MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


Well-known member
Okay I had my first interview with MAC today (freestanding store). I think it went well but my first interview was a demo, not verbal. In fact, it was nothing like what most of you have experienced. So I am a little confused because this either can benefit me or...not be good? I am not sure. This could be because of my experience and retail experience. So I was called to schedule my interview over a month ago to do a demo. I wasn't asked any questions about my prior experience or any questions at alI. I brought in my model, did the demo, and I feel it went well. She did correct me on a couple of things but I did great on time management. She gave me feedback and told me what she was impressed with. And what I could have done right or changed. She also interrupted me on a few occasions to show me a couple of things I may not have done according to MAC standards. At the end, she was asking where I would like to work (freelance or perm) and what hours. She also mentioned that I should wait 2-3 weeks to hear back from them since they have a lot of interviews set up and want to filter them out. She then took my number and she gave me a hug as well as my model who happened to be my mother in law. :) She, the interviewer was very pleasant and friendly. I believe her name is Jossi (sp?) in New Jersey. Anyone know her or has interviewed with her before? I feel though that's a long time to wait. So I don't know what this means, good or bad? I feel confident. I was nervous at the interview but I also exuded confidence and did everything that was expected of me. Anyone has any feedback, opinions or suggestions on what my next plan of action should be, please don't hesitate to tell me. Your input is much appreciated!
So I just did my interview and my makeup demo. And I went in with my model and was completely surprised to find out we weren't going to work on our models. Well anyway, The girl i did was very happy. I finished with 4 minutes left. And the guy was like okay since you finished with time left I'm going to give you some feedback. You did everything perfect. You did everything she wanted. The only thing I would have done was add a highlight under the brow. But everything else was perfect. And your work station was absolutely amazing. Do they sometimes call you before they say they're going to??


Well-known member
So three weeks ago I applied at MAC, called a week later to ask if they made any hiring decisions and the manager I spoke with over the phone said the hiring manager was on vacation until May 22nd. It is now May 28th, do you think i should call again? I want to look very interested but not annoying. when i initially applied a few weeks ago the manager i gave my resume to said they were hiring freelancers for grad season..


Well-known member
Well, this has been a long drawn out process. I went for my interview and a demo end of April. The verbal interview went great, but I felt like I absolutely bombed my demo, it was actually my first time doing someone else's makeup, because the interview process went so quickly I didn't have time to meet up with my model and practice first. The day after the manager went on vacation/travelling for work so she said not to worry if I didn't hear back right away. After a few weeks of hearing nothing and shopping there since and having no one mention anything to me, I accepted the fact that I probably didn't make the cut. Out if the blue yesterday, I got a call from the other manager asking me if I was still interested to which I said "Of Course!!". She said her and the other manager would have to email someone to set up a time and they would call me with the date. Has anyone been through three interviews with MAC? I think it's a good sign, it just seems like a lot of effort on their part for an on call employee. Edit: I'm not complaining about the process at all! I'm super excited about this all and feel so lucky to have MAC interested in hiring me!


New member
How did everything go, Im from the DMV as well and interviewed with Homa, passed my make up demo and all Im schedule now to go this Saturday to meet with the counter manager!
Hello all, newbie here! I had my 1st interview with a MAC regional recruiter here in the DMV area with Homa on April 3rd.  I past that first part and she was pretty awesome, and blunt.  I'm pretty much a self taught makeup lover, and pick up a lot just by viewing videos, reading online forums, and following tutorials.  This, throughout many years, taught me to become an inspired makeup artist! :)  So my interview with Homa went pretty smoothly, but i was super nervous.  It was a "Job Fair" in her office at Greenbelt, MD.  I'm assuming that this is where the training facility is as well i saw a room filled with MAC makeup while i was waiting to be interviewed.  To be completely honest i thought this "job fair" was actually meeting with others and important people within the company, but i didn't want to be unprepared so i came with my cover letter as well as my resume.  The fair started at 10am and it was supposed to last till 1pm, i walked in with my face done in tip top shape(my profile picture).  Looked the part with all black clothing, simple, but fashionable as well.  The only downfall i had was my shoes, it was a no heel tap dance like shoe, Homa expected heels.  When i went in the suite, her assistant as me if i was here for the interview, i said "sure, i'm assuming that's what it is..."  She told me to sign in and have a seat, while i was there 5 other girls were sitting amongst me waiting as well.  I can hear Homa with 2 other girls inside her office, and i waited for about 20 minutes until my name was called.  At the end of the interview before me Homa said to them if we're interested we will give you ladies a call back soon.  Next up, was this other girl, and i.  We went into the office and she asked us if we wanted to be full time, or a freelancer.   We both answered full time, and she asked what locations we wanted to be working at.  Gave our answers, and then proceeded.  Homa asked us about our retail experience, and asked us how much make-up experience we had, if we had professional schooling, and what we would bring to the company.  After that, she asked us to rate our make-up abilities from 1-5, i said a 4 and she asked why, the other girl also said 4.  We were then asked to critique each other make-up, Homa told us her end as well.  She said she thought that both of us would be great, and our make-up was really good.  She just told me that a darker shadow on me looks like i have no whites in my eyes from a far, and that i need a brighter color lipstick, other than that she said everything else was perfect.  BLEND BLEND BLEND, is what she told the other girl and her red liner was boring her.  She said that her red lips were a good color, but needs to be very clean and precise.  Red lips stand out and must be done correct to look amazing she said.  After that she said well, i like you both a lot!  So i want to invite you both back for a make-up demo interview.  Homa told the other girl that unfortunately she was not in her region so she will have trainers come out to that suite to do her make-up interview that friday! Which was 2 days away... I was like =0.  She told me that she will call me back to set up my interview time because she needs to gather trainers to evaluate me.  I was scared that meant i won't be getting a call back.  Then again, i realize since she is pretty straight forward, she wouldn't be lying.  So she said make sure we practice, and be on point with our blending, she explained some scenarios they might throw at us, so i was appreciating the tip.  She said good luck, and i hope to see you soon! "Samantha, you will be hearing from me, so don't get scared if i don't call back soon as you think."  So the waiting game begins, i told myself i would give her a week, if not i will be calling back.  Surely enough, on April 11th she called me and asked me if i was still interested, well a duh! lol So she told me she had a couple openings with dates and times.  Homa asked if i prefer Tysons Corner or Fair Oaks, and i said Fair Oaks, then she said okay well i have this and this day, and this and this time.  Finally, i told her the 24th at 2PM.  Let's pray this goes by well! :) Wish me luck ladies, now it's time to practice, practice, practice! Ahh i'm so nervous, any tips for those who work out here in the East Coast within Homa's district? Please and thank you all!


