MAC has dissapointed me :(


Well-known member
I am so bummed and confused. The process of being hired for MAC and actually working has been over 2 months! I am getting so frustrated. I quit my job to focus on working for them, and i quit my job September 26 and kept getting strung along by the Manager for a month before I even got a makeup interview. I got hired Novemeber 4th, what day is it now? Dec 1st!

I just got a call from my manager saying that MAC is cutting freelance hours and I haven't even had my first day on the job yet, My first day was supposed to be this Sat... but that's no longer happening, so I have to wait another 2 weeks to just work for 7 days and then prob get laid off. This sucks, it really kind of makes me feel so disillusioned about MAC. My views toward the company are quite different now. It has taken them over 3 weeks to even get my employee number to me, which I still don't have. If Chanel calls me for an interview, I guess I will take it. I just don't know if I am allowed to work for another cosmetics company while working as a freelance for MAC.

I feel so friggen sad.

It deff was a dream of mine to work for MAC but they have kind of stepped all over it


Well-known member
clinque gave me such a run around that i ended up not taking the job
it still kinda makes me sad but i couldn't keep missing time off my current job (quitting wasn't an option for me)


Well-known member
Damn thats not good. Just hang in there, hopefully you'll get freelance hours soon (now that the holidays are commin) keep your head up.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear that
Did you get anything in writing from them?? I guess freelancing is different... *sigh* That sucks.


Well-known member
i totally get what you're feeling. they gave me the run around pretty bad. i interviewed, was told i wasn't right for the 8 hr/week position & that in 2 months a 20+ hr/week position would most likely open up. i was told that my chances were "really good" at getting the position, it was just a matter of waiting it out. so in the meantime i took an opening at another cosmetics company within the dept. store & was told that they would "steal me away" once MAC had more hours. less than 2 weeks later i was pulled aside for a talk where they gently let me down, explaining that i shouldn't get my hopes up if i re-interviewed in say, JANUARY (five months from that time) & still didn't get it. they thought i was under the impression that i was a shoe-in. i quit that same day since i was only working at the other counter to make it to MAC. since then i've called/gone in/reminded them that i'm still alive & interested!!!! & i keep getting told that nothing's available. when i asked for a callback if something DID happen to come up, i was told "how about this.. if we DON'T call you'll know that there wasn't a position."

oh & the really funny part? i went in about 3 or 4 weeks after that & noticed their schedule lying on the counter... & there was a blank row on it indicating that they were hiring for an 8 hr/week position. no phone call, no mention of it, no nothing. so i've given up & i definitely have some hard feelings towards MAC now.
sorry for hijacking your thread!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ..kels*
i totally get what you're feeling. they gave me the run around pretty bad. i interviewed, was told i wasn't right for the 8 hr/week position & that in 2 months a 20+ hr/week position would most likely open up. i was told that my chances were "really good" at getting the position, it was just a matter of waiting it out. so in the meantime i took an opening at another cosmetics company within the dept. store & was told that they would "steal me away" once MAC had more hours. less than 2 weeks later i was pulled aside for a talk where they gently let me down, explaining that i shouldn't get my hopes up if i re-interviewed in say, JANUARY (five months from that time) & still didn't get it. they thought i was under the impression that i was a shoe-in. i quit that same day since i was only working at the other counter to make it to MAC. since then i've called/gone in/reminded them that i'm still alive & interested!!!! & i keep getting told that nothing's available. when i asked for a callback if something DID happen to come up, i was told "how about this.. if we DON'T call you'll know that there wasn't a position."

oh & the really funny part? i went in about 3 or 4 weeks after that & noticed their schedule lying on the counter... & there was a blank row on it indicating that they were hiring for an 8 hr/week position. no phone call, no mention of it, no nothing. so i've given up & i definitely have some hard feelings towards MAC now.
sorry for hijacking your thread!

gosh! What the heck is up with this company? I just don't understand how they can't just be straight forward with someone so they don't waste their time like that. My feelings toward MAC are different now too. To me it's almost like they don't see us a people but as just money. I mean they are a business and that's how businesses are run, but agh it's annoying. I guess since sooo many people are so eager to work for their company, they really can be picky and disconnected and as my husband calls them "hokey" I don't really understand what that means lol. I think it might mean "badly run". I just know that I have been jobless for 2 months now, waiting on their "promises". *sigh*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
i wouldn't wait around
see what you can do with getting other work.

I was walking through Nordstroms fragrance Dept and the floor manager stalked me to compliment my makeup and I told her I freelance for MAC and her eyes got bug eyed and she clapped with joy and told me to apply for the Chanel makeup counter... I have and I am waiting for a response... I guess I should just wait now too.


