MAC - Dare To Wear Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HerGreyness
the Red one... is especially special

Thank you! I was excited about the red and pink ones! This collection and VV make me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Karen_B
My guess is that it's actually good for MAC if info gets out beforehand. Lots of people become hooked on an item after seeing swatches of it. It's how the hypes are born, yes?

The only people who could get in "trouble" for leaking out information beforehand would be the R&D people -- and especially if it is to a competitor.
Anyone who tests a product, like myself, gets only a WN or numbered product with a season on it.. so there is no way to really leak anything. It's all conjecture
which of course helps the hype!


Well-known member
HerGreyness, how many backups of the glosses would you recommend? I know you don't need a lot, but say I wanted to use one of these colors everyday. How many would I need for at least a few months? I am going to reserve this weekend.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by laylalovesmac
HerGreyness, how many backups of the glosses would you recommend? I know you don't need a lot, but say I wanted to use one of these colors everyday. How many would I need for at least a few months? I am going to reserve this weekend.

oh my... at least 2-3 for everyday wear... they are dense not thick, and there is not much product packed into the skinny tubes
.. therefore, these are not cheap.

think of it as eating Godiva chocolate...delicious but costly


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HerGreyness
oh my... at least 2-3 for everyday wear... they are dense not thick, and there is not much product packed into the skinny tubes
.. therefore, these are not cheap.

think of it as eating Godiva chocolate...delicious but costly

Hmmm..... I think I'll get three purple + one red!
red is kind of a rare color for me. I can see using the purple everyday though.

Thanks! You're the best!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HerGreyness
oh my... at least 2-3 for everyday wear... they are dense not thick, and there is not much product packed into the skinny tubes
.. therefore, these are not cheap.

think of it as eating Godiva chocolate...delicious but costly

just like the dazzleglasses then!


Well-known member
So slightly over two more weeks for this to come out correct?? I guess I'll have to stop in before work to buy the items because with the way things of been going lately everything will sell out before the weekend! I would almost go to the counter that's closer to me but I need to B2M for two of the e/s. I've heard some counters don't do the B2M??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HerGreyness
oh my... at least 2-3 for everyday wear... they are dense not thick, and there is not much product packed into the skinny tubes
.. therefore, these are not cheap.

In the swatch thread there's a picture of the lipglasses next to their boxes, and on the boxes it says there is 6g/.21 US ounces worth of product which is way more than a dazzleglass (1.92g/.06 oz). But, maybe there's some kind of volume versus weight issue involved. I always get confused by this!


Well-known member
OMG! I've just had a look at Zoffe's swatches of the lipglosses and I want them ALL!
Don't even care about the eyeshadows, justt he glosses!


Well-known member
Wow, I even forgot the release date would be soon.
On the 22nd I'm gonna see if the Pro store has it already (seems like they always release a week early).


Well-known member
After looking at the newest swatches, I've decided I absolutely need So Bad and Bold & Brash glosses. I can skip the others, but if I have some extra $$$, I will probably get Ban This! and/or Gimme That! I'm more excited about the sparkly purple than the hot pink. Kinda over pink right now.

I'm now undecided if I should get Going Bananas shadow b/c I really don't use that kind of color anymore. Louder Please, Sassy Grass, and Zingy are must haves and I'll most likely get Crazy Cool. It all depends. If I'm, rich that week, I'll just buy everything. I'm trying to talk myself out of it, but I'm also trying to save. Since Mac collections come out on Thursday, I'm trying to hold on to money b/c by Friday some of this stuff might be gone.


Well-known member
I think I'm also going to skip Crazy Cool. I just bought a new BI since it is a staple, and I will be getting HAI, so I think Crazy Cool is a skip for me. I will still be picking one up for my mom, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
So slightly over two more weeks for this to come out correct?? I guess I'll have to stop in before work to buy the items because with the way things of been going lately everything will sell out before the weekend! I would almost go to the counter that's closer to me but I need to B2M for two of the e/s. I've heard some counters don't do the B2M??

all locations do b2m.


Well-known member
Due to unexpected expenses, I've cut my list more.

Sassy Grass
Crazy Cool (just one for the mom)
Ban This! (x2)

I think I shall be just as happy with these three items than I would be with the ten I was originally going to get.

Soul Unique

Well-known member
Originally Posted by laylalovesmac
I think I'm also going to skip Crazy Cool. I just bought a new BI since it is a staple, and I will be getting HAI, so I think Crazy Cool is a skip for me. I will still be picking one up for my mom, though.

One of the MAs at my counter said that HAI is more intense than CC so all is not lost! Plus you could borrow your moms.


Well-known member
I wish I could afford to get backups of the glosses--I think I want them all but I can't see spending double to back them all up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
all locations do b2m.

Thanks! I wasnt sure because I heard some people could only get l/s with their B2M. I'll go to the counter near me then


Well-known member
Hi everyone - today I went to Nordies to see the DtW collection - I have a few things on hold, and have swatches to post in the swatch thread if anyone is interested.

I have to say that the glosses are pigment-packed, but they ARE very thick and sticky. I kept having to moosh my lips together to try to thin out the stickiness, but they do have staying power. They are so beautiful in the tubes! BUT, I'm only going to get Gimme That, Bold & Brash and So Bad.


Well-known member
i'm not fussed if the glosses are sticky really - as long as they are pigmented i am not caring!
whoop whoop!