MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


Well-known member
That's strange that it's taking a while for you ladies. I have had the opposite experience. I had my first interview two weeks ago, my second one last week and was hired on the spot. I've already signed a bunch of paperwork, I'm actually faxing some today. I'm still supposed to get a package via FedEx. I do have a question for those ladies that are already working for MAC… Does everyone get a brush belt and brushes? How is the training?


Well-known member
You'll get your own brushes once you become a permanent artist. If you were hired as an on call there is an on call brush belt that is shared


New member
I just got hired last May 21st. However it took abut 2 and half months for the entire process. I was offered a freelance position. I am BEYOND excited! I'll be working at a MAC location inside of Belk department store.

I was asked to apply by the store manager. Weeks later she informed me of an open call that they were having on March 4th. The initial interview was with 2 other ppl and a store manager and the Regional hiring manager asked us questions. Mostly group questions but some individual. They spent maybe 10 min with us. On April 4th, I was asked to come in on the 16th with a model. Myself and another girl swapped models and had to do a daytime face and then bump it up to a night look. They gave us as long as we needed to get the make up we needed because we couldn't go back to get more make up once we started the application. They gave us 30min for the daytime look. It wasn't until May 21st (more than a month) that I heard back from MAC and offered me the Freelance position.
YAY! I expected a long process so I didn't go nuts at any point. However, my mind did wander at times.

I recognize that its been years since anyone has posted on this thread but it doesn't necessarily mean that someone isn't looking for a current hiring experience with MAC. I plan on documenting my first few weeks with them via this thread. I hope this information is helpful.


I applied to Mac in February I had my interview two weeks later were I had to do my demo along with 3 other ladies they gave me a call back and offered me the position the following week it took about two weeks to process the paper work since then I started working immediately after my id number came in as a freelancer which is not steady hours but luckily for me there are 4 locations within 20 minutes of me and I pick up hours at which ever one is available and I love it.., so hopefully this helps some one


New member
I have a question so I went to turn in my resume and portafolio at macys mac counter they know me there cuz I go all the time I turned it in to the manager and she looked at my resume and portfolio and asked me if I was working told her no sh asked me if I had retail experience told her I worked at best buy selling tablets and worked at brawley selling flowers theb she said ok ill give u a call next week . I turned it in on thursday of last week now it's wednsday . Called in today to check in and the assistant manager told me that they take one to two weeks to get back u guys think they will call back? And set a interview? Plz help haha
Has anyone ever applied with international shoppes? And work with MAC Travel Retail Americas? I've been looking around and find absolutely nothing upon this matter except on Instagram. But that is only pictures, I'd be lucky enough if people actually answered questions on there. But I had an interview with MAC at Dulles airport in Virginia on may 9th. This process is dragging. Had my makeup demo last Thursday and is now waiting for my last interview if passed. It seemed like everything went fine though, I'm so eager I can't freaking sleep. Ughhhhhh. But they are opening either mid august or end of august. Any light by chance from anyone working with iShoppes or MACtramercias?


New member
hey guys! I just thought I'd share my experience with the MAC hiring process. It's been my dream to work at MAC for years and I'm a regular customer. In December of 2013 I was picking up a couple things for my sister for Christmas (no makeup, gym clothes, pretty grungy looking) when I just suddenly heard myself asking for an application. I wanted to kick myself for doing that when I looked as awful as I did but it turns out the manager of the counter was the one I was talking to. He really liked me and told me to bring it back with a resume in a couple days. I did so dressed in all black, full face of MAC makeup. he told me he was very interested but it was the Christmas rush and he'd call me in a few week. he also said if he didn't call me that he would pass my app & resume along to the regional directors and they'd invite me to a job fair. Well after two months I figured I wasn't getting hired. In early March I got an email inviting me to a regional job fair. it was pretty short, it just gave a time and place. I vamped up my resume, dressed in all black, did my makeup flawlessly and showed up 30 minutes before the job fair started. there were only 3 people ahead of me when I got there I had to fill out another application and I waited for about an hour before they took me into a room of tables and at each table was a high up MAC employee. I took a deep breath and sat down. she asked me a few questions about MAC and all of them were along the lines of the questions others have posted on here. I've never had any retail experience so I put a spin on my office experience and told her I had quotas to meet there, too. at the end of the interview she invited me back for a makeup demo the next day. I was so excited - the verbal part is the nerve-wracking part. the makeup is the easy part! my makeup interview was the next day. i had to bring a model which they, of course, switched out for someone else's model (as this was the 2nd part of the job fair). there were about 7 other girls and one guy there. we did the makeup interview at the training center so we had full access to all the MAC makeup with no customer distractions. We had to bring our own brushes. I cleaned mine the night before and went to a MAC pro store and bought a MAC brush belt. (THE GIRL DOING MAKEUP ACROSS THE TABLE DIDNT CLEAN HER BRUSHES AND SHE GOT CALLED OUT FOR IT). They gave us 30 minutes to do the makeup and that included time to pull product. I talked to the girl I was working on the whole time, explaining every step. In between explaining things I made small talk and kept talking to her. they really liked that. several of the regional managers complimented my work and my personality with the customer. at the end they said if we didn't hear from them in 2 weeks then we didn't get the job. 13 days later they called me and offered me a freelance position which I gratefully accepted. $15/hr starting. They set up a date for me to fill out paperwork which was two weeks away. After I filled out the paperwork I had to wait 5 weeks for my freelance number to come in. my official start date was may 5,2014 and I actually worked starting may 8. they gave me hours at the pro store nearby but several counters called me and offered me hours. In early June, the manager from closest counter to my house (the one I originally applied to) called and offered me an interview for a permanent position. I rocked the interview and the one with the regional director, as well. they chose someone over me because I had to go out of town for all of July. Just today I got a call from the same manager offering me a 12 hour permanent position at the counter. he said I didn't have to go through any more interviews because he cleared it with the regional director. IM THRILLED!! I go to basic the second week in August. just thought I'd share how long the process took me - 5 months before I started working as freelance and less than 3 months before I was promoted to permanent. there's a lot of movement in the company so there are always positions opening. :)


