I wore blush in my early makeup years because it was the late 70's/early 80's, where strong blush was THE look. I had some crazy blushes back then from Diane von Furstenberg's makeup collections (hers were the craziest back then), like bright orange frosted with gold, pure silver, strong brick red (just like Hidden Treasure, as a matter of fact), purple lavender, etc.
Then for years I didn't wear blush, because I too felt like my cheeks were pink enough naturally and didn't need any enhancing, plus the look had become the pale style. Then I just wasn't wearing makeup at all....
Now I'm back to blush, partially because it does wake up my face, but I'd have to say my main reason for wearing it now is because when people look at you, it's almost as if they're expecting to see some blush - like the "normal", put-together look includes some blush or bronzer, or else you're looking undone. For years, you just looked undone if you didn't have some lipstick on, but now it's blush, and you can pretty much skip the lipstick if you want. Of course, also now there are so many gorgeous blush colors and the new formulas where the blush merges with your skin are so much more flattering than the old powdery stuff that was everywhere even just 2 years ago. All hail BLUSH!