New member
Hi Guys!
I'm new to this! I just had my demo interview yesterday and I think everything went really well. I didn't know what was going on behind me because I was so into my model catering to her needs. I made sure to sanitize my hands before applying the makeup, I also made sure to sanitize everything that I used (thanks to you guys!). My sister, who was my model, said that the lady watching me really enjoyed our interaction because we were talking about other things besides makeup (really important for building customer relationships). I was also showing and teaching which is a really big thing. I purposely chose a Viva Glam lipstick to use on my model so that I could talk about the benefits of giving glamorously (because all the proceeds for Viva Glam go towards HIV/AIDS). My sister said that when I said that, the guy next to me who was supposed to be watching the girl next to me glanced over at me, smiled, and she also stated that throughout my whole interaction he too was watching me and paying attention to me. I am so nervous! I think/hope/pray I nailed it. As we were leaving I shook everyone's hand said it was a pleasure meeting them, and one person even asked for my model's name. They didn't say when I would hear back from them, but I'm anxiously waiting!


Well, this has been a long drawn out process. I went for my interview and a demo end of April. The verbal interview went great, but I felt like I absolutely bombed my demo, it was actually my first time doing someone else's makeup, because the interview process went so quickly I didn't have time to meet up with my model and practice first. The day after the manager went on vacation/travelling for work so she said not to worry if I didn't hear back right away. After a few weeks of hearing nothing and shopping there since and having no one mention anything to me, I accepted the fact that I probably didn't make the cut. Out if the blue yesterday, I got a call from the other manager asking me if I was still interested to which I said "Of Course!!". She said her and the other manager would have to email someone to set up a time and they would call me with the date. Has anyone been through three interviews with MAC? I think it's a good sign, it just seems like a lot of effort on their part for an on call employee. Edit: I'm not complaining about the process at all! I'm super excited about this all and feel so lucky to have MAC interested in hiring me!
How did it go?! Did you end up getting the job? I just went through all the interviews to be an on-call artist as well and was curious about the position :)


New member
Hey Everyone, I have a job interview tomorrow for a full time position at MAC in Selfridges. I'm quite nervous about it, I've Study for the 3years but for the passed year I've been kinda out of the loop. I don't like anything in my portfolio, do I don't know whether to take it.... Help! Any Advice please :) x


Well-known member
Unfortunately, At my full time job I'm a manager and am required to work certain weekends. Where MAC wanted me available all weekends. They said if my availability changes to let them know.
How did it go?! Did you end up getting the job? I just went through all the interviews to be an on-call artist as well and was curious about the position :)


New member
Hey guys, I'm new here! I recently had 2 interviews at a mac counter. My one-on-one interview went fantastic, my demo interview went really well too. The only critiques I got was to use less space on my station. I got a call the same day for a phone interview with the regional manager. I took down her number and I was suppose to call the next day at 9:45 am. The next day, I realized I forgot the number at my job in my locker. I was panicking so I called the mac counter so that they can give me the number again. I got the number. It was 10:08 am when I called the regional manager. I left a voicemail. And I tried calling one more time an hour later. The store manager at the counter told me I'm going to have to wait til Monday to reschedule the phone interview. (Its friday by the way) I'm really worried I lost this opportunity. It's for a part time position. I believe I am very qualified for this position and I've practice and educated myself very well about the company. Did I ruin my chances on getting the job by missing the 3rd interview? Do I still have a chance? I'm so anxious and nervous


Well-known member
Hey guys! So I had an interview with a Mac counter manager for third key about 3 weeks ago. That went well so she said the next step would be to setup my demo. A week later I had my demo. It was nerve wracking but also went well. I didn't hear anything back from them for 2 weeks and then the regional manager just called me to set up a phone interview on Tuesday. What kinds of questions should I expect?? I'm so nervous I want this job more than anything.


New member
Hello I'm new to this form. I applied to Mac and the regional recruiter or manager emailed me inviting me to attend the hiring fair on Sept4. I responded that I would be attending. I'm so nervous and wanting to know what to expect since it may be several of us there interviewing at once.

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