Well-known member
I have a group interview tomorrow :) It's weird cause I've always been more quiet and shy than most people but I've come a long way From working in customer service for 3-4 years now.. It's so strange but I'm almost not nervous? Because I feel like my knowledge on mac and passion for the brand (and makeup in general) is just so strong that if I'm myself it will just show ! Reading here helped a lot too. If I don't get it I know it'll only be because others had more experience than me, cause I'm pretty confident my love and passion for mac will show :)


Active member
Hi all. I have an "interview" on Weds here in the Bay Area, CA. I wanted to ask the people who have interviewed for any position... I don't own much MAC make-up except for some eye-shadows; their foundation breaks me out. If they were to ask me what foundation am I wearing. Do I just lie? lol... I currently use a BB cream..and foundation wise I use Origins. Also, since I barely found a clothes wise I can't buy anything.. I haven't even gotten paid... my clothes are all office work type of clothes. I feel like I'm an underdog.. I don't want to cancel. Any advice...
Definitely dont cxl.. Whatever makeup u do wear should be something very close to shades mac have. If asked what you are wearing DONT LIE. Have you tried other mac foundation formulas? If not research one and tell why you want to try it (product knowledge) Once you start working you will need to wear their foundations. As far as clothes some nice black pants black blouse and black shoes will do fine. Hope this helps


Well-known member
I went to my group interview, there were 12 girls that showed up :/ One girl in the interview had opened / worked at the first mac store in my city back in 1989! So that was crazy, everyone did pretty well . So it's hard to even guess who stood out and will be getting called for the demo interview !


Active member
thanks for the tips... I did an interview for them early this year or late last year (I can't remember).. anyways.. almost ALL the girls were dressed like they were going to the club... that's why I was worried showing up with nice pants instead of leggings or short shorts...


Well-known member
I went to my group interview, there were 12 girls that showed up :/ One girl in the interview had opened / worked at the first mac store in my city back in 1989! So that was crazy, everyone did pretty well . So it's hard to even guess who stood out and will be getting called for the demo interview !
I got a call back for a makeup interview ! It's gonna be held at the pro store ! I'm somewhat surprised since so many of the girls had makeup experience and schooling and I don't and I'm also self taught ! Should be interesting to see how many girls show up for that one as it was also said to be a group makeup interview .. And We will be using their brushes and makeup. Yay I'm hoping to do awesome with all the advise from here I know what to say and do :) I'm using my friend as a model who I've never done makeup on before but I think I'm ready for the challenge !


Well-known member
Just had my demo interview yesterday. Went fairly well got critiqued and praised as well. Didn't have to go through the first initial interview with the counter manager, since she knows me quite well and knows how I feel about MAC her words not mine. She said hopefully on Monday (Saturday today) I'll be set up for a 3rd interview with the D Manager for a verbal interview. Let's see how it goes I'm hoping I get the perm position but freelance would be amazing as well. Something I learned yesterday...while I can do my own makeup perfectly ON MYSELF, myself being the key word lol I do need practice on people. I get to nervous and shaky hands all over the place. While I have always been complimted on my makeup by fellow MAC MUA's and random people I do need practice on doing face with other people. Ughhh let the nerves of not getting a call back set in


Active member
For the people who have interviewed in Emeryville.. how was it? Also, does anyone how much the parking garage charges? I'm supposed to go on Weds. Thanks


Well-known member
Had my demo today, there were 5 of us. They switched our models on us.. I think I'm the only one who expected it lol. Ill find out next week how it went. I don't know how many positions they're offering but seems like a tough call! I think everyone did well?? I tried to remember everything from sanitizing.. Getting her to look in mirror .. To giving info about the brush I'm using, along with the product and when I couldn't think of what to say I asked questions about makeup she uses, how she does her makeup etc. I don't know how anyone else did with that stuff. Wish me luck I'm up against at least 4 others I think! and I'm probably the only one who didnt go to makeup school .. Also, they gave us 50 minutes .. Do day look then right into night look when you were ready.

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