MAC - Holiday 2010 A Tartan Tale Discussion


Specktra Bestie
Thanks very much to both Liba and Layla for the great reviews. I'm hopeful that my pro store will have the collection out tomorrow, so I'm going to swing by after work. (Fortunately, my new work is way closer to the store than the old work.) I have to say that all the descriptions of Cut A Caper are making me want it less. Peachy lipsticks are very questionable on me, since they always tend to make my skin look yellow... The "jaundiced" look just never seems to be in. I got Jazzed this summer and I'm kind of regretting it, because I don't ever seem to be able to get it right. I was hoping that CaC would be a little more pink... maybe like a slightly peachy Lustering.

Other than that, I'm pretty sure that I'll be grabbing Moonlit Night and Family Crest, plus TFG, maybe Deepest Wish... Palette-wise, I'm certain I want Play it Cool, but all the Veluxe Pearl love is making me re-think Reelers & Rockers. I have metallic pigments- Platinum and Rose Gold- so I question if I really need this, but somehow, it just keeps calling to me.


Well-known member
Thank you layla for your swatch and liba for your description!


Well-known member
Darn... I had walked by the pigments before without a moment's regret, but now all this talk of Family Crest has made me question my judgment..... same with French Quarter!! I'm also a pigment newbie, but I am starting to fall in love!


Well-known member
Pics & Swatches of some of TT:


Knoble Knights: Lash & Line Bag:

Style Clan n/p:


Well-known member
Eh...seeing the Romancin gloss in swatches, I'm not as wowed. I'll still try it on.

I would like to try Her Blooming Cheek though. Bite of an Apple worked surprisingly well on pale gals. What do you guys think of HBC for someone who's NC15?

I am NC 15 and it looks great on me!

It gives me a very fresh look and it is not "too much" especially if you use a lighter hand.


Well-known member
To anyone who may have looked and/or swatched the Happily Ever After lip palette at the preview party:

are the colors just your average frost finishes? or are they more frosty than usual?...still undecided on this palette...

Is there any pink in Cut a Caper? I don't normally go for these shades but...

Im thinking I might like Courting Lilac since I love me some Aristo-Cat...

A little off topic, but since we are talking about the holiday collection...would MAC's last year's holiday collection be at CCOs now?

I miss all the smiley options! I don't have them all memorized!...I was used to just clicking them from the list


Well-known member
Glamora Castle is one of the prettiest shadows of the bunch- it is along the lines of Sweet Sienna p/g or Smoke & Diamonds e/s in that it is not just a flat gray, instead it has nice dimension to it so I think it will work for a stunning smokey eye. I did notice that these shadows seemed to be a bit frosty- too frosty for my liking sadly-- particularly the peachy one. But I definitely recommend that you check 'em out in person (if you can). HTH!



Well-known member
Thank you for the lovely reviews and swatches, girls!

Now, I want to see The Family Crest badly. I don't know why. Salina? liba?

I still don't know what I would get, but I'm very excited to see them IRL! I want to play with the testers!

I'm thinking probably

  • one eyeshadow palette
  • one or two single eyeshadow(s)
  • one or two pigment(s)
  • one or two pearlglide liner(s)

This could change completely at the store.


Well-known member
This year I'm more interested in the main color collection than the mini sets! Usually I'm aaaalll over the sets specially the pigments but I own most of the colors in all three of them so I'll pass..

I love the pigments, pearlglide liners and lipsticks from the color collection!! =D


Well-known member
I was going to get Later & Moonlight.. but all these talk about FC makes me re-think..
I like dark smoky eyes and have Mauvement pigment already.. Should I stick with my original choice or change 1 of them to FC ?? Is FC have a similar color to Mauvement? Helppp pleaseee..


Well-known member
OK, I put TFC on my wish list.
It will be the first item I'll check at the store, I'm sure.

Any thoughts on the pearlglide liners and eyeshadows? Which one is on your list, girls?


Well-known member
OK, I put TFC on my wish list.
It will be the first item I'll check at the store, I'm sure.

Any thoughts on the pearlglide liners and eyeshadows? Which one is on your list, girls?

The eyeshadow textures were really nice, but frosty for my taste. Pigmentation was decent.

I didn't look at the pearlglides much, tbh. But, after liba's enabling, I'll be checking out Black Swan when I go to the counter next week, and more than likely, backing it up.