MAC - Love that Look Discussion


Well-known member
Anyone notice that the collection is available online too? You have to look under the Shadows section, but they have Starflash available :0)

ETA: and shipping is still FREE until next Monday!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Prototype83
Anyone notice that the collection is available online too? You have to look under the Shadows section, but they have Starflash available :0)

It is! Wow...


Well-known member
The pic of Strike A Pose on the website is hot!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
But where is One-Off on the website??

Too many impressions...

You're right...I don't see it either


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
I'm not....I'm being good and passing...I am going shopping for housewares today..I know boring!

Thank you...her name is Jaz...actually that is my second puppy in two weeks...My 1st puppy Boz was stolen on Monday and I was heartbroken to no ends so my husband went and bought me Jaz...I love her but just not the same as Boz ...but she is his sister

Tish-I am soo sorry!!
Why do some people have to be such
I hope they find the person or persons who stoled him!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Elusive21
I don't know if this question has already been asked in this thread or not, but I would really appreciate it if somebody could answer it for me: Do I need to get Smoke & Diamonds if I I have Silverthorn (From the Rose Romance collection)? What makes S&D such a great colour? How is it different from the other grays that I have seen?

Originally Posted by rbella
^^^In my opinion, S&D has way more payoff and is a much darker grey (more of a black/grey) than Silverthorn. Silverthorn was extremely light and sheer on me. I love both, but S&D is prettier to me.

like rbella said, they aren't even close. smoke & diamonds is a must-have!

Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
Why I just called my store and they're talkin' about they only got 6 Rated R (???)

And tons of the repromoted eyeshadows from last year!!!???

same thing at my counter!

btw, my manager called me to ask where the studio moisture tints were cuz they were putting em out this morning, so we finally got the word.

see this kinda shit drives me bonkers. now all of rated "r" will sell out before i go back to work (off today and tmrw) and i won't be able to wear it.

fuck it, i'm wearing it anyway!

tish, i hate people too! i hope boz comes back to you so jaz can have a buddy to play with. people suck!


Well-known member
I saw this today with the suntints and the tinted moisturizers...A M A Z I N G!

One-off: gorgeous green... my MA said that MAC has nothing like it

Strike A Pose: so gorgeous on my NC25ish self... I love it!!! and my MA also said MAC has nothing like this too

Style Snob: love the texture but my MA said that there are colors similar to it i.e. satin taupe & etc... I'm glad I passed

Unbasic White: gorgeous shine! it's like crystal avalanche but more vibrant? and shimmery? lol I don't know how to describe it but it's so pretty due to its starflash texture

Fashion: I loved this more (because of the starflash quality) than Silverthorn and its slightly different

Ego: It's like an icy pink... not my favorite

Rated R: gorgeous... Erines swatches are right on and the starflash-ness is amazing

Fashion Groupie: as everyone said like Satellite Dreams just slight differences such as the texture and the color is not as purple and more so pink


Well-known member
Aw Tish, I'm so sorry about your dog.
If it were me, I'd track down those asses and give them an ass-whupping!

So the only eyeshadow I really wanted from this was Dream Maker since I don't even have a gold eyeshadow really, but everyone is saying they don't like the texture? Erine, what do you think of the texture?
Dream Maker or Creme De Miel? I was leaning to Dream Maker just because it seems like a true gold, while Creme De Miel looks like a gold highligter!
Skip or not?

So I'm waiting to get out of school next week, then I can pick up the 4 pearl liners I want.
2 Black Russians, and 2 Raves. Can't wait! And maybe one eyeshadow.

Call me crazy, but I'm skipping Strike a Pose! And sorry, Sharp is close enough to Rated R for me.
It's just not calling me, I don't know why.


Well-known member
So I popped into the thread to be sure that everyone knows the collection is on the mac site & to ask where one-off is & I just read about Tish's adorable pup getting stolen by some heartless piece of crap. Tish I am so sorry, my head is spinning & my heart hurts that someone did that to you & your family. I hope & pray that the pup gets returned to you & you or your hubby get the opportunity to kick the ass of the jackass that did it to you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenntoz
So I popped into the thread to be sure that everyone knows the collection is on the mac site & to ask where one-off is & I just read about Tish's adorable pup getting stolen by some heartless piece of crap. Tish I am so sorry, my head is spinning & my heart hurts that someone did that to you & your family. I hope & pray that the pup gets returned to you & you or your hubby get the opportunity to kick the ass of the jackass that did it to you!

Ditto. That is just awful!


Well-known member
I was the first person to play with these shadows at the counter today!
It was totally overwhelming, especially with my limited budget. Last year I got S&D and today I got One-Off. Things don't sell out fast here so I figure I'll pick up everything else I want later.

Strike a Pose was on my list but I didn't really like it, then again I'm not usually crazy about blues. Just seems like a typical dark blue to me. The MA put this on my eyes with the 217 and yeah it was nice with my brown eyes, but... meh.

One-Off... friggin AWESOOOOOME. That's all there is to say about that. I LOVE greens and this is just the green my collection NEEDED.

Unbasic White was lovely. Very pigmented and had that lovely Starflash sheen to it. I will be getting this one very soon.

Ego is also on my list because I love the color and it's everything I wanted Sweet Lust to be, without the ugly glitter. Just a pretty pale pink.

Dream-maker's texture almost seemed flaky?

I didn't touch Rated-R but I bet it's beautiful if you like this kind of color. The MA's were going crazy over it. Maybe I'll grab it later to add some variety to my collection.

Fashion groupie surprised me by its purply-ness. I somehow expected it to look more pink? Maybe I just need to take a closer look at it.

There was also a lovely pale gold color but I can't remember the name of it. I'll be grabbing that one later too! Uh my list is so much longer than I thought lol...

All the other colors were boring to me... typical colors but if you need them in your collection, it would be nice to have them in the starflash finish.

Of the liners, Rave was SOOO AWESOME. I love purples! Fly by Blu looked gorgeous too but Rave was my favorite. Molasses was boring to me.


Well-known member
Tish -~Major Hugs~ That's so wrong

Re LTL... Wonder when it will be on the canadian website, I'm going to walk over to the Bay MAC counter but I go home tomorrow. So if they don't have it for sale I'll just have to wait for it to hit our website.

I need to go back to the MALL anyhow, I came home to drop off some bags lol. Its going to be a challenge to pack all this in my suitcases lol


Well-known member
I walked into my MAC Pro store and was (pleasantly) surprised to see the collection out. S&D and Rated R came home with me, but Strike A Pose also jumped into my mini-haul. Not that I minded...

I also got the last Lavender eye pencil they had in stock. Now I have a (sort of-)backup for Ola Viola!