Mac - Maleficent (May 15, 2014)


Well-known member
That is some amazing artwork. Cruel looks very edible, along with Urs and Pocahon
I'd eat them all up. lol


Well-known member
I think the fact that I just said I'd eat up some fictional characters means I need May to hurry up and get here so I can see the ol' bf.

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
I miss those days...before when id go in HT there was rockers and all my people lol and now its full of hipsters and teeny boppers.
I worked at HT twice lol. Back then it was way cooler tho. No offense to anyone, but im so over the hipster thing. My sister and most of her friends are hipsters haha. Love em but yeah, not my style. They make fun of me sometimes too tho.


Well-known member
Am I the only one who misses the days when the only Disney that would of been sold by Hot Topic would of been demon Disney? None of the One Direction stuff or Hello Kitty. (Not knocking 1D or HK) just using them as examples. I don't walk in there anymore and get the same vibe I used to and now every time I walk by it's full of teens and hipsters. :(
I know what you mean but if there's nowhere else selling that stuff *shrug* someone has to!!

I also really enjoy the turn this conversation took


Well-known member
I know what you mean but if there's nowhere else selling that stuff *shrug* someone has to!!

I also really enjoy the turn this conversation took
I love the strange turns our conversations here on Specktra can take, it's part of why I love it so much!

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