MAC for Marilyn


Veteran Moderator
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Get both
I already want The Perfect Cheek and Hidden Treasure and maybe also the peachy-gold one from Stylesseker. This blush addiction has to stop somewhere! LOL.


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Veteran Moderator
Staff member
I found some prices on spanish and portugese websites. According to those, lipsticks will be 21 Euro, the beauty powder 29,50, dazzleglass 22,50, nail laquer 15,50 and eyeshadows 22,50. Holy cow. I'd rather buy a Chanel gloss for that kind of money before I would buy those dazzleglasses.


Well-known member
Hi Everyone...I'm a longtime lurker but this is my first post. (Not normally into online posting...but I sort of feel like I've found my people with you all!) I'm wondering if someone can fill me in on how to sign up to attend an event for this launch. I'm located in Seattle, so there are 2 MAC stores close to me. I looked on the website to see if there were any upcoming events at either store and no results popped up. I really want to attend as I'm pretty sure that I am going to need every single one of those lippies! Thanks for the help and I apologize if I'm posting this in wrong place!


Well-known member
....that would be very expensive!!!

I found some prices on spanish and portugese websites. According to those, lipsticks will be 21 Euro, the beauty powder 29,50, dazzleglass 22,50, nail laquer 15,50 and eyeshadows 22,50. Holy cow. I'd rather buy a Chanel gloss for that kind of money before I would buy those dazzleglasses.


Well-known member
Thanks again, Naynadine! I think dazzle and cremesheen glasses already cost here 23.50 euros, so wonder what these are going to cost.

I think I should stick with my original list: coral blush, beauty powder, pink-red lippie, champagne e/s. But then I'm thinking if I should get the darker lippies, too? (I don't normally do vampy, and I'm more interested in Camden Chic...).


Well-known member
Ahhh, the stalking queen strikes again!

Thank you, Naynadine.

I still love the packaging and the bp and some of the lippies, glosses and maybe blushes (and eyeshadows... and... and...) will be mine for sure! Even if the prices you found are hellishly expensive!


Well-known member
Blushes and b/p for me, including several BU's.

No Pro discount I guess, but I don't care what it will cost. :)


Well-known member
This is going to be one hella expensive collection. My list right now is: the beauty powder, coral blush, neutral blush and a lipstick.. They're all maybes obviously, I want swatches!! lol


Well-known member
I wish MAC would give up on pushing nail polishes at us in every collection. Hey MAC, I am not going to buy your nail polish no matter who's picture you stick on the bottle! Thank You!


Well-known member
Thank You!
Agreed! I only have Hyperion nail polish from the Daphne Guinness collection. I like the color but sooo streaky. I have to slap on four layers to just even it all out, then it chips like a mo-fo. I could get the same formula at a drugstore for a small fraction of the MAC price. Never again!

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