MAC - Cool Heat Discussion


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by postcard
I went to see Cool Heat today and got Blue Flame and Warm Chill. Gulf Stream did not come in and was not available. All the colors live up to their hype.

I didn't get Solar White b/c it looks too orange/gold and althought pretty I don't think it will look good on me. I will probably be the only person not getting that one, the texture was nice though.

Yep...I feel the same about Solar White. I need to stay in the white tone families, maybe a lil gold is ok. What do you think of Warm Chill?
I'm only getting Warm Chill, Climate Blue, 3-4 Simshines


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by elegant-one
Yep...I feel the same about Solar White. I need to stay in the white tone families, maybe a lil gold is ok. What do you think of Warm Chill?
I'm only getting Warm Chill, Climate Blue, 3-4 Simshines

I fell for Warm Chill immediately. I was worried that it would have yellow tones because some pictures looked that way but it really doesn't. I haven't tried it on yet but it reminded me of the green I saw in a Fafi quad. I think it was fafi. I adore Blue Flame. I need this for my Naughty Nautical look! I don't have Deep Truth and I prefer Blue Flame over it anyway. I got to see them side by side to choose. I was so tempted to get Climate Blue too. It has a lot of a violet tone to it! It's intense and pretty.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Try to use the eyeshadows as well, just simple on the lid with a brush like the 239 or something like that and you will be amazed!

Thank you - I will. The great looks on here are really inspiring and I have way too many eyeshadows to carry on just admiring them!

I just lost my colour-confidence when I went blonde a couple of years back (kept the blonde though). My hair went really light with a gold tone, but my skin is really fair and cool-tone. So all the colours that used to suit me suddenly looked awful and I ended taking the safe route of lips only.

Guess I really just need to start playing again!

Thank you for your encouragement xx


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

I might still get Gulf Stream if it looks a lot like Waternymph. I love water nymph even though I can't imagine finishing it!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by Patricia
i think warming trend looks a bit like twilery no? or maybe it's just me... maybe warming trend is a bit warmer


twillery is a bit warmer than warming trend. and you can see how much more yellow white wheat is compared to solar white.


Re: Cool Heat Discussion

I went to the pro store today in NYC, and they had the Cool Heat collection. The colors are very nice, I picked up 4 colors. One of the colors warming trend reminds me of Time and Space from the Neo Sci-Fi collection so I didn't get that. Cool Heat looks a little like Big T, but when I tested it on my hand it was a little more green on me. So the colors that I bought today are below and I can't wait to get it on my eyes, LOL They didn't have Gulf Stream, so I will be getting that next week when it comes out in the rest of the stores.

Solar White
Climate Blue
Warm Chill
Cool Heat


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by tyshelle
I went to the pro store today in NYC, and they had the Cool Heat collection. The colors are very nice, I picked up 4 colors. One of the colors warming trend reminds me of Time and Space from the Neo Sci-Fi collection so I didn't get that. Cool Heat looks a little like Big T, but when I tested it on my hand it was a little more green on me. So the colors that I bought today are below and I can't wait to get it on my eyes, LOL They didn't have Gulf Stream, so I will be getting that next week when it comes out in the rest of the stores.

Solar White
Climate Blue
Warm Chill
Cool Heat

i posted pics of warming trend and time & space on post #938. they're not even close.


Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by erine1881
i posted pics of warming trend and time & space on post #938. they're not even close.

There still in the same family, so I past, I have so many of those colors.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by tyshelle
I went to the pro store today in NYC, and they had the Cool Heat collection. The colors are very nice, I picked up 4 colors. One of the colors warming trend reminds me of Time and Space from the Neo Sci-Fi collection so I didn't get that. Cool Heat looks a little like Big T, but when I tested it on my hand it was a little more green on me. So the colors that I bought today are below and I can't wait to get it on my eyes, LOL They didn't have Gulf Stream, so I will be getting that next week when it comes out in the rest of the stores.

