We're u all able to see it in a group? On a whim, I woke up around 5:20 & didn't see it, but went thru lipstick pull down menu & low 'n behold there she were, unlike right now...Heroine LS is sold out. If anyone can CP a Heroine LL, will they please LMK? With the way things have been going for me I'm unsure if I'll be able to go to the store on the day of the launch in time to get one.
I hope that people, like myself, who did not have this lippie were able to get it. Will the people who don't have it raise their hands, please? Just curious...Raises hand 
I'll be very interested to see how this looks on me. I tried to add overnight shipping but it wouldn't let me, but this will give me a few days to wear some of the lippies I have yet to touch from Strength, AGs & 1 from Taste Temptations... Recently I got my hands on Watch Me Simmer & Force of Love. I don't own anything like either of these LSs b/c they are not colors I ever thought would work for me. I bought both on a whim on a sale & I freaking love WMS! I wish I could find a few more lippies like this, but different enough that it's not a (near) dupe for WMS. If anyone has any suggestions, PLMK.

I don't own anything like this at all & it's become one of my top go to lippies. FOL on the other hand was a no go 1st time on & when I put it on a few days ago, I was shocked b/c I liked it. I'm hoping that the 3rd time is a charm & we click. I hate to say it but I'm over red right now. I'm not saying I'm not a red LS junkie anymore, but I'm really glad that I've expanded my color options & I owe that all to a few of the ladies here who helped me out & got me Moxie (my 1st true hot pink luvvvv) & CYY. Again, colors I never expected to work that look so good on everyone else worked for me too! Now if I could just find 1 MLBB... Hope everyone was able to get what they wanted!