Well-known member
Double-check the number, also. Most businesses don't shut their fax machines off during non-business hours.


Well-known member
Thanks. The number is 905-944-6400 right? That's what I got from previous posts. I've read through the thread and it says the number should be on the application, but I can't find it.


Yeah they had stated that they do have the membership.

Anywho, another quick question for you lovely ladies. I currently work part time at a spa (as a receptionist) and I do makeup application/lessons whenever they need some extra help (usually bridal parties and whatnot). I don't have any formal training in the field but the owner of the spa (experienced in aesthetic services herself) said that I would definitely qualify to do makeup applications. Now since I don't have a certificate or anything like that saying that I do makeup but I technically do, do you think that I could send in a pay stub as proof that I work for the spa or anything like that with my application to the pro membership? Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DeeVine1217 you think that I could send in a pay stub as proof that I work for the spa or anything like that with my application to the pro membership?...

Unfortunately, pay stubs are not considered as professional criteria or proof of profession. In order to received your Pro card, an applicant must supply two of the following:

  • Composite Card
  • Business Card with name and specific profession
  • Editorial page with name and credit
  • Union Card
  • Head Shot & Resume
  • Professional License
  • Diploma/Certificate
  • Publication Masthead
  • Program?Press Materials w/ Name
  • Contract on production company letterhead
  • Crew/Call list on prod. co. letterhead
  • Professional letter of reference of employment.
I recommend e-mailing Mac Pro; it never hurts to ask. If you can, try and obtain a Professional letter of referance of employment from your boss and a letter of recommendation from any brides/bridal party members you worked on.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by onionbooty
Thanks. The number is 905-944-6400 right? That's what I got from previous posts. I've read through the thread and it says the number should be on the application, but I can't find it.

I believe the number you provided is correct, though I couldn't find any information on the application itself. I would e-mail mac pro to confirm the fax number you have is correct.



Thanks Lorelai, I emailed MAC Pro about the pay stub thing. I'll definately be getting a letter of recommendation from the owner and I'll track down some ladies for who I did makeup for their Gala last weekend.


Active member
Hi ladies,

Just wondering.. I've done makeup for models for their photoshoots, and I have a business card.. Can the photographer whom I work with write me a "professional letter of reference of employment"? And that would need to say that I collaborated with him on the shoots as a MA right? & what else? I regret not applying sooner as I'm madly in love with the new collection *sighs*

Thank you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darling
Can the photographer whom I work with write me a "professional letter of reference of employment"?


Originally Posted by darling
And that would need to say that I collaborated with him on the shoots as a MA right? & what else?

You may want to contact MAC pro to learn what specifically needs to be written. Personally, I believe this will do just nicely.

Since MAC pro requires only two proof of profession documents, your buisness card and reference letter (along with your application) should be accepted. If you're still uncertain, you can add a resume or contract (if you have one).

Hope that helps!



Well-known member
I sent in my business card and a reference letter from an events coordinator that I did make up for a show, and for back up I sent a recommendation letter from one of my clients. Hope that helps

and.. how long did it take for you all's card to come in? Mine feels like FOREVER...


Well-known member
I got mine in about 3 weeks...

Seemed like forever tho! I had checked my credit card account and was billed right before it arrived.


Well-known member
just a quick question, does the contract have to be with a cosmetics company/ production company? or can it be a contract with a client i am doing freelance makeup for? i have a few high school seniors that have called me about doing their makeup for various occasions, as well as a fashion show coming up. Since the appointments are within the next week or so, i was going to use those contracts as a professional documentation.. is that okay? or should i send in something else?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
what exactly does the letter of reference have to say?

Generally when one writes a letter of reference, they follow an outline similar to this:
  • identifying the relationship with the person for whom they are writing the reference letter and how long he/she has known or worked with you.
  • Picture the person in his or her job role, explaining why he/she is exceptional to others with similar skills
  • Point out a variety of positive traits while focusing on work ethics, accomplishments, skills, and significant contributions (use specific examples). Basically, you want the writer to list your exceptional qualities and skills, especially those related to being a make-up artist (or whatever their line of field is).
  • Give specific examples to back up what you have written by refering to the requester's competency in a specific field and/or prior experience, organizational and communication skills, interaction with others, reliability, etc.
Remember, the person writing your letter of reference is selling and vouching for your skills. Hope that helps.

Originally Posted by ash10spro
just a quick question, does the contract have to be with a cosmetics company/ production company? or can it be a contract with a client i am doing freelance makeup for?

I recall reading someone from this thread having their bridal contract approved, so your contracts (fashion show and individual clientele) should be just fine (though you may wish to check with a MAC pro representative just in case).

Hope that helps!

Good luck


Active member
Lorelai, you're so helpful! <3

I have another question, if you girls don't mind *blush*

I worked for a magazine publication today, and I'm not sure if I should use my "professional name" that I use as an MUA, or if I should use my real name.. I'd like to use my professional name, but when I send the tearsheet to MAC for the Pro discount and also send my ID, the two names would be very different. Would the accept that? Or should I just use my real name for the magazine?

Thanks again!


Well-known member
Do you have a contract with the mag that lists both? Who is the payment made out to? If you want to use a professional name, then I think you should. It should be easy enough to prove to MAC that you (real name) are also known as "Darling MUA".


Yowch, I just sent MAC an email asking if I qualify since I am hired as a model by a company but have not done any shoots/comps. I do promotional work though..

Hopefully that will work out. If not maybe I'll just fork out $2000 for a cosmo license, at least that may turn out helpful in the future! Just that.. It would be nice to get discounts on brushes.. And I'm going to Singapore for vacation so it will be nice if I could use a Pro discount there..

*crosses fingers*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darling
Lorelai, you're so helpful!

Why thank-you, darling. I'm glad I can be of help to you and everyone else who may have similar questions.

Originally Posted by darling
...I'm not sure if I should use my "professional name" that I use as an MUA, or if I should use my real name..

Unless you have a valid credit card and drivers licence (or State ID) with your professional name, I suggest applying for membership with your real name.

Originally Posted by slowhoney
"Program?Press Materials w/ Name" What kinds of items would these include? Does anyone know?

I believe a press material is..."a pseudo-news story, written in third person, that seeks to demonstrate to an editor or reporter the newsworthiness of a particular person, event, service or product." You can view an example by visiting: Press Material

A program is similar to a theatrical playbill which credits you as a makeup artist for said production.

Hope that helps!

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