Originally Posted by lvgz
im so sad, i havent been able to check out the new collection. is strike a pose similar to pompous blue or big t? it seems so teal..
for some reason, im LOVING unbiased white in all the swatches. i think its only bc i love this collection's texture.. i want everything....
I don't have Big T to check, but I do have Cool Heat, which Big T is very very similar to (if I'm remembering the Cool Heat swatches right!).
Strike a Pose is MUCH more blue than that. Not really similar at all, imo.
and now edited with an EOTD description! Tilt as a wash, S&D in the crease, SAP in the outer V, Shroom under the brow. Lined with Wet n' Wild liquid (black), Engraved Powerpoint on the lower lash line, and some Cool Heat smudged underneath that. <3