MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


Well-known member
Hi everyone, so this past Wednesday I went to a Mac job fair and thank God I got called back to be back on Thursday for the make-up demo with my model. So right now I'm going to wait until this next week since the interviewer said that she will be calling until then. I'm praying that I get the job. I will update.
Good luck!!
Hi loves! This is my first time posting hear or on a forum period. But I am so frustrated and surprisingly impatient about this MAC hiring process that I had to vent to someone. So I didn't even get to the interviewing part yet and I am freaking out. I saw online that MAC was hiring, which is rare in NYC, and I emailed my resume. After like 3 days I said to myself; this is taking to long to hear a reply back, so I went back on the site and saw that like over a hundred applicants sent in their resumes within like a 3 day period. I said OH HELL NO! I googled MAC's store that was hiring, got the number and addy, and asked if they were really hiring. They were, and I was told to come in and hand in my resume to either one of the managers. I was super hype and nervous at the same time. I called on a Thursday, so I wanted to come in the next day and get it over with. So after the phone call, I started googling and searching on youtube for MAC interview questions, and the process etc, because I'm a perfectionist and I like to be prepared. I looked up and watched so many vids about other ppl's experiences that it freak me out, yet it made me really contemplate if this is what I should go for. So I decided I'm going balls out! I decided to not hand in my resume Friday, instead go on Monday so that I could study all weekend so that I'm prepared for anything. So that what I did. Monday came, I got up at the crack of dawn, ironed my all black outfit, snatched my hair, beat my face to the GODSSSS, and even studied on the train on the way there. So I'm like a block away and I go in this secluded area to switch from my sneakers to heels
Lol, then I walk down the block and around the corner into MAC! It's do or die! I expect to be interviewed on the spot. When I take on step in the store, a girl approaches me and asks if she can help me? I say; Yes, Are the managers in? She walks me to the back, and then a artist approaches me. Can I help you? etc. I tell him, I want to speak with the manager/managers about handing in my resume. So he says I'll be right back, I wait for awhile. Then this fabby artist says to me who are you, where do you come from you are fab! So I playfully tell her I come from the Bronx! Haha... She was so funny. She even snuck up to the side of me and tried to give me some tips, and asked if I had a portfolio? I didn't because I was told to only bring a resume, but she said it doesn't even matter you're fine. Then she called out to this other artist and said to him, look at her, she's wonderful. I loved all the love and good vibes. Everything went great. So the guy came back, said the managers aren't in and said I'm acting as the manager, looked over my resume, uttered a lot of WOW's as he was reading it, and said that we are actually setting up interviews in a few days, and he'll give my resume to his manager, and that was it. So after about a week I was thinking, maybe the manager didn't get my resume, so I called to make sure and she told me how swamped they get wit hundreds of resumes, and that they have to go through them by order. So I can understand, so now it's gong on almost a month since I just handed in my resume. UHHHH...So now I'm thinking, they will never get to mine, or maybe I won't get an interview, or I wish that the managers were there when I handed in my resume so that they could have seen what I looked like etc! I just don't know now. Should I go back, or go around to other MAC counters or stores. I just don't know. I thought by now I should have at least had my first interview. WAAAAAAAAA


New member
I went to a Mac job fair today in Philly and interviewed with homa. It lasted about 10 minutes and only asked 3 questions the other girls in my group 2 of them were a hot mess I just hope she liked me.


New member
I went to a job fair the week before last, interviewed, went through the demo portion... Didn't get any negative feedback (just that the look I did was really good and it was pretty) They said we would be hearing back by this Friday and I haven't heard anything yet... Kind of freaking out a little bit that I didn't get it. :/


New member
I got a call back From Mac for the next step a makeup demo. I was told to bring my brushes my personal brushes are from mac and I don't have a lot of them will they not like that they aren't all Mac brushes. I don't really feel like buying all new Mac brushes if I'm not hired. Help!!!!
So ladies I went to the casting call here in Michigan I was told I needed experience in cosmetics retail and to reapply in six months. It broke my heart but I ssid ok its holiday season let me try to get somewhere for the season and prove myself and get asked to stay so after sending out apps and taking my resume to various retailers I was contacted by Sephora. I have been to two group interviews and after calling refrences I was asked back to do a demo next week. I also got a call from bare minerals for an interview. So I just wanted to share this with you all to motivate you not to give up. I was hurt about the rejection I played over and over in my mind what I could have done differently but it all works out in the end just believe in your craft and artistry and have perseverance and it will work out!!!!! Good day all
Ok, first of all, they should supply you with their brushes! That boggles my mind. I never heard that you have to do that for a MAC demo experience. Are you sure...? LOL


New member
So I recently went to a Mac Job Fair I did a verbal interview and a makeup demo and was called back in 3 business days with great critique on Both portions of my interview, I was only told to use the mirror more to physically teach the client what to do and how to,ten I was told to come in for another interview. What will they ask,what do they want to see? How can I ace this? I'm dying for this job


Helloo ppl im new here can anyone tell me how long mac takes to reply back? I passed my phone interview and i was given the name of area manager but ive heard nothing now its been 4 weeks.. im getting really worried... I have worked for estee lauder before.. Thanks


New member
I got hired as a freelancer on my first try with mac with no cosmetic retail experience. I got told in my makeup demo that I had good teaching skills with my model. I'm so excited.


