56 new lipglasses. Smaller AND $2 more expensive? Yeah, MAC can go to hell on that one. No wonder they are doing so badly.
Wish these were permanent though
This was Sephora's selling point when they first came to the U.S. They said it was better than department stores because you could shop without someone bothering you and just pick up the products you want and checkout. And it was like that. I loved it. I was so tired of pushy sales people who didn't let you look around. I rarely know what I want when I go to the stores. I just want to look and see what is new and test some products on my lonesome. Then people started complaining that the sales people weren't helpful and didn't assist them. Next thing you know they did a complete turnaround and people were in your face constantly. I didn't like it and thought I might as well just go to a department store. I started shopping a lot online too to avoid pushy people. Eventually I came back and just tried to ignore them. I don't get as bothered as much but it does amaze me that 5 - 10 people will come up to me and ask if I need help if I'm in the store for 15 minutes.
All we have close by is 1 Ulta and 1 Sephora in the mall, Nordstrom and Macys which both have MAC counters are over an hour away, but right beside each other. When I went to Nordstrom, the people at the MAC counter were super nice and helpful but didn't bug me constantly, haven't been to this Ulta yet, but Sephora scares me. If you so much as hint that you want something, they will drag you all around the store showing you 800 million things and won't leave you alone until you want to cry. I prefer places that don't bother me until I'm ready to pay for my stuff. I'll love if they have MAC in the Ulta store by me, but I see no point in ever buying it from their website, it's like "look you can buy MAC now...and pay more than you do anywhere else cause of our expensive shipping" yeahhh...no, I'll stick with my free shipping, thanks.
This was Sephora's selling point when they first came to the U.S. They said it was better than department stores because you could shop without someone bothering you and just pick up the products you want and checkout. And it was like that. I loved it. I was so tired of pushy sales people who didn't let you look around. I rarely know what I want when I go to the stores. I just want to look and see what is new and test some products on my lonesome. Then people started complaining that the sales people weren't helpful and didn't assist them. Next thing you know they did a complete turnaround and people were in your face constantly. I didn't like it and thought I might as well just go to a department store. I started shopping a lot online too to avoid pushy people. Eventually I came back and just tried to ignore them. I don't get as bothered as much but it does amaze me that 5 - 10 people will come up to me and ask if I need help if I'm in the store for 15 minutes.
i can't even believe it
i was ulta employee for 7 years. once i quit both mac and nars come to ulta. lol
Honestly, I think MAC needs to cut back on the frequent new collections. I don't think people have the funds to pickup a few things with their collections literally being back-to-back, month after month. I'm sure they are also left with a lot of stock which ends up heavily discounted down the line which cuts into their profits. They should stick to several quality collections per quarter or something...idk.
liking ulta or not this is reality - they exploded and have 800 locations across the country. i was their employee 7 years. they had 300 stores when i started . in the last couple of years lancome, clinique, estee lauder, origins, nars, shiseido (even dior with mascaras)... came to ulta so why not mac? everyone wants that kind of accessibility to customers that ulta offers with so many locations.
I agree about Ulta's lack of free shipping. Keeps me from shopping online with them usually. Thankfully my local Ulta's customer service has gotten a bit better. Their rewards program keeps roping me in because of their occasional double/triple/etc. points on products/specific brands promotions. Although MAC physical availability is fine in my hometown (one MAC store and two counters), they closed both of the Macy's that had counters in my college town which really limited access.
I think MAC should extend their Select program to work in department stores and work on quality control of their collections. I also feel like MAC has started to follow trends when they use to be one of the trailblazers for them.
I think MAC should take a page out of NARS' book: Do four big seasonal collections a year, with most items joining the permanent range (this would definitely help with collection overload; most people tend to take their time when they know an item is going to be permanent), maybe a smaller LE collection here and there a few times a year (not counting Viva Glam).
Lack of free shipping (even when I've crossed the free shipping threshold; as I recall, it's due to lack of shipping options available to me) has kept me away from Ulta online. But I'm more than fine to shop at a physical store when I'm near one.
I'm also wondering if MAC will be available at all physical Ultas eventually, should they sell well. As it stands, there is only one MAC counter in Maine. But we have three Ulta locations. The lone MAC counter is in a Macy's that's roughly six hours away from me. On the other hand, the nearest Ulta is only two-and-a-half hours away. It would be great to have an expanded MAC presence here.
56 new lipglasses. Smaller AND $2 more expensive? Yeah, MAC can go to hell on that one. No wonder they are doing so badly.
Wish these were permanent though
Seems like MAC is doing another Future Forward collection,I haven't seen this anywhere else yet on the forum so I'll leave this here I guess
MAC Future Forward Limited Edition Product Photos
I believe it is the beauty guru thread. Maybe we could re-name it Future Forward...if that is the official release name. [MENTION=65477]shellygrrl[/MENTION] ?
Beauty Guru thread is the YouTuber, etc, collab.
Future Forward is the collab with musicians.
Thanks mama. I get these things confused because we are bombarded with so much...![]()
My situation is a little opposite. The only MAC counter we have for 3+ hrs is my Macy's, but if MAC expands to our Ulta, that would likely be the death knell for the Macy's. The MAC counter is the only part of the store that sells well. That would make me sad because I adore my Macy's MAC gals, and our Ulta sucks. The staff are (in general): apathetic, not nice, not knowledgeable. The store always feels a combination of over-crowded with stuff and empty....they have a really hard time keeping anything in stock except hair care, nail polish, and drugstore skincare. I do like Ulta because of the rewards system and that they run 20% off more frequently than Sephora, but I imagine MAC will be specifically excluded.