MAC - Dress Camp Discussion

Re: Dress Camp discussion

I'm fuming at MAC right now. Even though I got on the same day it was released online it was basically immediately sold out. I talked to an employee of Estee Lauder and even their employee reserves are sold out. She said they only had 377 palettes online. 377!! What the heck! How could they come up with such a low number to have online knowing it's so limited in the states and how everyone would jump on a palette and especially she-gold. I live by none of those places so now I am just sad, im continually searching make up swap sites for it.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

After all my worry, UPS just delivered my package & my order was complete
I got eveything & a backup of she-gold, I had been so sure they would short me something.
They enclosed a booklet on their brushes for people who were wondering what the brush thing was that was listed on the orders.


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by patty0411
hahahaha.. I bet all the people in line were from Specktra!

He's Filipino with short hair (shaved).. lol... I'm not sure what he was wearing.. haha

Were you able to get Too Fab and Fashion?

Ooh him haha Unfortunately I didn't get Too Fab and Fashion even though I was first in line..I could've sworn they told me they had 6 of everything when I called the other day and when I asked for it, they told me it was sold out and they onyl have the palette and She-Gold...I'm guessing the employees bought 'em..
Then I looked at the one they put on display hoping it wasn't used so I could try and buy it (lol I was that desperate) I saw that it was used! I was the first one in there and I didn't see anyone touch it so it must be the workers again! Lucky them!


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

you know im starting to think too that half of those buys were probably from employees which is totally not fair...hmph


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion saddens me..but when I think of myself in their position, I would snag one of each for myself too. (Goodness gracious I'm so selfish!)

So ladies, I just called CS for the millionth time this week and asked if they were going to restock and the lady told me she was positive that they were not going to. I questioned her 3 times before I decided to hang up. I just needed to know for sure..


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

well i would think that they would get their own portion to the employees but then again i guess maybe this would only go for the stores who are selling it..idk how it would work but i figured it would work better than this
this wasnt even limited it was like scarce lol


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Yeah, when I spoke to CS this morning the woman told me there was a conf. call between all MAC corporate offices over this collection. Doesn't look like they are restocking but they are definitely more than aware of the problem of limited stocks.

Got through to Mac Soho at 11:03 only to find the item i wanted (too fab) was sold out


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

i mean the least they could of done was added one more store with the items...maybe DC in Georgetown or something. Idk, i still feel sad and i need that she gold lol. I don't like Fashion it's a little too pink.


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by neezer
i mean the least they could of done was added one more store with the items...maybe DC in Georgetown or something. Idk, i still feel sad and i need that she gold lol. I don't like Fashion it's a little too pink.

Yeah, or like Calgary or something!!


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by Kalico
Yeah, or like Calgary or something!!

Calgary is kinda small and too close to Vancouver for it to be fair... I wish they released it in Toronto =( but then again I shouldn't complain since I ordered from the website at 8 something am...


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by Kalico
Yeah, or like Calgary or something!!

lol yeah they could of offered two spots for Canada...


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
Yeah, when I spoke to CS this morning the woman told me there was a conf. call between all MAC corporate offices over this collection. Doesn't look like they are restocking but they are definitely more than aware of the problem of limited stocks.

Got through to Mac Soho at 11:03 only to find the item i wanted (too fab) was sold out

Glad to hear that they're at least talking about it. I purchased everything and a back-up of She gold. I love a to put a little gold or bronze lipglass on the center of my bottom lip over my lipstick, so I wouldn't object to a couple more She Golds.


Re: Dress Camp discussion

I don't know if its okay to post this here, but there's someone trying to swap a palette on MUA if anyone is looking for one.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by mi-ke_neko
I don't know if its okay to post this here, but there's someone trying to swap a palette on MUA if anyone is looking for one.

Swap for what?


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

If anyone wants to let a She-Gold go to a loving home, I would really appreciate it. =/ I almost missed school because I was calling Soho for literally 45 minutes and it kept going to the verizon voice messaging service thing so it wouldn't let me get through to them. -Puppydog eyes-


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

Soooo, I called UPS directly today about my package (waiting on Too Fab and She-Gold both of which were apparently shipped out Tuesday) and they told me my package was sent out to Richmond, BC instead of Richmond Hill, Ontario. What the hell? Rookie mistake or what? So now my lippies are traveling out west and I'll only know more about it on Monday. They said it should get redirected back this way once they "realize" what happened. Any other order but this I wouldn't really care too much, but it had to happen with THIS. Aaaaagghhh! I've never been out west, hopefully my pretty little Too Fab will bring me back a souvenir!


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
If anyone wants to let a She-Gold go to a loving home, I would really appreciate it. =/ I almost missed school because I was calling Soho for literally 45 minutes and it kept going to the verizon voice messaging service thing so it wouldn't let me get through to them. -Puppydog eyes-

I ordered two, so once the order goes through and they mail it, I'll send you a pm. I don't use my pearl blossom either, so I'll send you mine, if you don't mind it being used a couple of times! Oh, and don't worry, no ebay price hacking here. I just want what I paid for the l/g, and you can just have the bp. Hope this makes your day a bit better!


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

FYI: my extra palette is spoken for and thank you to all the people who sent inquiries about it. I hope everyone is able to get their hands on this collection still.
*sends subliminal message to MAC to make more Dress camp goodies*


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by shootergirlnc
I ordered two, so once the order goes through and they mail it, I'll send you a pm. I don't use my pearl blossom either, so I'll send you mine, if you don't mind it being used a couple of times! Oh, and don't worry, no ebay price hacking here. I just want what I paid for the l/g, and you can just have the bp. Hope this makes your day a bit better!

Now that is very kind. Its been one of those stressful stressful days, where my coworkers are all acting like kids, so seeing your act of kindness has made my day better.


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

well blessings to my pal in NYC
funny enough she tells me she walked by M.A.C. today and that she saw this big group of excited folks for something
she thought about me because she heard it was limited and bought me SHE GOLD *faint* but YAYYYYY she said she didnt get the pinks because she didn't think i liked pink lol but yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy