MAC / Estee Lauder Warehouse Sale...


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Oh and another thing that bothhers me is I am such a MAC fan and I hated that there was girls had to pay for there ticket shame on people just to make a buck if I would have had extra I would just give them away. Also people in there clearly staching up stuff for resale which also bothers me.


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Just got back from the sale! Here's an update of what I saw, a bit from MzFit's lit and more (the ones I added are in blue). Mind you they might stock up for tomorrow!

Revved up
Oil Control 50 mL
Some sponges & puffs (3/$2)
Holiday 2005 brush case (purple, Chinese style; not at the $2 sample counter)

Wheat brow finisher
Cinnamon brow finisher
Summerfruit liner
Resortware n/p
Bubbly Beige
Sacred White
Abstract n/p
Lady Minx
Frangipan Studio Lights
Ideal Pink Studio Lights
Mauvement paint

Lipglass Lipliners $7
Part Nude
Pink Edge

Gold Stroke
Off the Radar
Gold Mode
Revved up
Sweet Sienna
Rich Metal

Gracious Me
Blue Peep f/l
New Weed f/l
Delphic f/l
Jadeye f/l
Iris Eyes f/l

Magic Dust (Barbie)
Beauty Burst
Rite of Spring
Velvet Moss
Femme Noir
Silly Goose
Zonk! Bleu
Floral Fantasy
Expensive Pink

Jewel Tone
Rose Blanc
Sex Ray
Saviour Faire (MAC Couture)
Vital Spark
Tender Tone Tender Baby $9
Bronzebar (Chromeglass)
Paint Chartru
Collection ‘06
All Novel Twist glosses
Flowerosophy l/g
Dame in a Dress lipgelee
Goldensoft lipgelee
Li’l Sizzler
(some other lipgelees)
C-Shock lipgelees and lippies
Strange Hybrid glosses and lippies
Moonbathe glosses and lippies
Raquel Welch glosses and lippies

Quite a number of 3D lipglass and plushglass as well but I don’t remember those as well

Highlight Powder Hullaballo $12
Tantone Blush $12
Suntwist beauty powder
Peaceful b/p
Softdew b/p
Premeditated ccb
Out of Bounds blush
Maidenchant b/creme
Otherwordly blush
Fleurry blush
True Chartreuse paintstick

Fafi quad 2 SOLD OUT
Restless quad
Well-Plumed quad
Showflower quad SOLD OUT
Shadestick set/COLOR] SOLD OUT
Shadestick set/COLOR]Royal Assets (?) Holiday 2007 tan lip palette
Green Gel Cleanser
Lightful Essence
100 WIPES pkg!!

Royal assets metalic and smokey eyes $20 each
Satin 5 basic brush set $20

Heirlooms brush set (face)

There was also a lot of DKNY, Tommy Hilfiger, Clinique, Estee Lauder (duh), perfumes and shower stuff from those lines as well. Fix+ and Charged Waters were there, the green MAC perfume, and full-sized Oil Control, but don't remember the prices.

My personal haul (hello birthday advance!):
Resortware n/p x2 (love this stuff!)
Mauvement paint
Green Gel cleanser
Lightfl Essence
Oil Control 50mL
Face brush set
100 wipes pkg
Sprightly l/g
Graphic Brown f/l

Iris Eyes f/l
Blue Peep f/l
Expensive Pink e/s

I wish I got Out of Bounds too but I had to draw the line somewhere!


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Hi I will be going to the sale tomorrow. This is my first time. Any tips as to where I should start. I understand that you need to write down your order? Also , are the lines long for Sunday? Thank you in advance.


Active member
Re: Mac sale...

OMG i hate all of you that got to go. lol well not really I'm just uber jealous. How did you guys get tickets? (MAC MA's? Friends?). And does anyone know when the next one is approximately? Ahhh I'm jealous, hopefully somehow I'll get to go to the next sale.


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Hi Again,

Sorry forgot to add to my post earlier. Will all the sales be gone on the Sunday or do they re-stock.

thank you


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

You guys did so much better than me. I was a bit disappointed. First, I got there after 9 am, because I didn't want to line up. I just wanted to walk right in. Nope! That line snaked around the ropes and took forever!

Second, I was hoping for more skin-care products because I have all the make-up I need and I was very disappointed that there was so little of anything I wanted. I did buy 2 packs of the large Wipes for $15.00 each, which was a good buy... and some cleanser and Estee Lauder Self Tanner. I also bought the sponges & puffs (3/$2) and some more things from the $2.00 sample table, but I waited until the line-up for that table had dwindled, before going over.

I convinced my friend to buy the 180 Buffer Brush for $15.00... that was a deal and a nice brush even though it's discontinued. Of course, I already have two of them, bought at full price, years ago.

I was sorry the Shadestick set was sold out because that looked like a bargain. I bought some cute little brush cases from 2006 - Formal Black, but without the brushes. The cases were selling for $3.00 each. I also bought some concealer in my colour (NW20). The Lightful Essence was $15.00! I bought that stuff at full price! So then I was depressed.

The glosses were nice but not really a bargain, weren't they $9 or $10? I did buy a C-Thru back-up though.

For what I paid in gas to get all the way into the country, I may not have saved any money.


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Two more things...

I bought some Colour Correcting Concealer for $7 each and also a Bobbi Brown eye cream. However, there was almost no Bobbi Brown this year, did anyone else notice that? I was hoping for some Aramis for my husband but there wasn't any. Also Aveda and Bumble and bumble were missing!
And Ojon! I wanted my shampoos! Hey, I can dream, can't I?

Second thing... by the time I left, some prices on a few select cosmetics were marked down, from what they were, early in the morning. This is a very important question... are the prices discounted even more, on the last day (Sunday)?


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

I am sorry you were disappointed. I am getting there by bus and taxi tomorrow. Can you tell me about the make up as t his is what I plan on getting.

thank you


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

novella, they have everything placed according to price, not necessarily the brand. So MAC and Clinique will be side by side, on the $7.00 table or in the $25.00 area, that sort of thing. The make-up testers are placed on tables, you write down the number of the item you want, on a piece of paper and hand it to the guys behind the tables and they go get the boxed ones for you. Early in the morning the line-ups to collect your stuff were quite long, but later in the morning they weren't that long.

The larger boxed items are just sitting on tables and you hand it to the ladies behind the tables and they seal it in a plastic bag for you and write the amount on it with a black marker.

It's a bit confusing at first, but I went through the rooms twice. The first time, I kind of browsed and the second time, I picked up the little bags of what I needed.

I think MzFit and BlahWah bought everything in the place, in terms of make-up.
So just look at their lists to see what they got.

There were still cartons and cartons of make-up behind the closed off areas, so there is still tons left.

You pay on the way out and they give you a free gift of a lipgloss. A very dark lipgloss, I may have to B2M it.


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Originally Posted by Lucky1288
OMG i hate all of you that got to go. lol well not really I'm just uber jealous. How did you guys get tickets? (MAC MA's? Friends?). And does anyone know when the next one is approximately? Ahhh I'm jealous, hopefully somehow I'll get to go to the next sale.

Augh, that's too bad! The girl who said she'd meet me at the sale didn't turn up at all so I had an extra ticket around. Grr.... I really wanted to help someone out with it but it flopped.

Originally Posted by Meryl
Two more things...

I bought some Colour Correcting Concealer for $7 each and also a Bobbi Brown eye cream. However, there was almost no Bobbi Brown this year, did anyone else notice that? I was hoping for some Aramis for my husband but there wasn't any. Also Aveda and Bumble and bumble were missing!
And Ojon! I wanted my shampoos! Hey, I can dream, can't I?

Second thing... by the time I left, some prices on a few select cosmetics were marked down, from what they were, early in the morning. This is a very important question... are the prices discounted even more, on the last day (Sunday)?

WHAT?!?! I waited in line for half an hour on 5 hours of sleep and didn't get the best discounts??! Well, I did get better selection perhaps (I wish I saw Fafi #2 sooner!) but I'd rather cheaper prices! Most of the stuff I wanted wasn't what other people were getting (like Blue Peep f/l).

I was only looking out for MAC (keeping to my one-brand policy cuts down on spending) but I did notice there wasn't much Bobbi Brown anywhere.

Originally Posted by Meryl
I think MzFit and BlahWah bought everything in the place, in terms of make-up.
So just look at their lists to see what they got.

lol, I was trying to list what was at the sale, Meryl, not what I bought!
My haul isn't listed till the bottom of my post! My birthday gift was only $100 ("only" compared to purchases by other people in line!) and, as cheap as some things were, would definitely not cover that list!

