event I was in the Bay at Sherway and got Estee Lauder day wear plus I think it was the begining of June or end of May can't remember exactly but I had spent over $50 and they gave me the VIP book. I wish the bay would do this more often as it would bring them more of my business especially when LE collections from MAC come out. I go to the stores more for pro pan refills etc but any LE stuff I will buy where ever don't care plus we all know discounts on the high end brands are few and far between.

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