thank you!! i got Deeply Adored and Love Goddess!
that is so awesome. My husband actually called in sick yesterday cus it was late arrival day at the schools and I had mentioned that sometimes the collections are put out a day early. He figured he would make sure the kids were dressed and off to school while I was off to mall but I decided to stay home. I actually had everything from this collection except the np and pure zen thanks to being awake super early for making his breakfast on update days. I figured I didn't need back ups of anything enough to go out instead of spending the kid free day with him. He is such a sweetheart. Anyway I got a bu of the bp thanks to raves for it on this thread and I picked up a pure zen and np today for completions sake. Well the np isn't complete but really I don't need any np!Hey Ladies,
Not new to the site(professional lurker), but this is my first post!
I had to work this am, and the only things i wanted was Love Goddess and Deeply Adored. So last nite, i made the hubby homemade chicken stew and homemeade corn bread and first thing he asks"what do you want?' i convinced him to go to Macys at 10 am,(and not a second later), because the lippies would be sold out when i got sweetheart was there at 930!! and there was a line!! so while the ladies where swatching he went right to a MA and showed her my text and was able to get my two lippies. He then promptly bragged about it on facebook and posted pics on Instagram, and all his friends made fun of it!! lol..another cute storie to tell the kids one day..anyway, i guess i can stop lurking now!! hey Ladies!!
I'm reading everyone's stories..WOW! I just read about Kokofemme's disasterous experience with this collection on FB. I'm glad that my store had an organized fair system that worked.they should've did that the store I went to.
Sneaky! And very sweetWow @ these stories. I went to my local store at 1:45pm and to my surprise they had everything in stock and there were at least 25 customers in there. They must have gotten a lot of each item. I was able to get Love Goddess for my nieces. I'm going to tell them they were sold out and add it to their christmas gifts![]()
I am surprised that I was able to get most of the items but two... I will post pictures when my box arrives. It's still out for delivery because UPS never like showing up at my house early. My BFF also got me all the lipsticks this morning as a gift so I have backups. She told me that they held them for her. I kinda cried because I thought it was very sweet that she got up super early and did that for me. I stalked the websites with barely any sleep and I was on Bloomingdales and Macy' when they launched the collection there so I got stuff from Macy's and stuff from Bloomies. I'm exhausted lol cause I thought I would have definitely missed out.I am so envious you got the whole enchilada, would it be possible to get pictures? Did you stalk and no sleep for a week?
yup more stores need to be like the one you went to cause the store I went they just let everyone in and 10 mins layer everyone was arguing.I'm reading everyone's stories..WOW! I just read about Kokofemme's disasterous experience with this collection on FB. I'm glad that my store had an organized fair system that worked.
I am surprised. Maybe it is my area but nobody did presales and nobody even let you peek at the collections in advance. There were also no events locally cus believe me I asked the two nordies, 3 macys and the free standing store all repeatedly. I am sure there are more Macy's but I figured if I wasn't having any luck at a store I stop into once a week then I wasn't going to have luck at some shop I haven't been to before. I wrote about it earlier but the SA was literally combating tears and her hands were shaking as she handed me the lone BP they got because they were not allowed to purchase anything from the shop. She actually said I was super smart and lucky to have come in and that it wasn't fair. According to her the policy for Macy's was that they had to buy their stuff from free standing store. Maybe it was different there because you have no free standing store nearby?Visited the Macy's counter and the employees pulled a droit de seigneur on the customers. They bought all of DA, SI, and one of the powders before we even had the chance to purchase! Aupon this situation!![]()
i had the same problem.If anyone can order off of Belk, would you mind CPing me another BP? 99421694 is supposedly a code good for 15% off your entire order, but I've tried ordering from three different browsers and two different credit cards, with and without the coupon code, and when I try to put my CC info in, it says "There was a problem with information you entered. Please see the highlighted areas below which need your attention." But nothing is highlighted? Maybe a BU of the BP and I are not meant to be.....
15% off with code: 99421694.I have never ordered from Belk but they have the collection on their site. No lipsticks but they have other items.