MAC - Naturally Discussion


Well-known member
Is it weird that I get super excited when a customer comes in and wants to pick out her own veining on the Mineralize products? I'm all like, "Ah, nice to see a fellow addict! Let me pull out all of the Summer Haze shadows for you so we can find the perfect mix!" Makes me almost as happy as when someone tells me they're buying "back-ups" LOL ;)

Speaking of back-ups, I'm definitely grabbing another Redhead (mine from Blonde, Brunette, Redhead is about 2/3 gone) but I'm seriously considering another...I think I'll try a Blonde first. We got in a TON of the MSFs for this collection so I'm glad I'll have time to think about it.


Well-known member
Hi All!

I mentioned earlier in the week I would post blush swatches on NC15 skin but did not know I had to re-charge my camera battery! Anyway, a little late, but here they are. I did a finger-swipe swatch and then a brush swatch side by side (the brush swipe is actually two swipes - one swipe did not show up on camera). They're in this order: Fresh Honey, Early Morning, Subtle Breeze. I've worn FH and EM already and LOVE them - I can't wait to use Subtle Breeze tomorrow. For pale skin, a light hand is needed for application, but the color is very wearable. These blushes are flippin' amazing!



Well-known member
Ahhh this is so helpful! Thank you so much for doing the swatches! I'm NC15, too. I swatched the blushes in store but I went crazy and swatched a bunch of other stuff, too so I wiped the blushes all off to look at other items. I'm glad it confirms why I'm so intrigued by all three of the blushes! They look so gorgeous in natural light. My cheeks are naturally on the rosey side, so I'm really considering getting Fresh Honey, just to branch out a bit. The other two are quite different from what I currently own as well. I have a handful of "peachy-pink" blushes (i.e. Stunner) so maybe I can justify purchasing these :-D Thanks again!
Hi All!

I mentioned earlier in the week I would post blush swatches on NC15 skin but did not know I had to re-charge my camera battery! Anyway, a little late, but here they are. I did a finger-swipe swatch and then a brush swatch side by side (the brush swipe is actually two swipes - one swipe did not show up on camera). They're in this order: Fresh Honey, Early Morning, Subtle Breeze. I've worn FH and EM already and LOVE them - I can't wait to use Subtle Breeze tomorrow. For pale skin, a light hand is needed for application, but the color is very wearable. These blushes are flippin' amazing!



Well-known member
A Perfect Day looks gorgeous on you, SweetSarah!

Very nice swatches! Thank you, GreigeClarity and internetchick!

I bought A Perfect Day yesterday. I could not pass a beautiful pink beige lipstick with amplified creme finish.

Happy weekend, everybody!


Well-known member
Did you get Flamingo? On me, it looks a bit more like it did in that pic you posted if I use it over Sweet Sunrise. Its such a lovely lipstick on.
I picked up Sweet Sunrise this morning. I think I love it more than Flamingo...and I really love Flamingo LOL I also grabbed Summer Haze. I hope I'm not disappointed. I never reach for golds but the swatch I did in the store was so pretty. I picked one with the least veining because I wanted it super light.


Well-known member
I was at the mall earlier and stopped by the MAC counter at Nordstrom - I checked out all of the blushes and even tried on Fresh Honey and Subtle Breeze. I loved all three blushes in the pan but the two I tried on were definitely not for me. Fresh Honey sat on my skin and looked like I had a bruise and Subtle Breeze just made me look red-faced. Early Morning appeared really dark when I swatched it on my hand so I decided to pass on even trying it on.

I ended up impulse-purchasing Blonde MSF because it looked very nice on me, and I think it will be a good multi-functional powder where I can wear it as a blush and then some. I was weary about it since I already own Porcelain Pink - I wasn't sure how similar the two would be, but they definitely are different in appearance on my skin. PP is more of a golden pinky glow , almost shimmery, whereas Blonde warms me up a little bit and gives me a nice rosy glow.


Well-known member
I picked up Sweet Sunrise this morning.  I think I love it more than Flamingo...and I really love Flamingo  LOL   I also grabbed Summer Haze.  I hope I'm not disappointed.  I never reach for golds but the swatch I did in the store was so pretty.  I picked one with the least veining because I wanted it super light.
Isn't Sweet Sunrise gorgeous? I picked up that along with A Perfect Day and Beach Sand but Sweet Sunrise is my favorite (although they are all lovely and different enough from eachother). I plan on backing Sweet Sunrise up!


Well-known member
Isn't Sweet Sunrise gorgeous? I picked up that along with A Perfect Day and Beach Sand but Sweet Sunrise is my favorite (although they are all lovely and different enough from eachother). I plan on backing Sweet Sunrise up!

I think a back up is in my immediate future too. I love a nude lip. I'm an NC20 with very pigmented lips. I have to put Lip Erase under everything to stop them from turning dark. Not with Sweet Sunrise though! And my lips warm it up to perfection. I think it would be a great base under fushcia lipgloss (like Narcissus).


Well-known member
I think a back up is in my immediate future too. I love a nude lip. I'm an NC20 with very pigmented lips. I have to put Lip Erase under everything to stop them from turning dark. Not with Sweet Sunrise though! And my lips warm it up to perfection. I think it would be a great base under fushcia lipgloss (like Narcissus).

Exactly! Me too


Well-known member
I just snapped up Twilight Falls and Cloudy Afternoon. In the Sun will probably come home with me when I get paid on Monday.

Do I want Daylight too?


Well-known member
You look so purrrty! Exposed... Our FAV!!! Yay!
And BTW... YES, you need Daylight! It's one of my top 2 of these MES's! It's a "Circa Plum-ish" shade in MES form. It's the perfect lavender shimmer.

Alright, the editing thing finally worked on my iPhone so here is the look I did today in less than 3 minutes. I did take this with a phone so that is why my face looks deformed, lol.

I used the lightest part of Summer Haze all over the lid, a bit of the darker gold in the outer, and Tempting in the crease. Tarte Exposed blush and A Perfect Day on the lips.


Well-known member
Thank you so much ladies!!
And YES katred... I think you are definitely owed a blush (or 2) from this collection! (And all the other collections that come out this year! HeeHee)

Pixie, that look is gorgeous on you! Perfect colour selection. I'm surprised that I haven't picked up anything yet, but I'm trying to decide very carefully, since I just bought myself a whole bunch of post-holiday presents and need to watch my money a bit... Nonetheless, I think I could at least give myself a blush or something...


Well-known member
Sweet Sunrise sounds tempting, girls! LOL
My MUA was rocking it, and it looked GORGEOUS on her. She was probably NC/NW15/20. I didn't buy it because I thought it was too light, and not sure if it would show up on my pigmented lips. Hmm, what should I do?


Well-known member
Sweet Sunrise sounds tempting, girls! LOL
My MUA was rocking it, and it looked GORGEOUS on her. She was probably NC/NW15/20. I didn't buy it because I thought it was too light, and not sure if it would show up on my pigmented lips. Hmm, what should I do?
I dunno - I tried Sweet Sunrise with and without Fresh Air on top, with no blush and then with the blushes from the collection and it just didn't excite me. It covered the red in my lips just fine and looked ok, just not sensational. Just kind of drab. I'm NC15 with black hair and it just didn't do much for my coloring. Flamingo is a much more exciting near nude on me, while the colors from this collection are serviceable, nothing special and made my skin look a little washed out. I think they'll all be more flattering on people with lighter hair and brow coloring and with a more neutral to NW skin tone. One of the gals from earlier in the thread who was NW20 with brown hair and eyes looked really great in it!

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