MAC Fashion Sets 2013 Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
I highly recommend getting one if you don't have one!
You can still make payments to someone with a PayPal account, even if you don't have one. Just follow the link to the payment request/invoice. If it takes you to the right page, below the login prompt you'll see a link, "Don't have a PayPal account?" This allows you to pay using a credit card.


Well-known member
Oh I'm getting the dreaded buyers remorse bad! I skipped silly and now I find myself checking everywhere for it! Looks like I will be dragging my little ones to macys Thursday to pick one up

I swear its like a disease and the only cure is to BUY lol


Well-known member
....soooooooooooo true

Oh I'm getting the dreaded buyers remorse bad! I skipped silly and now I find myself checking everywhere for it! Looks like I will be dragging my little ones to macys Thursday to pick one up

I swear its like a disease and the only cure is to BUY lol


Well-known member
Heroine l/l is already gone from Bloomingdales *sigh* once again I missed out! But I got my ship notice from Nordstrom! Goodies en route!


Well-known member
Got my nordstrom shipment notice at 7 this morning yippee! I think imma wait for the shadows to hit stores or something. I really dont feel like ordering more stuff lol. My mac order is coming today which had heroine lipstick and silly lip liner. I already have heroine from before so im not as excited for this shipment. Im excited for my nordstrom shipmenf which has silly lipstick and heroiine lip liner. (Just realized its the reverse from my mac order lmao)


Well-known member
Has anyone got any complete orders from Nordstrom? I ordered at 12:18 pst and it just says in process still. I'm so antsy to get my stuff.
I just got a shipping notice this morning, that my Heroine lippie shipped. Tracking # and everything! Super happy! Now if I could get a shipping notice for Silly l/s I will be happy


Well-known member
Thanks for the comparison Jenn! I knew they were different!
I did quick swatches, excuse my crappy quality of photos... Force of love is going to be on the left side while Ablaze is on the right side in all of them. The last one shows the difference between them the best. I had a hard time trying to capture their difference with my sucky (yes I use that nonexistent word) phone camera and lighting. Hope this helps)


Well-known member
well i decided maybe i should just order silly eyeshadow from nordies site and it was gone lmao. i think ablaze is back on my list but i really dont want to just order 1 eyeshadow from the site since i got to go in to get silly eyeshadow in stores


Well-known member
uuugh f* it i just ordered ablaze from nordies. no self control. none whatsoever. now im double thinking about silly eyeshadow because beautezine said the pigmentation isnt great and its not really a frost. it feels more like a satin, so im like eeeh i really wanted that mac frost texture for that color


Well-known member
Heroine has a really pretty sheen to it that AB does not. If you have AB and are considering Heroine, DOOOO ITTTTT.
TY for the swatches! Can you advise if the e/s texture is buttery or not worth the effort. I love all the colors but if its a PiTA to work with, I am not going hunting. I already got Heroine e/s b/c didn't want the dreaded remorse, not sure if I want Embrace Me e/s...

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