MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
Ha! Pro is super slow. I eventually received the notification that I can vote just now - a day late. Didn't stop me voting from yesterday, but the tardiness of their email communication needs to be improved. :)


Well-known member
Yes sir! I voted this morning on my way to work. I believe you can vote once a day until March 30th.

Is the voting open again for today?


Well-known member
Thats what mine says, too. I assumed it must mean it's less than 24 hours since I last voted, even if it is a new day

I'm not too worried - I don't think that my vote will have a huge impact. It's not as if any of the products are close.

But you are probably right, maybe one can only vote every 24 h. I voted at some point during the evening. Will check it later tonight.


Well-known member
so over candy yum yum being on top!! i have it and never use it!! i wish the old great colors like moxie would get the votes


Well-known member
I voted for Moxie yesterday & today. My friend voted for Rocker. I really want an "old(ish)" lipstick to come back rather than a very popular one that was just released last year.

so over candy yum yum being on top!! i have it and never use it!! i wish the old great colors like moxie would get the votes


Well-known member
Must be a lot of nude-lip fans about, but I'm definitely not one of them. CoC will get my vote each time I manage to get a vote in

I like nude lips for myself, but I still voted for CoC as it is a real cult product that is memorable.