Solar White
Climate Blue
Warm Chill
Cool Heat

Strange, so many places aren't getting Gulf Stream in. MAC has been really screwy with their shipments lately. My counter hadn't received half of Neo Sci Fi, and EZ Baby Tendertone on their launch days, and Gulf Stream e/s was missing from their shipment of Cool Heat stuff.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by erine1881

twillery is a bit warmer than warming trend. and you can see how much more yellow white wheat is compared to solar white.

thank you so much!!!

i might get warming trend though, looks like it's still similar to twillery, just bit more gold


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

yay!!! so i'm getting:

solar white (2, one for me and one for my mum)
warming trend
cool heat



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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

here are swatches for all the above requests.


when vanilla pigment and solar white are side by side, you can see the pink in vanilla, but none in solar white. on skin blue flame and deep truth are the same. you can only see the difference on camera.[/quote]

Erine, 2 questions... can you please post this in the swatch thread, so I can see all the pictures at once? I am getting sea sick toggling back and forth
And what kind of camera do you have? Your pictures are always so awesome... TIA!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by elegant-one
BTW - The Business news said that Nordstroms sales were up 11% in May...prolly from all you guys buying so much MAC!
I know I had a hand in that increase

I think it's us buying Dazzleglasses combined with that $8 shipping charge of theirs!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by Patricia
i think warming trend looks a bit like twilery no? or maybe it's just me... maybe warming trend is a bit warmer

That's how it looks to me in Erine's swatches too, a little warmer version of Twillery. I hope it looks like that IRL. Edited to say I posted before seeing Erine's comparison of WT vs Twillery. Thank you Erine!!!!

I'm still liking Warm Chill and Climate Blue too!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Ok, so I am about to post a ton of swatches. While those load, here is my review.

All in all I felt this was a solid collection with a little something for everyone. The slimshines were all very pretty, but due to the fact that these aren't very pigmented in general, I just went with high 90's which is a beautiful orangey pink color.

Tropic Glow -Midtone Pink with blue undertones
By Degrees - A brownish shade of pink. Pretty but not remarkable
Gentle Simmer - Lightest and sheerest of the bunch, a just barely there pink
High 90s - Vivid and bright, this is the most pigmented of the bunch and also the most beautiful imo. Kind of like a more mild electro
Swelter- More pink than red in my opion. Almost mauvey too

Solar White - Similar to vanilla pigment. However, whereas vanilla piggie has pink tones, solar white is a cream with pure golden tones. Gorgeous as a a highlight i think
Warm Chill - A lot of you thought this would be a lot like juxt. Nope, juxt has yellow undertones whereas warm chill has green undertones. It is truly a beautiful color, a light and golden seafoam green. Gorgeous!
Gulf Stream -They didn't get this color in.
Cool Heat - I could see how this would be compared to big t. It is definitely in the same color family but in my opinion cool heat is just richer and more pigmented
Climate Blue- This is a blue that almost looks purple on. Looking at it in the pan you can definitely see the pink sparkle. The ma said this was the most popular color of the day.
Blue Flame - Yep, this one on me was remarkably similar to deep truth. Barely could distinguish the diff except I do know deep truth is a touch darker and blue flame appears more metallic.
Turquatic- Nothing special to me, it was Turquatic heat that came home with me. Its so fruity and floral, light and crisp! Perfect for summer!

EDIT: Swatches are up!!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Thank you for that fabulous review, Krasevayadancer!!!
I love reading your reviews! And thanks for the swatches!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by stv578
Erine's swatches have made me come close to a final list. Girls, I'm gonna be good this time around, I'm not going to declare that I'm going to skip this collection, because that seems to make me go to the other extreme (NN, Neo Sci fi). But I have decided on Tropic Glow slimshine and Solar White and Warm Chill e/s. If I can stick to this list, I'll be very proud of myself!

I'm adding Warming Trend to my list as a maybe! After seeing the swatches, it doesn't look as silvery as a previous pic, but I'll have to see it in person to see. It also looks like it might disappear on my skin. It'll definitely be one I'll have to try on first.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Thank you so much for the new swatches Erine and Kras!

I'm definitely happy with my choices of Warm Chill, Gulf Stream and Cool Heat now. The others are just way too dupable for me IMO and unnecessarily outside my budget right now unfortunately. Yay though, I'm excited!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Thank you soooooo much, Krasevayadancer!!!!!! I am surprised Climate Blue was the popular color of the day.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

You are so very welcome ladies. My boss actually saw the stickers on my hand before I left work. Needless to say he thinks i am nuts now!

Ladyvirtuous- I agree. The color is awful purrty tho! My fav had to be warm chill!

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