Well-known member
As amazing the perks are working at MAC, if the counter/store is run by managers with very little integrity, then you can experience a lot of b.s. I have a few friends that work for MAC, one loves it b/c her manager is cool and trustworthy. Another one works there (at a different location) mostly for the discount b/c the mgrs are totally sleazy and basically try to sabotage the employees they don't like. They were trying to drive out this one girl who has worked there for 5 yrs and is a star employee and totally sweet, simply b/c they didn't like her for whatever reason. It can no doubt get catty and very hoity-toity in that kind of atmosphere. Sorry to hear they have been giving you the run around. I know the economy is sucking hard right now, which is why MAC has been cutting hours and employees, so it's maybe not personal, and maybe the manager is trying to get through red tape to hire you? Either way, a confrontation needs to go down, either she needs to approach you and tell you what's happening or you need to approach her and ask her to give it to you in full. I think though that Chanel is an amazing makeup line, often underrated. They have a lot of cred also, so don't feel like your makeup artistry will suffer if MAC screws you. It's not worth your time. Hope it all works out!


Well-known member
I totally know where you are coming from!!
I've been extremely bummed out lately because they cut all my hrs at all the locations I had to work at. I had a whole bunch of hrs but i guess since the economy SUCKS we are getting our hrs cut.
I also quit my other job for MAC so its pretty dissapointing to not get any type of income when we had to quit another job for MAC.
UGH sorry for venting but i'm also pretty annoyed with MAC. I mean I can totally understand the company not making enough money but then why hire freelancers when there arent hrs?


Well-known member
so from what i'm understanding, you applied/got hired for a freelancing position? if that's the case then hours are hard 2 come by... hence their aren't any guaranties on getting any hours at all. I'm sorry to hear that they're giving u the run around.
From my experience when i got hired, i waited 3 months for an employee#! yes i was unemployed for 3 months!but i waited it out since it was a permanent position. i too was given the run around but stuck thru it.

And like abbyquak depends on the mgt team at the location on how things get done. there are alot of mgrs in the company who don't follow through with everything. it can become frustrating.

And also they were hiring alot before the holidays and that opened up alot of hours for freelancing, but positions have been filled in alot of locations and consequently most of our regular freelancers have now been laid off.

i hope u are able to resolve everything with ur position.
and if u already have an employee# ,my advice is to go to other mac locations and introduce ur self to mgrs in different stores, to let them know u are available for any freelance hours. that way they can keep u in mind when hours do open up. so that way ur not just another name on the freelance workstrust me!
and about working for another cosmetic company while being a mac employee, i think may be a conflict of interest? i don't know but their really strict about that kind of stuff, so keep that hush-hush!
anyway sorry for the long reply, but i hope this helps & good luck with everything!


Well-known member
yeah that sucks. i remember they gave me the run around for about a month and i just let it go. they did my bff the same way while she was working for clinique.

i've actually heard this kind of story so many times and experienced it and i honestly (not to just take up for MAC) believe that this is just the process. i live in south florida and had the same experience as my bff back in k.c. so i think it's just the hiring process within MAC in general. one of my other friends applied with MAC and had a few interviews with them and they ended up not offering her the job but it was a process of about a month and a half. another thing is i think they have SO many people applying on a daily that they've probably got a hell of a process of even weeding out who they want to come back for interviews, ya know? i remember i got offered a part time position when i worked at nordstrom from the manager at the counter and even as excited as i was she did tell me about the interviewing process and that if i did good in the interviews i wouldn't be hired right away.

it sucks that this happened to you!!!! i'm bummed for ya

but chanel isn't so bad girl!! maybe that will work out for you better


Well-known member
its not that great in the U.K. either. one of the ma's there told me to apply because she really liked my make-up and i literally rang the recruitment like 20 times with no luck even getting through, so i went back to the shop and the manager said she couldnt take in C.V.s so i should keep trying and by the time i got throught all the vacancies were gone. i know thats not as bad, but its still annoying and i do feel a bit differently about them now especially after hearing your stories. but chanel seems nice, you shouldnt let your pockets suffer because of them lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
They were trying to drive out this one girl who has worked there for 5 yrs and is a star employee and totally sweet, simply b/c they didn't like her for whatever reason. It can no doubt get catty and very hoity-toity in that kind of atmosphere.

this is when i start to wonder how & why these particular managers were hired.. in my situation, we just got a brand new counter (the first & only one in the city). they were hiring for 3rd key & had a girl with over a year of MAC experience apply.. but the manager hired one of her friends for the position instead.


Well-known member
if you can get chanel, take it! MAC isn't everything, you might be really happy there.


Well-known member
i was basically told a while ago that i would be perfect for a counter, interviewed...was told by a trainer he loved me and then recieved a letter a week later that i didn't get the job. i was almost told it was a sure thing and went above and beyond to let them know how bad i wanted it... nope. totally got fucked... a friend of mine worked for MAC and said this is SUPER common.... i guess it helps to know we're not the only ones, but i'd rather them say no forget it than get my hopes up
chanel has some sweet products though, i hope everything works out for you!


Well-known member
thank you guys so much, It's nice to know that this isn't happening to just me. It helps get those "woe is me" thoughts out of my head.

I will pursue Chanel. Nordstroms is soo nice.

ch ar lovesMAC!

New member
aw sorry to hear. i thought of applying to a nearby MAC as well but idk how well that well go after hearing of many others' experiences. i made friends with one of the girls there and she said she was just really lucky that they were hiring at that time b/c most of the time they keep the same people and never have new ones. well i hope the opportunity at chanel works out ok for you! best of luck! never give up!