MAC - Naturally Discussion


Well-known member
I started rethinking the blushes again even after our last convo. You once again helped keep my pass status on this coll. Which I thank you cause I'll need money for S3/C3 (thats the right abreviation right?) And I plan on getting Feather blush from Tarina Tarantino to make up for not getting any from this coll lol

But I am glad everyone else is enjoying thier naturally goodies!

I was at the mall earlier and stopped by the MAC counter at Nordstrom - I checked out all of the blushes and even tried on Fresh Honey and Subtle Breeze. I loved all three blushes in the pan but the two I tried on were definitely not for me. Fresh Honey sat on my skin and looked like I had a bruise and Subtle Breeze just made me look red-faced. Early Morning appeared really dark when I swatched it on my hand so I decided to pass on even trying it on.

I ended up impulse-purchasing Blonde MSF because it looked very nice on me, and I think it will be a good multi-functional powder where I can wear it as a blush and then some. I was weary about it since I already own Porcelain Pink - I wasn't sure how similar the two would be, but they definitely are different in appearance on my skin. PP is more of a golden pinky glow , almost shimmery, whereas Blonde warms me up a little bit and gives me a nice rosy glow.


Well-known member
I dunno - I tried Sweet Sunrise with and without Fresh Air on top, with no blush and then with the blushes from the collection and it just didn't excite me. It covered the red in my lips just fine and looked ok, just not sensational. Just kind of drab. I'm NC15 with black hair and it just didn't do much for my coloring. Flamingo is a much more exciting near nude on me, while the colors from this collection are serviceable, nothing special and made my skin look a little washed out. I think they'll all be more flattering on people with lighter hair and brow coloring and with a more neutral to NW skin tone. One of the gals from earlier in the thread who was NW20 with brown hair and eyes looked really great in it!

I know what you mean. Yes, the MUA definitely had neutral skin tone. Sorry that I said NC. Maybe that explains why Sweet Sunrise looked amazing on her.
I'm still curious how Sweet Sunrise would look on me, but I have a feeling it might wash me out a little, too. I will definitely rock Flamingo and the similar pink/coral nude lipsticks! They are the easier colors for me.

Thank you, liba!


Well-known member

PIxidancer & sweetsarah- your looks are fantastic- very inspiring!
I can't wait for this collection to launch here- I will defo be picking up daylight and the 286

Thia Winter

Well-known member
I went back to my counter yesterday and picked up a Daylight MES. GORGEOUS!

On a silly side note I think it's hilarious that my fave associate at my counter had seen less of the teaser pics of the upcoming collections than *I* had.


Well-known member
Alright, the editing thing finally worked on my iPhone so here is the look I did today in less than 3 minutes. I did take this with a phone so that is why my face looks deformed, lol.

I used the lightest part of Summer Haze all over the lid, a bit of the darker gold in the outer, and Tempting in the crease. Tarte Exposed blush and A Perfect Day on the lips.
Lovely look! A Perfect Day looks GREAT on you!!


Well-known member
Oh no. I think I made a poor choice with Summer Haze. On my skin it looks identical to Grande Entrance (which I have, plus a backup). I hate taking things back but it at $24 I don't know that I'll use it. Dang.


Specktra Bestie
I caved! I couldn't resist Cloudy Afternoon when I saw it in person. I've been looking for a shade somewhere between a silver and a taupe for ages and this one is PERFECT. I figure I'll just deal with the itchy eyes as best I can; although I have it on today and so far there isn't a problem. I'm wondering if it's just certain colours that are a problem for me. BTW, I love how this looks with Hocus Pocus from Bloggers Obsessions- being a warmer grey, it's sort of a perfect complement to a brownish silver.

Here's are a couple of pics- I have Cloudy Afternoon on my lids and Blonde MSF on my cheeks:



Well-known member
Gorgeous pic! I also am a fan of cloudy afternoon with hocus pocus.
I caved! I couldn't resist Cloudy Afternoon when I saw it in person. I've been looking for a shade somewhere between a silver and a taupe for ages and this one is PERFECT. I figure I'll just deal with the itchy eyes as best I can; although I have it on today and so far there isn't a problem. I'm wondering if it's just certain colours that are a problem for me. BTW, I love how this looks with Hocus Pocus from Bloggers Obsessions- being a warmer grey, it's sort of a perfect complement to a brownish silver.