Well-known member
I am so happy for you catherinemua Unfortunately for me, I didn't get a call back but I am not discouraged at all. I will re apply in 4 more months since the hiring person at the makeup demo said that those that were not getting a call back to just keep trying and reapply in 6 mths but it has been 2 months I applied and Iit was also my very first try at mac. But I got to the makeup demo phase so not far from getting hired. I actually got positive feedback on my makeup look and application. The only thing they said I need to work on was to be less shy and quiet. So i am going to work on that to be more prepared for this next time i re apply.

Looksby Latay

New member
Question???? I had 2 interviews with the store manager and the assist, then I was forward a demo interview. Passed that (thank god!!!) . Got a call today that I have to go to greenbelt to interview with michelle ( I am thinking RM). Anyone had this experience? If so how should I prepare?


Hi loves! This is my first time posting hear or on a forum period. But I am so frustrated and surprisingly impatient about this MAC hiring process that I had to vent to someone. So I didn't even get to the interviewing part yet and I am freaking out. I saw online that MAC was hiring, which is rare in NYC, and I emailed my resume. After like 3 days I said to myself; this is taking to long to hear a reply back, so I went back on the site and saw that like over a hundred applicants sent in their resumes within like a 3 day period. I said OH HELL NO! I googled MAC's store that was hiring, got the number and addy, and asked if they were really hiring. They were, and I was told to come in and hand in my resume to either one of the managers. I was super hype and nervous at the same time. I called on a Thursday, so I wanted to come in the next day and get it over with. So after the phone call, I started googling and searching on youtube for MAC interview questions, and the process etc, because I'm a perfectionist and I like to be prepared. I looked up and watched so many vids about other ppl's experiences that it freak me out, yet it made me really contemplate if this is what I should go for. So I decided I'm going balls out! I decided to not hand in my resume Friday, instead go on Monday so that I could study all weekend so that I'm prepared for anything. So that what I did. Monday came, I got up at the crack of dawn, ironed my all black outfit, snatched my hair, beat my face to the GODSSSS, and even studied on the train on the way there. So I'm like a block away and I go in this secluded area to switch from my sneakers to heels :clapping: Lol,  then I walk down the block and around the corner into MAC! It's do or die! I expect to be interviewed on the spot. When I take on step in the store, a girl approaches me and asks if she can help me? I say; Yes, Are the managers in? She walks me to the back, and then a artist approaches me. Can I help you? etc. I tell him, I want to speak with the manager/managers about handing in my resume. So he says I'll be right back, I wait for awhile. Then this fabby artist says to me who are you, where do you come from you are fab! So I playfully tell her I come from the Bronx! Haha... She was so funny. She even snuck up to the side of me and tried to give me some tips, and asked if I had a portfolio? I didn't because I was told to only bring a resume, but she said it doesn't even matter you're fine. Then she called out to this other artist and said to him, look at her, she's wonderful. I loved all the love and good vibes. Everything went great. So the guy came back, said the managers aren't in and said I'm acting as the manager, looked over my resume, uttered a lot of WOW's as he was reading it, and said that we are actually setting up interviews in a few days, and he'll give my resume to his manager, and that was it. So after about a week I was thinking, maybe the manager didn't get my resume, so I called to make sure and she told me how swamped they get wit hundreds of resumes, and that they have to go through them by order. So I can understand, so now it's gong on almost a month since I just handed in my resume. UHHHH...So now I'm thinking, they will never get to mine, or maybe I won't get an interview, or I wish that the managers were there when I handed in my resume so that they could have seen what I looked like etc! I just don't know now. Should I go back, or go around to other MAC counters or stores. I just don't know. I thought by now I should have at least had my first interview. WAAAAAAAAA  
Good luck..... right now Im in the waiting to get a call Limbo which is not fun at all !!!
I went to a job fair the week before last, interviewed, went through the demo portion... Didn't get any negative feedback (just that the look I did was really good and it was pretty) They said we would be hearing back by this Friday and I haven't heard anything yet... Kind of freaking out a little bit that I didn't get it. :/
Aww don't freak out ladies. I actually work in a salon where I do makeup as well and just got offered a MUA position for my city with a major and prestigious makeup company. I know we all love MAC but contrary to popular belief, they are NOT the only company that hires MUAs. Nine times out of ten you're only going to get a freelance position with little benefits so pleeeease apply to other companies while you are waiting by the phone for MAC. Also, and this was admitted by past interviewers and employees, they rarely consider applicants that they aren't familiar with. They have a preference for applicants who regularly shop at the counter they applied with. Sucks but that's how I got my second demo. At any rate, I wish all the MAC applicants good luck and remember, don't beat yourself up about it. ;)

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