Mac - Maleficent (May 15, 2014)


Well-known member

Haha! It's ri-dick-ulousy funny!


Well-known member
Oh, I remember those days. That is, of course, before my period stopped , my hormones and sex drive took a nosedive, leaving my private area feeling like the Sahara Desert! Sex no longer sounds like fun at all, just a royal pain in the @**.

Do all the fun and naughty stuff while you can .... and still want to. :) That way you can always look back with a silly little smirk on your face. Some things you just never forget!

Enjoy your weekend. ;)
NOOOOOOOOO at which age does this happen. B/c sex doesn't really get good until your 30's.


Well-known member
yes yes they are.  And so annoying, and they totally ruined Wicker Park in Chicago.   NOOOOOOOOO  at which age does this happen.  B/c sex doesn't really get good until your 30's. 
It will probably depend a lot on when you finish going through the change. I went through the change in my early 40s. I used to take a hormone replacement supplement, but I stopped that about two and-a-half years ago. I am 52 right now. Once your body is going through all the changes, one of them includes the tissue inside becoming more thin and fragile. You'll also become dry. It's not a fun combo at all. Thank heavens I had a ton of fun beforehand! I used to have a very high sex drive. It's not the case any longer. That's okay with me. The one saving grace in this situation, is that once the drive is gone, it really doesn't have the same appeal that it used to have. Have fun while you can. Don't worry about it now. Once that time hits, you really will be happy finding other things that you would rather do. It used to freak me out when I would hear women talk this way. I couldn't wrap my brain around it. Now I can. It's fine with me!


Well-known member
Love the "gender bender" pics. Especially Howl's Moving Castle :heart: I saw a Disney princess one on Tumblr, but I can't find it anymore :/
NOOOOOOOOO  at which age does this happen.  B/c sex doesn't really get good until your 30's.
Are you serious o_O Most guys my age are stupid or annoying or both, so I've had no real desire to sleep with any of them. But I don't want to wait 8.5 more years o_o (Also, I don't think I can. LOL)


Well-known member
Love the "gender bender" pics. Especially Howl's Moving Castle :heart: I saw a Disney princess one on Tumblr, but I can't find it anymore :/ Are you serious o_O Most guys my age are stupid or annoying or both, so I've had no real desire to sleep with any of them. But I don't want to wait 8.5 more years o_o (Also, I don't think I can. LOL)
Do you guys want to hear a good one? I just talked to my brother and sister-in-law. She asked me if my brother had told me about her "bloodwork scare". I said no, I had not. I was instantly alarmed. She then went on to tell me she had been spotting a bit, so she deciided to go to the gynecologist. The doc did some bloodwork. My sister-in-law received a message from the doctor, stating that she should contact her later that day or at the beginning of the week. Obviously, my sister-in-law was nervous. Usually a call like that can be worrying. Well, my sister-in-law (Robin), contacted the doctor. She was told that her blood levels were throught he roof, which can denote a pregnancy. Robin is 52, so she was freaking out. Robin had sat her two adult daughters down to discuss the situation. Danielle was somewhere along the lines of, "Oh, no Mom!". Then their other daughter, Stephanie, is happily saying, "Oh, yay, a baby!" with excitement in her voice. In the meantime, my brother was biting his nails. He told me that all he could think of, was hold old he would be when the kid would graduate ... 73 year's old! Yikes!!! Fortunately for them (after some more diagnosing by the doctor), Roblin is fine. She was told that her ovaries are still kicking. So she promptly asked the doctor for birth control pills. My brother now wants to use condoms too. :) I guess some people my age are still having sex. :)


Well-known member
MAC should be ashamed of themselves. I say Hot Topic did a better collab.

For starters I need the pictured cape. haha.

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