MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
It's fun that the consumer can see instantly what gets the most votes. I hope they don't reset it every day.


Well-known member
As Shitaki is a glaze finish, it is very wearable. It is not the typical brown lippie that looks dirty or muddy. It has a great sheen while bringing out earthy hues that complement both NW and NC complexions.

I think it will look lovely on some ladies! It's very weird my sister who has pigmented lips can pull off earthy hues but I on the other hand can't, I've purchased pretty shades like Oh, Oh, Oh only to find out I can't wear them out the tube :/


Well-known member
Found this pic of all the products that are running in the vote on Mac's Twitter, as well as a video they've made for Reel Sexy (it's a bit freaky).



Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Ah, I can't decide between the e/s, I want four of them! I don't really care for the l/g, I'm sure I won't buy any of those. Can I swap my l/g vote for another e/s vote, plz?


Well-known member
There's only one lipgloss that even remotely interests me, and that's Cult Of Cherry. 3N seemed to be doing particularly well in the voting, though.

Moxie and possibly Rocker will get votes from me.

As for the eyeshadows, Solar White would have got my vote if I hadn't already managed to track down a genuine, unused one for a great price just days before the colours for the voting were announced lol. I actually don't have any of the others, which is amazing considering how many eyeshadows I do have lol.


Well-known member
Wow, votes are really coming in fast.
I voted Moxie, COC and Guacamole, cos I'm into vibrant greens lately, spring and all :)


Well-known member
Almost! All we need is a chimp that does predictions about the colours that will win ;)

It's fascinating to see how many consumers are out there. Considering that each person can only vote once, it is amazing to see thousands of votes within minutes. Now we can all imagine how the online store gets hit when a new collection releases and how quickly they often sell out.


Well-known member
I don't know that one.

Only the best known Stila eyeshadow ever lol. It's a champagne kind of colour, beautifully soft, and it really wakes my eyes up. If I'm in a hurry to get out of the door, I'll put this all over the lid, with a lick of mascara and it looks great


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by rockin

Only the best known Stila eyeshadow ever lol.  It's a champagne kind of colour, beautifully soft, and it really wakes my eyes up.  If I'm in a hurry to get out of the door, I'll put this all over the lid, with a lick of mascara and it looks great

Ha ha! I'm definitely a MAC-Guy :bigstar:


Well-known member
I just voted for Solar White (mine is almost used up and I do really love it), CoC lip glass and Moxie. I'm not totally committed to CoC or Moxie. I'm not actually too excited about voting, but I will vote a couple times for Solar White.


Well-known member
Found this pic of all the products that are running in the vote on Mac's Twitter, as well as a video they've made for Reel Sexy (it's a bit freaky).

I can't believe all these nude/light/shimmery lip glasses are in the running... With all the brights selling out every 5 minutes, it's just seems ironic that these colors were the most requested/most popular. So since I need color on my lips, cult of cherry gets my vote. I also voted for Rocker and Jete. I love the name. I hope our votes are just telling MAC how many to make, lol