MAC - Naturally Discussion


Well-known member
Super pretty, Pixie!

I ended up skipping the blushes—none of the colors called to me in person but Subtle Breeze and I just bought two other pink blushes recently. So I ended up with Redhead (I was originally going for Blonde, but again with all the pinks!) and In the Sun. My ItS is kinda funny looking, it's got the pretty golden veining all throughout with a big blob of fuschia on one side. But it was the only one at the counter with any noticeable fuschia.

There was a new MA at the counter who seemed pretty uninformed and wasn't terribly friendly so I didn't feel comfortable standing around swatching like I normally do. It's probably for the best because I don't need to spend any more money right now (and swatching more usually means I spend more!) but I made my decisions a little more hastily than usual and am not 100% certain about them. I'll play with them later today and hopefully I will be happy with what I got, I hate to return things.


Well-known member
Pixie you look awesome! Are you liking the 286 brush?

I got my stuff yesterday: EM & SH. I'm so excited that my SH looks just like Mac-Guys. Excellent veining. I love this shadow. It's neutral with a pop. It's also one that can be used all year no matter if I'm a little more chocolate than usual. I'm glad this one popped on my radar because I was going to skip it.

I also love EM. I've never had a mineralize blush before so I was surprised by the sheen on it. It's really pretty and gives some depth and a dual chrome look from different angles. I'll be going to my counter to check out the other blush because I really like this one.


Well-known member
Here are better pictures of A Perfect Day. Excuse the redness around my mouth. I had just cleaned and moisturized, and was still a bit red. :/ To me it looks like a lighter version of Blankety, which I own but I haven't compared the two yet. I am an NC25.



Well-known member
No, you're not alone - I don't do those overly fish-scale metallic finish ones either but I do own Blonde & Redhead & they are fine.

Oh dear, looks like I have skipper's remorse and need to go for another order for both MSF. Maybe I should grab the faux gold-like MES too...


Well-known member
oh don't say faux gold..I look in the sales everyday for one, so so mad I missed out on it!

Oh dear, looks like I have skipper's remorse and need to go for another order for both MSF. Maybe I should grab the faux gold-like MES too...


Well-known member
If you have time to go veining hunting and find an In the Sun MES with less red, you can get close enough to Faux Gold. It is not the same as both the color and texture are slightly different, but it's better than no Faux Gold dupe at all. Good luck!


Well-known member
Pixie you look awesome! Are you liking the 286 brush?

I got my stuff yesterday: EM & SH. I'm so excited that my SH looks just like Mac-Guys. Excellent veining. I love this shadow. It's neutral with a pop. It's also one that can be used all year no matter if I'm a little more chocolate than usual. I'm glad this one popped on my radar because I was going to skip it.

I also love EM. I've never had a mineralize blush before so I was surprised by the sheen on it. It's really pretty and gives some depth and a dual chrome look from different angles. I'll be going to my counter to check out the other blush because I really like this one.



Well-known member

Mac Fresh Honey vs Nars Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal is deeper and more burnt looking? and also Taj Mahal has golden particles in it making it look like a golden orange when I wear it
Fresh Honey is more subtle. I LOVE THEM BOTH :) I find wearing orange anywhere on my face (except for my lips) awesome


Well-known member
I was debating my In the Sun purchase and I swatched it next to a few I already have:

UD Chopper, MAC In the Sun, Kat Von D Venus (Angeles palette), MAC Coppering

Sunlight (what little is left right now, heh)

It's a keeper!


Well-known member
I just got Summer Haze. It's so pretty!

I did a really quick and simple look with it and Tempting in the crease but I don't know if I have the guts to post a pic on here.

Here is a photo of the veining, though. Did I get a good one?



Well-known member
If you have time to go veining hunting and find an In the Sun MES with less red, you can get close enough to Faux Gold. It is not the same as both the color and texture are slightly different, but it's better than no Faux Gold dupe at all. Good luck!
I know the tester I tried had very little of the violet and it was so close to my Faux Gold that I passed on it (since I forgot that there ought to be ones with plenty of violet in it). In fact, the main difference was that In the Sun was smoother with less frost and glitter, and more buildable, which I'd say is a plus in its favor. In other words, don't sit around sad about Faux Gold - go for In the Sun and benefit from the MES's constantly improving quality!!


Oh... and I need advice. Do I need Blonde MSF if I have SM Rose Quartz MSF? Right now I'm neutral .. somewhere between 10 and 15.
My SP RQ MSF doesn't get that much love because it can get a bit glittery
I skipped on Blonde MSF because it is very similar to Rose Quartz. But I did get Redhead, as well as two of the blushes Early Morning and Fresh Honey. I returned Sweet Sunrise, the only lipstick I got because I found it too pale for me.


Well-known member
I was tempted by Blonde, but I also passed, but because it looked pretty close to Crystal Pink on me (I swirled it in the middle, instead of taking it from either end). Crystal Pink is definitely greyer and cooler, but heck, I have a ton of MSFs right now and figured I'd better make more of a dent in them and just spend my money on the fantastic MBs (I got them allllllll and have been going nuts blending 2 or 3 of them at a time in a color mixing frenzy). If I go back to my store for anything, I know I'm gonna give Blonde another's very tempting, even to my anti-enabler brain telling me NO, especially since it's not as frosty as I feared it would be.

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