MAC Demo Interviews - descriptions & questions

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Re: Would this be an appropriate look to wear to my demo?

Yeah it would be nice. I might even add some violet or another purple as lower liner. You're showing you can be creative with different looks.


Well-known member
Re: Would this be an appropriate look to wear to my demo?

I say yes too! I like the idea of adding a little bit of purple on the lower lashline like what was suggested above, or instead of highlighting with brown use purple? Maybe Stars n Rockets e/s? That would look nice!


Well-known member
Re: Would this be an appropriate look to wear to my demo?

Oh, and good luck!


Question About Brushes used for Demo's

Hey everyone, this is actually my first post...after being a "guest" on the forum for like 2 years lol. But I have to say this is by far the best forum I've ever seen
So just had to say Thanks!!!

Anyway to my questions...hopefully theyre posted in the correct spot lol.

I was wondering if anyone knew the selection of brushes that were provided for use during the demo interviews. Are they selected randomly at different locations by different people each time someone interviews? Or is it usually the same selection? Do we choose what brushes we need to use or does the manager?
And if possible could a few people give me (if they can remember) which type they were given to use? I only have a few in my collection right now bc of the brokeness lol but I really want to make sure I'm familiar with them all before doing my demo. Knowing me I'd use a brush for something completely opposite of what it was designed for haha.

I also have the horrible habit of using my fingers and sponges on myself, which obviously I wouldn't be doing at MAC lol so I need to start using brushes for everything. Which leads me to another question...Whats the best brush for applying moisturizer(that just seems weird to me lol)?
Whats the best brush for P+P eye and face..even lip? Whats the best for Concealer? I always use a brush for concealer but then after blend in the eye area with my fingers or sponge, and same with can you make sure everything is perfectly blended only using a brush?

Ok I'm going to stop there even though I have a ton more I'll have to make a new thread somewhere else for the rest but any info on this subject would be appreciated! Thanx


Well-known member
Demo tomorrow

Hey ladies and gents
I have my MAC demo tomorrow and I'm lost on what I am going to do for my demo. The manager told me she was going to have me do a red carpet look and i am literally lost on what I want to do. I have been doing looks on my model and nothing really stand out to me like WOW. Please me me with some options. I am looking forward to this demo and getting the jobs it would be a dream come true.


Well-known member
Re: Question About Brushes used for Demo's


my brushes were given to me by the trainer who was evaluating my demo. Can't remember exactly what she gave me, but I do know that she gave me a blending brush that I wasn't used to using, so I asked to have the kind I was familiar with. They're not just going to stick you with randomly selected brushes and have you fend for yourself. Most likely you'll just be given someone's brush belt and have access to them all.

Most commonly used brush for applying moisturizer is the 190, which is a foundation brush. If I were you, go into the mac store or counter and familiarize yourself with all their brushes, and buy a couple while you're at it.


Well-known member
I'm back.........I was hired as a freelance artist!!!!!! I am so excited. I was so nervous and felt really sick but I got thru it. She asked me to do a day to night look. I ochre p/p, naked unch on the inner eye bronze on outer eyelid and kid to blend the crease and brule to highlight.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nursee81
I'm back.........I was hired as a freelance artist!!!!!! I am so excited. I was so nervous and felt really sick but I got thru it. She asked me to do a day to night look. I ochre p/p, naked unch on the inner eye bronze on outer eyelid and kid to blend the crease and brule to highlight.

So glad you decided to use less shadows! I really think that was smart
good job again


Well-known member
Originally Posted by baci
So glad you decided to use less shadows! I really think that was smart
good job again

thanks girl!


Well-known member
Congrats!! Tell us MORE please!!! lol. what look did you do on yourself? what did you wear? where there other ppl there doing demo's or just you??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prettysecrets
Congrats!! Tell us MORE please!!! lol. what look did you do on yourself? what did you wear? where there other ppl there doing demo's or just you??

For me I wore a dark edgy look, I had rice paperas highlight, yogurt in the crease, and black track fluid line as a base on my lid with carbon. I did hot pink lips and pink blush. I wore black leggings and an oversided shirt with and overside carnigan since it was a sleeveless top. and some black heels.

I was the only person there. they gave 20 mins to do a day look and 10 to turn it into an evening look.


Thats so awesome

I went in about a month ago with my resume and a couple portfolio pictures attached and handed it to the CM. She told me she was hiring for freelance and told me to call her after the weekend but when I called she wasn't in. I went in a couple times and both times she wasn't there. I haven't called or went back since because after reading all of these posts I'm afraid I don't have enough in depth product knowledge to get hired. I used to shop at MAC atleast once a week but that was about 4 years ago when my life only consisted of myself and I could afford it lol. So I'm afraid I won't be able to explain or suggest products during the demo like most people can. I barely know the names of e/s colors!

My make-up skills have improved since then but my product knowledge has gone down the drain. I dont want to look like an idiot during my demo so I think I should try and study the website before calling back. This has been the job I've been talking about having for SO many years, I just keep putting it off...probably because I'm so nervous and don't want to blow my chances.

These posts are really inspiring though

Does anyone on the forum live in MIAMI by chance??

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