I did forget to mention tho, in my haste to post everything up before heading off to a wedding, that I got in line at 7:30-ish a.m. and was #100-or-so. In 15 minutes it seemed that the line had doubled!

Trying to recall MAC-wise (on the centre tables, not on the side), the first warehouse had pigments, fluidlines and concealers, as well as Fix+ and Oil Control ($12 each for the latter two). The next had mainly eyeshadows and the third all the lip stuff.

I got Saplicious as my free gift. I should've asked for a certain colour but I was more surprised that I'd get a free gift to think about it beforehand. It might be a nice neutral tho. What did everyone else get? And I so wish I got the $5 gift bags now, even after spending so much! I couldn't tell what was in it so I didn't want to waste more money or time, but if I knew it had a shadestick and a fluidline, that's totally worth the lineup time and money!

I do hope to get tickets for the next one. It'll help curb my general spending knowing I can get these things for cheaper. Now I'm only going to get one shadow from Cool Heat (Warm Chill) and be happy with that. I've got other toys to play with!


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

I got another ticket for today from my friend I saw yesterday. I got a big haul but I missed fx+, wipes, charged waters (I use a lot in the summer) I am debating going back to get those. I don't really want to wait in line ups again. I wondering if I go later in the day if there will even be anything left that I want. Also wondering if close to the end of the day stuff gets cheaper as the just want to get rid of it?


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Originally Posted by Lucky1288
OMG i hate all of you that got to go. lol well not really I'm just uber jealous. How did you guys get tickets? (MAC MA's? Friends?). And does anyone know when the next one is approximately? Ahhh I'm jealous, hopefully somehow I'll get to go to the next sale.

lol, I've been "hating" everyone who gets to go for awhile now, =P. I got tickets from a friend of a friend whose mother somehow works with Estee Lauder. Other people got from their MA's (Clinique, EL, MAC, etc.) or from friends working for/with Estee Lauder. You have to have a direct connection with Estee Lauder to be on the ticket list. It's seriously hard to get them so I was incredibly
to go! Unfortunately one went to waste when the person who claimed my 2nd ticket didn't meet me at the sale.
I'll keep it as a momento tho (can't re-use cuz the date's printed on the ticket).


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Wow, you guys are so lucky.. and I'm so jealous..
how did you guys get tickets anyway? I am wondering to get one for the next sale..
does anyone know how frequent MAC cs does this? twice a year? maybe in winter too? *hopeful*


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Originally Posted by BlahWah
Trying to recall MAC-wise (on the centre tables, not on the side), the first warehouse had pigments, fluidlines and concealers, as well as Fix+ and Oil Control ($12 each for the latter two). The next had mainly eyeshadows and the third all the lip stuff.

There were cartons and cartons of Fix+ for sale... I wonder why? The Wipes I bought had the older white with black lettering, so I hope they don't dry out sooner since they're old packaging and old stock.

I also received Saplicious as a free gift. I guess everyone did that morning.


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Just got back from it!!! I got Saplicious as well! They had a lot of the holiday gift sets which i was really happy about! The selection of all the MAC kinda sucked and i missed out on all the barbie eyeshadows. I still managed to spend a lot though!


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

I am back and oh my so happy I went again. LOL

The haul from this round is most skin care:
2 packs of wipes
Green Gel Cleanser
Renwal Defense charged water x 2 (one was suppose to be youth aura blah)
Revitaling Energy charged water
Cleanse off oil
2 packs of sponges
Yogamode BP
Star press powder
Uncommon cream blush
Graphic brown fluidline
The best thing about this trip was the charity table
Two diffrent grab bags $5 each
183 brush (serious OMG
Beige Blonde Brow Finsh (meh going to swap it)
Eyliner applicators
Corsette Lipglass
Bag # 2
Ah 227 brush (I have on but still $5
Fusha lining (have it to already)
Gingerroot creamliner
3D Lipglass in touch point (have it already to and love it.)
Lipgelee in Lust is Lust


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Were the prices dropped on the last day? And where were the 183 and 227 brushes? Were they full size? I didn't see those.


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Originally Posted by Meryl
Were the prices dropped on the last day? And where were the 183 and 227 brushes? Were they full size? I didn't see those.

Nope not that I could see the prices were the same. The brushes were at the breast cancer donation table before you left they were in a package with the other goodies I had listed.

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