Here's are a couple of pics- I have Cloudy Afternoon on my lids and Blonde MSF on my cheeks:



Well-known member
I caved! I couldn't resist Cloudy Afternoon when I saw it in person. I've been looking for a shade somewhere between a silver and a taupe for ages and this one is PERFECT. I figure I'll just deal with the itchy eyes as best I can; although I have it on today and so far there isn't a problem. I'm wondering if it's just certain colours that are a problem for me. BTW, I love how this looks with Hocus Pocus from Bloggers Obsessions- being a warmer grey, it's sort of a perfect complement to a brownish silver.

Here's are a couple of pics- I have Cloudy Afternoon on my lids and Blonde MSF on my cheeks:

Kate you look as beautiful as ever!


Well-known member
I LOVE LOVE LOVE sweet sunrise OVER a perfect day! I had to go back for a 2nd haul to get these lippies after reading comments HERE! lol

ALSO I discovered if you apply party parrot and then blot blot blot it down to just a stain and then apply a perfect day &/or sweet sunrise, you get a really pretty lite milky pink! (sorta like FLAMINGO!!!)

sooo glad I went back for sweet sunrise and a perfect day!


Well-known member
I caved! I couldn't resist Cloudy Afternoon when I saw it in person. I've been looking for a shade somewhere between a silver and a taupe for ages and this one is PERFECT. I figure I'll just deal with the itchy eyes as best I can; although I have it on today and so far there isn't a problem. I'm wondering if it's just certain colours that are a problem for me. BTW, I love how this looks with Hocus Pocus from Bloggers Obsessions- being a warmer grey, it's sort of a perfect complement to a brownish silver.

Here's are a couple of pics- I have Cloudy Afternoon on my lids and Blonde MSF on my cheeks:

The combo looks perfect on you! Very elegant!
Thank you for sharing, katred!


Well-known member
I caved! I couldn't resist Cloudy Afternoon when I saw it in person. I've been looking for a shade somewhere between a silver and a taupe for ages and this one is PERFECT. I figure I'll just deal with the itchy eyes as best I can; although I have it on today and so far there isn't a problem. I'm wondering if it's just certain colours that are a problem for me. BTW, I love how this looks with Hocus Pocus from Bloggers Obsessions- being a warmer grey, it's sort of a perfect complement to a brownish silver.
It may depend on the particular colors (I get that itchy eye thing with some of them too). I haven't really nailed it down yet, but I had the most culprits in Semi-Precious, which certainly had more chunky bits overall than the ones from G&I. The Naturally ones are even smoother and less frosty-based than G&I, and they've all been fine for me so far too.

One other thing that I suspected might have been the problem from Semi-Precious onwards, if not before, was wetting the brush before putting it in the pan. Perhaps with these more finely milled MES, they're becoming more easily tainted by direct moisture. I've stopped picking up any of them wet and just wet the brush afterwards instead. To tell the truth, the G&I ones honestly look better if you apply them dry and then mist your eyes after application anyhow. The Naturally ones I've got (Daylight, TF and In the Sun) have gone back to looking best applied wet, but I'm being fastidious and not putting a wet brush in the pan.

In any case, there's got to be an ingredient component too, since Dalliance Mega Metal is one of my biggest teary-eye perpetrators, but then again, I was putting a wet brush into those pans too.....can't hurt to be careful, I guess.

'Talking about Dalliance, Cloudy Afternoon reminds me of a softer, greyer Dalliance. It's really pretty, and perfect for people that couldn't quite pull off the olive undertones of Dalliance, but who still want a color in that vein.


Well-known member
Beautiful pics ladies thanks for the inspiration!

Am I the only one who isn't impressed with the MSF's and don't feel the need to get them??

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