
Well-known member
I desperately need a pro discount because this is insane how much I am spending! But I have a question, and figured I'd pose it to ya'll before sending anything off to mac...

I do promotional modeling, mostly for car shows... so I am not the "typical" model. I don't have comp cards, or headshots really. So I am not sure on what to send in for my proof. I'd most likely whip up a new business card since mine now only give my now defunct website on it with my picture. I got a tiny picture in "Modified" magazine, but it doesn't give my name or anything... so I am not sure what to send in.

Any ideas?

Also, my driver's license address is not the same as where I live. Does this pose a problem? (Changing the address is not an option) I'd imagine students have this problem as well.

Thanks in advance for any answers!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Um, what's a composite card? I'm just trying to find out what would be the easiest way to get the stupid card.. TIA.

a comp card or zed card is a mini portfolio with usually 5 pictures of your work. usually in various different styles depending on what you specialize in. as far as i know its used for models, im not sure if makeup artists use it. the comp card is about the size of a postcard. with your data (height, measurements) etc on the card.


I am a freelance make-up artist & I sent in a freelance makeup artistry business card & an ad on a website about my services. Both have my name and profession. Do you think I will get approved? Do they only charge if you if you get approved? Thanks!


Active member
i am thinking of applying too , i am freelance makeup artist and i am thinking of sending my business card and reference letters from my clients ,but i have not done any thing with a company yet, i do not know if that will do it , any help please!!


New member
I think Im getting a pro-card. I faxed all the information on Friday (9:30 PM est). On monday I saw a pending charge for Mac Cosmetics, on wednesday the charge was taken out. I cant wait till I get it.

Heres what I sent in.
Business Card
Pro Application
2 Reference letters, on the clients job letter head.
Bridal Contract, for one of clients that gave me a reference

Now I cant wait till I receive it..


Active member
can you send a regular contract that you mad with your client and a reference letter form a regular client but they not a company or any thing just regular people and i do have my B card TOO , please any body help !!


Active member
Originally Posted by martygreene

Are there limits on how much I can spend?

Purchase limits are as follows:
  • No more than 3 of same item or color up to 24 total pieces
  • No more than 8 of the same item for discontinued products
  • No more than $500 (after discount) per transaction, per day
  • No more than two $500 transactions per week
  • No more than $2000 (after discount) per month
  • No more than $5000 (after discount) per 12-month period
  • No more than 3 transactions per 31 days (1 month) of consistent pigment and glitter skus
  • No more than 3 transactions per 31 days (1 month) of multiple of the skus
  • No more than 1 student kit (color or tool kit) per student.

I have a question ladies. First of all I already have my card, as I am licensed. What does the two lines I have put in bold and red print above mean? What are glitter skus? Just making sure I understand ALL the rules surrounding my pro membership. TIA!!!!!!


Well-known member
A sku is that electronic barcode that scans in the product identification. Basically it appears they prohibit purchasing the same pigments/glitters more than 3 times in a one month period.


Active member
Originally Posted by mae13
A sku is that electronic barcode that scans in the product identification. Basically it appears they prohibit purchasing the same pigments/glitters more than 3 times in a one month period.

OK...I get it... thanks!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by onionbooty
Thanks. The number is 905-944-6400 right? That's what I got from previous posts. I've read through the thread and it says the number should be on the application, but I can't find it.

Is this the correct fax number?
I couldnt find it on the application either.

Please advise.



New member
Thats the right fax number. I faxed my information on a Friday evening, then saw the charge that monday. Everyone should fax in there info. Respones is soo fast.

New member
hi there!
first post ever

i faxed in my app. and i followed up with an email making sure they recieved it, and they said they would get my card out to me next week. *yay!*
how long do you think it would take to show up on my online banking?
and if anyone else has faxed in an app. in the past, how long did it take to get your card?

ok last question, promise

are you allowed to purchase mac collections (like fafi)
with the discount???



Active member
yahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! i just saw the 35 charged on my card i am getting my pro card yahhhhhhh!!!
i fax it on Friday and i saw the charge on Monday , i can not wait to get it in the mail !!!!


Well-known member
I just called MAC Pro to verify the fax number 905-944-6400.

They told me that fax number no longer exists and the new fax # is 1-866-829-7743.

Anyone know anything about this?


Active member
Originally Posted by Ciara
I just called MAC Pro to verify the fax number 905-944-6400.

They told me that fax number no longer exists and the new fax # is 1-866-829-7743.

Anyone know anything about this?

yes i faxed my papers on this fax #1-866-829-7743 on Friday and i saw the charge on Monday you should use this one it was supper fast !!!
good luck


Well-known member
I have sat here and read through the entire thread, but I still don't know what is the best way to get the card if you are not in the industry or related. TBH I'm a science major and am completely self-taught with makeup since I was little and reading books/experimenting. I've done makeup on a million and one friends but truly have no professional experience. Is there still any hope for me? lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovelyweapon
I have sat here and read through the entire thread, but I still don't know what is the best way to get the card if you are not in the industry or related. TBH I'm a science major and am completely self-taught with makeup since I was little and reading books/experimenting. I've done makeup on a million and one friends but truly have no professional experience. Is there still any hope for me? lol.

Well, it is intended for industry and related use, so not sure what your options would be other than fabricating an application and credentials. Not suggesting that, just pointing out the obvious.

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